Planning Board Minutes 09.22.20



September 22, 2020


The meeting was called to order at 7:02 pm

Members Present: Pam Bruss (Chair), Carol Troy (Vice Chair), Carol Meise (via Zoom), Tom Dunne, Laurie Colburn (via Zoom), Sonny Harris (Alternate), Mel Pfeifle, Doug Troy (Alternate), Steve Chase (Alternate) and Michael James (Selectmen’s Rep) seated at 7:14 pm.

Members Absent: None

Public Present: Judy Anderson of 57 Jones Road, Russell Von Beron of 33 West Main St., Beth Rodd, Richard Gates, Dick Wright, Craig and Sharon Stokehole, Bob and Conny Brooks, Buddy and Sue Allen, Ken Milender, Tracy Quigley, Alissa Neuneker, Sarah Amytay, Linda Ched, Neil Tockman, Janet and Mark Lawson, Brian McMullen, Steve Macanese, Ellen Ezereto, Claire James, Wendy & George Naughton, Bob Stewart.

To Do:

  • Review and consideration of the August 25th, 2020 minutes

Motion: Carol Troy motioned to accept the minutes as written

Second: Tom Dunne

Decision: Laurie Colburn-Ayes, Carol Meise-Ayes, Carol Troy- Ayes, Tom Dunne-Ayes, Mel Pfeifle- Ayes, Pam Bruss- Ayes

Pledge of Allegiance at 7:07pm


  • Initial Consultation Bradford Fish and Game – Map 2 Lot 110 & Lot 111– Russell Von Beron was present moderating on behalf of Bradford Fish and Game located on 89 Gillingham Drive Bradford, NH 03221. There is a shooting backstop located on the property. Recently there have been complaints in connection to the shooting on the premises. Russell spoke with Jason Allen who recommended as a resident to remove signage and to temporarily stop the shooting activity. Currently there is no site plan, the building on the property is located in Newbury, no activity is being conducted on the .03-acre lot located in Bradford. The shooting back stop is on the 6-acre lot located in Bradford. The Newbury, NH lot(s) adjoin the Bradford, NH lot(s).  A shooting back stop

is on the property and has been used for Hunter Education Programs. The classes are taken online and students come to Bradford Fish and Game where they are visually monitored to see if they can operate a fire arm safely.

 Board member Carol Troy questioned when the back stop was assembled. Russell replied approximately seven years ago. Russell stated that a 3-sided berm about 50’ feet high and 6’ feet in width is in place for the shooting- backstop which is roughly 300 yards from any abutters.

Board of Directors Dick Wright gave some history pertaining to Bradford Fish and Game stating that Bradford Fish and Game was established in 1947 and in 1966 shooting began. Pam Bruss (Chair) stated that the Bradford Zoning Ordinance was enacted in 1989 clarifying why there is no site plan on file. Pam Bruss emphasized the importance of the Bradford Fish and Game and the education contribution to the community. Pam Bruss (Chair) also stressed the importance of having a site plan because of the increased activity and increased flow of traffic.

Pam Bruss opened the discussion to the Board members. Carol Troy questioned if this is a project of regional impact due to the abutting lots in Newbury. Mel Pfeifle questioned the reasoning for a site plan. Mel Pfeifle suggested not removing the signs for the signs inform the public of the active shooting and ensures the public’s safety. Carol Meise affirmed having a site plan would clarify the traffic flow, hours, activity and would clarify the noise.

Russell questioned if Bradford Fish and Game are required to have a site plan. Pam Bruss (Chair) responded that the initial consultation is to clarify if there is a change of use. Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission have been contacted and the Bradford Planning Board is awaiting a response.

Planning Board member Carol Troy questioned what the distance from the back stop to the lake; to clarify the noise and how sound travels differently around water.

Russell affirmed approximately a thousand yards and roughly 900 yards to the road. Russell stated that up until the signage was posted the public really had no complaints about the shooting activity at the Bradford Fish and Game Club. The club is intended to be a Hunting and Fishing club, not a shooting club.

Planning Board member Laurie Colburn suggested that the Planning Board conduct a site walk to determine if there is a really a change of use. Pam asked Russell how do you see this being resolved. Russell (Fritz) present as a liaison for the Bradford Fish and Game Club stated that a meeting will be held with the club for a response. On a personal basis Russell vocalized that the club should be grandfathered in. Bradford Fish and game do not police the shooting and believes the complaints are from the posting of the signs. Sonny Harris does not agree with a change of use, stating the club has been preexisting since 1966. Pam would like to ensure the process to move forward with the Bradford Fish and Game. The Board agreed that the Planning Board needs guidance from the Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission.

 Bradford fish and game strongly feel that they would like to be grandfathered in with no site plan. The hours that have been posted for the club Monday- Saturday 8-7 pm Sunday 10-5 pm. Currently there is not a shooting log, Mel Pfeifle suggested keeping a log.  The Planning Board will communicate with CRNHPC and will reconvene to continue the initial consultation. Anything pertaining to the ongoing matter will be posted on the Planning Board agendas.

Initial Consultation ended at 8:00 pm

  • Public Hearing for Map 7 Lot 68:

Applicant Gerald H. Martin II for a lot line adjustment the applicant Jay (Gerald) Martin is awaiting on LOMA documentation from the surveyor and no new materials are available to provide to the Planning Board at this time.

Motion: Carol Troy motioned a continuation of the public hearing for Map 7 Lot 68 to October 13th, 2020.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: Laurie Colburn-Ayes, Carol Meise-Ayes, Carol Troy- Ayes, Tom Dunne-Ayes, Mel Pfeifle- Ayes, Michael James- Ayes, Pam Bruss- Ayes.

  • Public Hearing for Map 6 Lot 99:

The applicant(s) are applying for minor repair of trucks and to repair and refurbish trash containers for Map 6/ Lot 99. Pam read the rules and procedures into record.

Public hearing in session at 8:09 pm.

  • The Board reviewed and read the application into record.

Motion: Mel Pfeifle motioned to accept the application as complete.

Second: Laurie Colburn

Decision: Carol Troy- Ayes, Michael James (Selectmen’s Rep)- Ayes, Mel Pfeifle- Ayes, Tom Dunne-Ayes, Carol Meise- Ayes, Pam Bruss-Ayes, Laurie Colburn-Ayes.

Bob Stewart from RCS Designs spoke on behalf of Map 6 Lot 99 located on Jones Road. Bob Stewart stated the existing site that has a barn on the property will be used for the repair of storage containers by way of welding. The capacity is between 4-5 employees. The property is owned by George and Wendy Naughton and will be leased to Naughton Recycling. The question is the onsite septic and another onsite question is the drainage. The drainage and erosion control will need revised site plans and are currently being drafted.

Motion: Carol Troy motioned a continuation for Map 6 Lot 99 until October 13th, 2020.

Second: Carol Meise

Decision: Carol Troy- Ayes, Michael James (Selectmen’s Rep)- Ayes, Mel Pfeifle- Ayes, Tom Dunne-Ayes, Carol Meise- Ayes, Pam Bruss-Ayes, Laurie Colburn-Ayes.

There were no comments from the public.

The Public Hearing was closed at 8:28 pm.

Public Hearing for Map 3/ Lot 109 A:

Applicant(s) George & Wendy Naughton are applying for the use of a parking and storage area for trucks and containers for Map 3/Lot 109A.

Public hearing in session at 8:29 pm.

 The Board reviewed the application and read into record – Proposed use was amended to the use of a parking and storage area for trucks and containers.

Motion: Carol Troy motioned to accept the application as complete.

Second: Tom Dunne

Decision: Carol Troy- Ayes, Michael James (Selectmen’s Rep)- Ayes, Mel Pfeifle- Ayes, Tom Dunne-Ayes, Carol Meise- Ayes, Pam Bruss-Ayes, Laurie Colburn-Ayes.

Bob Stewart from RCS Design spoke on behalf of the applicant(s) for Map 3 Lot 109 A- 0.86acres.  The proposed area will be used for storage of containers that are in the process of being repaired. Bob Stewart has added stones on the updated site plan, screening from the road and evergreens as a buffer. Notes have been added to the new site plan in regards to the questions and concerns from the site walk.  Four changes have been noted on the site plan. The site plan needs tobe amended and re -submitted that the evergreens will also be maintained.  Carol Meise would like to know the maximum build out- and overall dimensions. Board member Carol Meise would like to know the maximum capacity to clarify if this would trigger the 10,000 sqft. runoff plan- impervious surface- shoreland protection. Bob Stewart stated that the lot is outside the 250ft requirement; the highwater mark of the river has also been noted on the plan. Bob Stewart stated that the impervious surface area to the shoreland protection does not apply. 

Out of Session at 8:53 pm

 In Session at 8:54 pm.

Letters and comments from the public were read into record.

Steve Chase could not find the note that marks the 100-year flood plain. Carol Meise has concerns of the containers and the iron soaking into the ground. Carol Meise stated with no stormwater management plan in place what can be done to mitigate the ground water. Carol Troy asked if the DES would be coming and inspecting the containers on the leased lots Map 3 lot 109A and Map 6 Lot 99. Steve Chase emphasized the flood plain in the Warner River and that Lake Massasecum has a heavy back flow. Sonny expressed concerns in regards to the conservation commission letter and Anderson letter. Would like to know the answers to the species of concern? No comment on the aquifer.

Out of Session at 9:29pm

In Session at 9:30pm

The Board discussed condition of soils for Map 3 lot 109A. All fill soil will be clean and free of pollutant’s and containments for their use.

Out of Session at 9:34pm

 In session at 9:38pm.

The Board discussed the concerns regarding the water, testing of the water was also discussed. There are too many factors that would contribute to containments in the water. WRLAC clarified they do not test anything analytical and can become very costly. The containers are cleaned on the site with the approved EPA pond. The Board discussed a condition that the containers will not be cleaned on the proposed sites, 

The applicant(s) asked for the public hearing to be continued at 9:45pm.

Motion: Carol Troy motioned a continuation for Map 3 Lot 109A for October 13th,2020.

Second: Laurie Colburn

Decision: Carol Troy- Ayes, Michael James (Selectmen’s Rep)- Ayes, Mel Pfeifle- Ayes, Tom Dunne-Ayes, Carol Meise- Ayes, Pam Bruss-Ayes, Laurie Colburn-Ayes.

Public hearing closed at 9:47pm.

*The Public Hearing was noticed in the Intertown Record,, posted at the BACC as well as the Post Office. All abutters and department heads were notified.

  • Subdivision Application for Map 10 Lot 6 -Susan Murphy –

Mike and Janet Bauer on behalf of Susan Murphy decided to reschedule for the October 13th, 2020 Planning Board meeting.

Other Communications:

  • The Planning Board discussed adding to the next agenda proposing accepting application once a month and having one working meeting.
  • Sonny Harris would like the Board to discuss surveyors’ details when submitting surveys and the need for the maps to be more specific when identifying roads.
  • The next CIP meeting will be on September 29th,2020 at 7:00 pm.

Planning Board Communications:

The next Planning Board Meeting will be held on October 13th, 2020 at 7:00pm at the Bradford Community Center on 134 East Main Street & remotely on the ZOOM platform. To access and participate in a Planning Board meeting using the Zoom platform, either:

  1. To join Zoom meeting online:

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  1. Use a telephone to dial one of the following numbers:

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Motion: Carol Troy motioned to adjourn

Second: Tom Dunne

Decision: Carol Troy-Ayes, Laurie Colburn-Ayes, Tom Dunne-Ayes, Mel Pfeifle-Ayes, Carol Meise-Ayes., Michael James (Selectmen’s Rep)- Ayes, Pam Bruss- Ayes.

Adjourned at 9:54 pm

Approved Minutes submitted by

Katie Olohan

Planning Board Secretary