Planning Board Minutes 08.13.13



P O Box 436

Bradford, N.H.03221

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Marcia Keller, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00pm with Phil LaMoreaux, Vice Chair, Don Jackson, Erich Caron, Jim Bibbo, Alternate, Steve Chase, Alternate, Sonny Harris, Selectmen Representative, Caryl Walker, Alternate and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Absent were: John Greenwood and Mark Keith.

Best wishes for a speedy recovery for Mark Keith’s son Keegan who has had surgery.

Marcia Keller, Chair seated Jim Bibbo for Mark Keith and Steve Chase for John Greenwood.

Public Hearing – To Propose Amending Earth Excavating to Extend Section XVI A 2 From Three Years to Five Years:

Marcia Keller, Chair turned the meeting over to Phil LaMoreaux, Vice Chair who read the proposal as follows: This change was requested by a gravel pit owner and it would coincide with the state permitting.

A permit shall be valid for five years and the expiration date shall be specified. A permit is automatically withdrawn if no substantial work is done on the site for a period of one year from the date of the issuance of the permit.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair opened discussion from the floor.

There being no comments from the floor, the Public Hearing was closed.

Motion was made by Jim Bibbo to approve changing the wording of the Earth Excavating permit in Section XVI A 2 to read as: A permit shall be valid for five years and the expiration date shall be specified. A permit is automatically withdrawn if no substantial work is done on the site for a period of one year from the date of the issuance of the permit. Motion seconded by Erich Caron. Motion carried 7-0.

Mary Jo Faulkner – Oakdale Road-Merge two properties to make one building lot on Map 19, Lots 31 and 32:

Robert Stewart, RCS Design represented Mary Jo Faulkner and presented a copy of proposed deed to the Board for a Voluntary Merger. A copy of the MCRD receipt for the Planning Board and Assessors Office will be provided when recorded.

Motion was made by Sonny Harris, Selectmen’s Representative to approve the request for a Voluntary Merger for Mary Jo Faulkner property on Oakdale Road, Map 19, Lots 31 and 32. Seconded by Phil LaMoreaux, Vice Chair. Motion carried 7-0.

Ayer & Goss, Welton (Skip) and Carolyn McKean re Sign:

Skip and Carolyn McKean came before the Planning Board regarding putting signs with their Logo on the new canopy over the gas pumps on Route 113. One sign to be 2 X 6 Feet seen from Route 114 and two 2 X 5 Foot signs on each end, equaling 32 Square Feet. This requires a Site Plan Revision and they will forward pictures depicting the lettering. It was mentioned that the adjoining lot currently has a sign on the building. This is a separate lot, and no notice is required. They will return on the August 27th to the Planning Board meeting.

Kelly Gale, KLG Architecture Representing John Gioldassis for Conceptual Consultation re: changes:

Kelly Gale, representing John Gioldassis regarding anticipated changes on Map 17, Lot 62. The updated plans include an ATM being located where the Sugar Shack used to be. A two bedroom apartment on the second floor. Kelly Gale advised that the Building Inspector and Fire Department have viewed the property and it was suggested that a third party Fire Code Official be contacted and they will be checking tomorrow for the cost.

Kelly Gale was advised that a Complete Site Plan Application would be required considering the changes.

Motion was made by Phil LaMoreaux to require notifying abutters with the new plans for the Site Plan. Jim Bibbo seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

Kelly Gale advised they will be in for the September 10, 2013 meeting.

The many signs that are not up to code for Dunkin Donuts were discussed. Code Enforcement officer will be contacted to check into these.

Motion was made by Jim Bibbo to sign the Voluntary Merger when it come in for Map 19, Lot 31 and 32 and Map 17, Lot 48 and 49, at the former Sanborn property. Sonny Harris, Selectmen Representative seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

Mention was made for a letter to be forwarded to the Selectmen regarding Mr. Douglas Jackson failing to respond to a required Site Plan Application.

Erich Caron has worked on the editing and printing of the tri-fold information and will print the finished product and put in the Selectmen’s office.

Erich Caron notified the Board that he will be away until October.

CIP Update:

Phil LaMoreaux, Vice Chair advised the paper work is out to all of the Department Heads and should be in soon and a meeting will be set up for the committee.

There being no other business to come before the board, meeting adjourned at 8:45pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
