Planning Board Minutes 09.27.22

The meeting was called to order at 7:00 on Tuesday, September 27th, 2022.

Members: Pam Bruss-Chair, Carol Troy-Vice Chair, Laurie Colburn, Doug Troy, Carol Meise & Mel Pfeifle-Selectman’s Rep

Alternates: Steve Chase, Kristen Mihaly & Katie Olohan

Absent: Sonny Harris

Guests: Matt Monahan

Review & Consideration of Minutes: Grammatical changes and adjustments to the minutes were discussed.

Ms. Laurie Colburn motioned to approve the 08.23.22 Planning Board Minutes as amended. Seconded by Vice Chair Carol Troy. All ayes.

Ms. Katie Olohan was seated for Mr. Sonny Harris.

Public Hearing: Chair Bruss said the special meeting for Rodd Subdivision was rescheduled to Thursday, September 29th.

Notice of Regional Impact: Chair Bruss presented the notice of Regional Impact they received from the Town of Warner. The town will be putting in workforce housing on Route 103 by exit 9. Chair Bruss said the Board can send in feedback. Discussion ensued. Mr. Troy was concerned that if in the future more units are built, it could have a significant effect on Bradford taxes with the school districts and the expansion on the high school. Ms. Mel Pfeifle would like to know the financial impact it will have on Bradford’s school system. Mr. Troy proposed getting information on the cost impact to the Town of Bradford from the school district. Mr. Matt Monahan from Central NH Regional Planning Commission will send Warner the Committee’s feedback. Ms. Carol Meise was concerned with the housing’s water resource and the Warner River’s water quality. Chair Bruss will ensure the notice was sent to Warner River Advisory Committee for their input.

Lot Line Adjustment Application Review: Mr. Monahan will send the Lot Line Adjustment Application draft to the Planning Board for finalization.

Shoreline Protection Review: Ms. Meise and Mr. Monahan met to discuss the Shoreline Protection Review. Mr. Monahan will run an assessment on housing in the area and also research towns to find rain garden ordinances people could put in.

CIP Committee: Vice Chair Troy said the CIP Committee met on September 14th  and readjusted their spreadsheet. The next meeting is tomorrow, and they will be discussing the highway and fire department projects. The public hearing will be on November 22nd to discuss upcoming projects. Planning Board will present a draft to the Select Board and Budget Committee prior to the public hearing to obtain feedback and make necessary adjustments.

Zoning Amendments: Mr. Monahan will review the NHMA calendar for Zoning Amendment dates. Chair Bruss said the Board approved their table uses last year. She will review the approval to ensure it doesn’t need to be updated.

Other Communication: Chair Bruss was contacted by the engineers from the Valley Transport Building Construction that will begin soon. She asked the Board to decide if a new site plan was required. The footprint will be the same and the use won’t change. Discussion ensued. Mr. Monahan said they would need a building permit but if they’re keeping the same use and there is no expansion, a site plan isn’t required. Ms. Colburn asked to note updates in their Planning Board file. The Committee decided a new site plan was not required as long as they follow within the zone.

Chair Bruss presented a new Conditional Use Permit application from Eversource. It requested consideration of a Conditional Use Permit application for required temporary impacts of the Town of Bradford’s wetland and wetland buffer areas. The overall project involves the retirement of utility poles through portions of Warner, Sutton, and Bradford. There is a total of 145 existing structures, 34 of which are in Bradford. It requires approximately 44,000 sq feet of temporary wetland impact to predominantly scrub shrub wetlands and 54,000 sq feet to upland buffer. Impact located within the existing and maintained utility are the right of way and access for each structure. The application was signed, and all required paperwork was submitted. Chair Bruss scheduled a public notice for October 25th.  Chair Bruss proposed exploring the site individually because it would be too big for a site walk.  Ms. Pfeifle is meeting with Eversource on Thursday and will report any updates to the Board. Mr. Monahan will scan the application and send it to Board members.

Pending Tasks:

Lot Line Adjustment Application Review

Shoreline Protection Review

CIP Committee

Conditional Use Permit application

Ms. Colburn motioned to adjourn. Seconded by Vice Chair Troy. All ayes. 

Meeting adjourned at 8:00.

Respectfully submitted by Hannah Gardner