Planning Board Minutes 07.28.20



July 28th,2020          


The meeting was called to order at 7: 05 pm

Members Present: Pam Bruss (Chair), Carol Troy (Vice Chair), Carol Meise, Tom Dunne, Alternate Steve Chase seated in for Mel Pfeifle, Laurie Colburn, Michael James (Selectmen’s Rep), and alternate Sonny Harris. (Mel Pfeifle seated at 7:07pm, Steve Chase unseated at 7:07pm).

Members Absent: Doug Troy (Alternate)

Public Present: Gerald Martin II

To Do:

  • Review and consideration of the July 14th, 2020 minutes

Motion: Laurie Colburn motioned to accept the minutes as written.

Second: Carol Troy

Decision: Laurie Colburn-Ayes, Carol Meise-Ayes, Michael James-Ayes, Carol Troy- Ayes, Steve Chase- Ayes, Tom Dunne-Ayes, Pam Bruss- Ayes.

Appearances: Gerald H Martin, II

Public Hearing Map 7 lot 68

Pam Bruss (Chair) read hearing rules and procedures into record. The Public Hearing was called into Session for Map 7 lot 68 at 7:11pm. The notice was Posted in the Concord Monitor, at the BACC, and on the website. Abutters were notified as well as department heads for feedback.

*Pam Bruss (Chair) noted that the Planning Board Subdivision rules and procedures need to be updated because any lot under 5 acres needs the states approval.

  • Gerald H Martin, II residing at 121 Forest Street Bradford, NH 03221 (Map 7 Lot 68) for the review of a lot line of adjustment application. Gerald H Martin, II (Jay) gave a status update and stated that the septic and test pit area needs to be updated on the map. The Surveyor is covering all details from the previous Planning Board meeting. Jay is in the process of requesting a flood map amendment from FEMA. Jay is awaiting all proper materials to move forward. The public hearing will be continued and this will continue to be an item on the agenda.

Motion: Laurie Colburn motioned a continuation for the August 11th,2020 Planning Board meeting.

Second: Carol Troy

Decision: Carol Troy -Ayes, Laurie Colburn-Ayes, Tom Dunne-Ayes, Mel Pfeifle-Ayes, Michael James-Ayes, Carol Troy-Ayes, Carol Meise-Ayes, Pam Bruss-Ayes.

        The Public Hearing was closed at 7:20pm. Will be continued on August 11th, 2020.

  • Pam Bruss reviewed and acknowledged a Shore land Permit by the Town of Bradford for storm water management improvements. All other Planning Board members will review as well.
  • The PDF file(s) for the site plan applications for NSR were received and sent via email for individual review and will not be discussed until the next Planning Board meeting. The Planning Board would like to hold a Public Hearing on August 25th,2020, Katie Olohan will confirm the tentative dates for a walk through and a public hearing with NSR.

Other Communications:

  • The Zoning ordinances are in need of basic edits Pam Bruss (Chair) will compile with Brooks McCandlish.
  • Laurie will put together short, mid-term and long term items to discuss what the Board will begin working on from the master plan for the August 11th,2020 Planning Board meeting.
  • Carol Troy gave an update that the CIP meeting was postponed on July 20th, 2020. Karen has heard from Steve Hall and is awaiting a completed form in the PDF format; Karen is also waiting to hear back from the fire department. The next CIP meeting will be held on August 3rd, 2020 at 7:00pm.
  • Carol Meise asked if the board should reach out to Central regional Planning for guidance with the table of uses from the Master Plan. Pam Bruss stated weighing out short term and mid-term items should be rated and discussed first.
  • From the Retainer with our Lawyers; Planning and Zoning is allotted one free training course and Pam feels that it would be helpful to the Board. The Board will think of topics and try to schedule a course for the end of September.  
  • Steve chase stated it was difficult to hear, The Board discussed the possibility of microphones so it would be easier to hear. Laurie also shared the audio is good on the live stream.

Planning Board Communications:

The next Planning Board Meeting will be held on August 11th, 2020 at 7:00pm at the Bradford Community Center on 134 East Main Street & remotely on the ZOOM platform. To access and participate in a Planning Board meeting using the Zoom platform, either:

  1. To join Zoom meeting online:

Meeting ID: 309 707 493

Password: 757403


  1. Use a telephone to dial one of the following numbers:

 +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

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And enter the following Meeting ID when prompted:

Meeting ID: 309 707 493

              Password: 757403

Motion: Laurie Colburn motioned to adjourn

Second: Carol Troy

Decision: Carol Troy -Ayes, Laurie Colburn-Ayes, Tom Dunne-Ayes, Mel Pfeifle-Ayes, Michael James-Ayes, Carol Troy-Ayes, Carol Meise-Ayes, Pam Bruss-Ayes.

Adjourned at 7:40pm

Approved Minutes submitted by

Katie Olohan

Planning Board Secretary