Planning Board Minutes 09.24.19



SEPTEMBER 24, 2019

Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.

Members Present: Pam Bruss (Chair), Claire James (Vice Chair), Carol Troy, Tom Dunne, Laurie Colburn, Carol Meise, Marlene Freyler (Alternate)

Members Absent: Steve Chase, Alternate; Michael James, Selectman Rep.; Doug Troy, Alternate

To Do:

  • Review and Consideration of September 10th, 2019 Minutes.

Motion: Carol Troy motioned to approve the minutes

Second: Carol Meise

Decision: 6-0 in favor

  • Review a letter of concern regarding Sign Ordinance compliance – Table until the next meeting.


  • Conservation Commission did not appear before the board. Pam will invite Ann Eldridge to the meeting on October 22nd to discuss thoughts regarding a proposal to establish a distinct Rural Residential District with larger lot size requirements versus a Residential District.
  • Mike Tardiff from Central New Hampshire Regional Planning appeared to discuss progress on the Master Plan. Matt Monahan will appear on October 8th to review the Housing chapter of the Master Plan draft.

The Board discussed the Land Use chapter with Mike focusing on a build out analysis previously provided which strategized focusing density increases and development in the downtown/village areas while retaining the rural nature of Bradford by potentially increasing minimum lot sizes in areas where there is a desire to protect natural resources. Marlene stressed the Board should make sure they are focused on protecting the land not the people. There was also conversation regarding alignment of the Capital Improvement Plan with the Master Plan. Mike will attend the October 22nd meeting for further discussion with a goal of drafting a high-level target map outlining a recommendation to establish a Rural/Residential versus a Residential District. The Board reviewed and edited the chapter objectives and recommendations.

Claire will follow up with Mike on edits gathered from the previous provided. After the review of the Land Use and Housing chapters, CNHRP will draft a Visioning and Implementation chapter. The Planning Board will need to identify the top 8 priorities from all the chapters for the Implementation chapter.


  • A meeting with property owners from Chestnut Hollow Road is pending. Claire will reach out with new contact information.
  • A site walk was tentatively scheduled for 8:30am on October 13th at 69 West Road which is a property that received a USDA grant.
  • The Agricultural sub-committee did have their 1st meeting where they structured their organizational plan to move forward. The next step will be to look at surrounding communities’ practices.
  • Accessory Dwelling Units – This will be added to the next agenda, the Zoning Board of Adjustments has recommended the Planning Board review the existing Ordinance which calls for a Special Exception in the Rural/Residential District only. The ZBA feels the Board should review how ADU Ordinances should be applied in all Districts. Laurie will follow up with Brooks on a letter he was sending to the Planning Board. Claire will redistribute a handout she had shared at a previous meeting. Laurie and Carol Meise will review information Laurie had gathered to share at the meeting on October 8th, 2019.
  • Pam has left a message with Stan Ovrevik regarding Zoning Regulation for Mobile Homes which would apply to the Rosewood Inn’s train car proposal.  
  • Claire reviewed a draft letter to the Select Board in response to a complaint the Board received concerning compliance with Kennel Ordinances. The Board discussed suggested edits which Claire will incorporate.
  • The Board discussed administrative tasks surrounding the agenda and minutes. Pam will begin doing the agenda and Carol Meise will do minutes for the next meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 8:17pm.

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn.