Planning Board Minutes 09.14.21

The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm

Members Present: Pam Bruss (Chair), Carol Troy (Vice Chair), Steve Chase (Alternate) seated for Tom Dunne, Katie Olohan (Alternate) seated for Laurie Colburn, Doug Troy, Carol Meise, Sonny Harris, Mel Pfeifle (Selectmen’s Rep) seated at 8:08pm.

Members Absent: Laurie Colburn, Tom Dunne. 

Public Present: Mike Dillon, Holly (Salera) Fitzgerald, Jason Allen, Scott McCaskill, Kelly McCaskill, David Eneguess, Sandy Wadlington.

To Do:

  • Pledge of Allegiance
  • Review of meeting minutes.

Motion: Carol Troy motioned to move the acceptance of the July 27th, August 10th & 24th, 2021 minutes.

Second: Doug Troy

Decision: Carol Troy- Aye, Katie Olohan- Aye, Doug Troy-Aye, Steve Chase-Aye, Carol Meise-Aye, Pam Bruss-Aye.

 Public Hearing(s):  

  • Site Plan- Map 17 Lot 2– Applicant Trask Pfeifle. Chair Pam Bruss read the rules and procedures into record for the Public Hearing. The Public Hearing opened at 7:06 pm. The public notice was posted online and to the abutters.  This requires a site plan because the building has been vacant for two years. The site plan application was read into record. The proposed use for the building will be used for a print/embroidery shop.

Motion: Carol Troy motioned that the application is complete.

Second: Steve Chase

Decision: Carol Troy- Aye, Katie Olohan- Aye, Doug Troy-Aye, Steve Chase-Aye, Carol Meise-Aye, Pam Bruss-Aye.

Trask Pfeifle gave an over view of the proposed use. Four embroidery machines, 3 digital printers, one screen printing wheel. The hours maybe Monday through Saturday 9 am – 5 pm.

Carol Troy gave an over view of the site walk. The Parking will be on the east side of the building and has approximately 15 spots. The Public Hearing was opened to the Public at 7:13pm. Abutter Sandy Wadlington had questions regarding the septic and lighting of the building. The main concern was the screen cleaning protocol and the septic system. There was a concern of the waste. Abutter Sandy Wadlington would like to know what the increase of noise will be. Pam Bruss explained the noise and the area in which the building is zoned which is Business/Residential. Trask Pfeifle offered written confirmation that there will be no disposal of waste. The Planning Board showed a map of the location of the septic to the abutter. The Public Hearing was closed at 7:22 pm to the public. The Board discussed expressed concerns of noise. Pam Bruss asked if car detailing would be occurring, all work will be conducted inside of the building. The cleaning of the screens was discussed and the waste management system in place. Doug Troy shared that once the plans are finalized the waste management should be noted in writing and the business owner will follow and comply with the EPA and state regulations. Sonny Harris gave an overview of the previous uses of the lot and building.

Motion: Carol Troy motioned to approve the site plan with the condition a description of any waste generated from the business and must comply with EPA and state regulations.

Second: Steve Chase

Decision: Carol Troy- Aye, Katie Olohan -Aye, Doug Troy- Aye, Steve Chase- Aye, Carol Meise- Aye, Pam Bruss- Aye.

  • Site Plan Map 16 Lot 87– Applicant Town of Bradford/ Magistro: Public Hearing was opened at 7:36 pm. Public notice posted online. Application was received August 24th, 2021. Proposed use is for a bakery. Lot size is point .39 acres. Hours of operation will be as follows: Monday closed, open on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday from 6am-2pm, Friday 6am-5pm, Saturday 6am-5pm, Sunday 6am-2pm.  The Board asked what the estimated costs of the project. Applicant Sal Magistro stated approximately $20k. The amount of fees will be discussed at a later date (still need to be determined). The Planning Board needs a letter of authorization from the Selectboard office. There are verbal/ meeting records stating the authorization from the Selectboard. The Planning Board needs something in writing. Sonny Harris gave an overview of the land and stated that viatical space may be available. Sal Magistro is in the process of speaking with the Church regarding use of the parking lot.  Lighting was discussed and needs to be noted on the site plan. The sign needs to be drawn and added to the plan as well. The Public Hearing was opened to the Public at 7:52pm. No comments. Closed to the public at 7:53pm. Signage needs to be addressed and posted that there is no parking at the Fire Department. Steve Chase wanted to clarify if the proposed use was onsite dining or take out only. This is still yet to be determined due to approval from the State of New Hampshire. The Board discussed the proposed use written on the application.  Carol Troy stated the building is handicap accessible.

Motion: Steve Chase motioned to accept the application as complete.

Second:  Doug Troy

Decision: Carol Troy- Aye, Katie Olohan -Aye, Doug Troy- Aye, Steve Chase- Aye, Carol Meise- Aye, Pam Bruss- Aye.

Motion: Carol Troy motioned to approve the site plan for Map 16 Lot 87.

Second: Carol Meise

Decision: Carol Troy- Aye, Katie Olohan -Aye, Doug Troy- Aye, Steve Chase- Aye, Carol Meise- Aye, Pam Bruss- Aye.

  • Subdivision Map 2 Lot 9– McCaskill – Rules and Procedures were read into record. The Public Hearing was opened at 8:09 pm. Public notice was given. The application was read into record. Number of lots (2), located in the rural residential zone. The land is currently in current use and the Town Office will find out the fees associated with the change of current use. The Planning Board will need an updated deed description. The applicant is proposing their own driveway.

Motion: Mel Pfeifle motioned to accept the subdivision application conditionally with the updated deed description.

Second: Carol Troy

Decision: Carol Troy- Aye, Katie Olohan -Aye, Doug Troy- Aye, Steve Chase- Aye, Carol Meise- Aye, Pam Bruss- Aye.

The applicant discussed the plan to construct a new home. Open at 8:20 to public. Closed at 8:21 pm.

Motion: Steve Chase motioned to approve the Subdivision application.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: Carol Troy- Aye, Katie Olohan -Aye, Doug Troy- Aye, Steve Chase- Aye, Carol Meise- Aye, Pam Bruss- Aye.

*A mylar is needed, updated deed description, Abutters postal difference fee of $20.99.

The Public Hearing was closed at 8:27pm.


  • Present for a preliminary discussion Mike Dillon was present to submit voluntary merger of lots form, as well as a home business compliance form. A 22’x 22’ two garage would be the existing building being proposed for the use of a wood working shop. The Planning Board discussed previous recorded meetings. Carol Troy read the zoning ordinance into record. Pam Bruss discussed the form filled out and it is not clear as to how previous activity has changed to the now proposed use. The Planning Board would like clarification regarding the noise and dust.  Doug Troy explained the ordinance over the course of his time on the Planning Board. The Planning Board can not vote on anything or discuss unless publicly noticed. Mike Dillon was given the floor with 10 to 15 minutes to discuss, Mike Dillon feels that the Board has treated him unfairly. There is no clarity as to how the business has changed from expanding to down sizing back to its original home business.

Mike Dillon will be added to the September 28th, 2021 to discuss a home business compliance discussion.

  • Map 17 Lot 67 preliminary discussion for site plan/change of use. 10-5 Thursday- Sunday. 6 parking spots available. 1 person maybe two employees at a time. Holly explained that there would be no changes to the landscape. The signage is staying. There is no change of use at this point in time.
  • Lot Line of Adjustment Map 2 Lot 4 Map 2 Lot 4-01- Preliminary discussion for a lot line of adjustment. A Public hearing is scheduled for September 28th, 2021.
  • Site Plan Preliminary discussion- Map 16 Lot 115- proposed use would stay within the current use of the building.

Other Communications:


Planning Board Communications:

The next Planning Board Meeting will be held on September 28th, 2021 at 7:00pm in person and remotely on the ZOOM platform. To access and participate in a Planning Board meeting using the Zoom platform, either:

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Motion: Katie Olohan motioned to adjourn.

Second: Doug Troy

Decision: Carol Troy- Aye, Katie Olohan -Aye, Doug Troy- Aye, Steve Chase- Aye, Carol Meise- Aye, Pam Bruss- Aye.

Meeting Adjourned at pm 9:58 pm

Draft Minutes submitted by

Alternate Katie Olohan