Planning Board Minutes 09.24.24

Call to Order and Roll Call, 6:59 pm: Katie Olohan, Carol Troy, Carol Meise (remote), Laurie Colburn (remote), Shanna Griffin, Chip Meany (Selectmen’s Rep), Steve Chase, seated for Rich Olohan. Also attending Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary.

Review & Consideration of the August 27, 2024 minutes.

Motion: Shanna Griffin moved to approve the August 27, 2024 as written.

Second: Carol Troy

Decision: 7-0, All in favor

Public Hearing:  None

Appearances:  Chad Richie, Fieldstone Land Consultants, preliminary conversation concerning subdivision on County Road, Map 9, Lot 38. A preliminary plan has been drawn by Fieldstone Land Consultants for the property owner consisting of a subdivision of 19 home sites on a 150 acre plot. Chad Richie asked the Board’s opinion on all of the subdivision requirements. Katie answered in each instance that without further information and an application the Board could not definitively answer the questions. There was a discussion of the road frontage requirement for each home site. The question of whether or not the town would maintain the road within the subdivision was answered with that would be determined by a vote of the Town. Members of the audience were given a chance to ask questions about the proposal. Questions were asked about how the slope of the property had been taken into consideration and about the boundaries of the homesites and natural area on the property.

Unfinished Business:  

Mapping update/ Masterplan-tabled. Remove agenda for now. Move to working items for 2025.

Tiny home ordinance- tabled. Remove agenda for now. Move to working items for 2025.

Site Plan Fisherfield apartment condo conversion Map 16 Lots 73,77 & 82. Legal documents are under review by both parties.

Drafted driveway permit standards for review. Further information about the driveway permit draft has not been received.

Surface Water Overlay District. Carol Meise reported that Matt Monahan has a draft that is under review for editorial changes. Matt will be sharing the draft within the week.

Public Comments:  None

New Business:  None

Planning Board Communications: Capital Improvement Program Presentation: Will take place at the October 22nd meeting of the Planning Board. Select Board and Budget Committee members will be invited to that meeting to review of final CIP budget.


Motion: Steve Pierce made a motion to adjourn the meeting.

Second: Shanna Griffin

Decision: 7-0, all in favor

Meeting adjourned at 7:59 pm

The next Planning Board meeting will be held on October 22, 2024 at 7:00 pm via the ZOOM platform and at the Town Offices, in person.

Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary.