Planning Board Minutes 09.09.08






Call to Order and Roll Call:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair called the meeting to order at 7:00PM with Barbara Vannata, Marcia Keller, Charles Meany, Selectmen Representative, Barry Wheeler, Sonny Harris, Bill Glennie, Jane Johnsen, Alternate, Jim Bibbo, Alternate, Ian Thomas, CNHRPC, present. Carol Meise and Jeff Aarons absent.

Review and Acceptance of August 12, 2008 minutes:

Motion was made by Marcia Keller to approve the August 12, 2008 minutes, seconded by Barry Wheeler.

Discussion regarding DPX2 ensued, on Page 2 under conditions needing to be met. The absence of any buffer would not be accepted but proposals for alternative buffers would be considered. The plan presented shows no buffers. They could do a revised landscaping or a revised Site Plan to show some landscaping, but the board would not accept the plan without landscaping. The lack of the visual buffer is the main reason for the denial. On page 3, there should be a break between OE Trucking Subdivision and O E Trucking Site Plan, which is found in the 8th line down from top of page.

Barbara Vannata abstained. Motion carried 6-0.

To Do Folder:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair discussed a letter from Robert Stewart, Jr. RCS Design requesting a Notice of Decision on DPX2 which will be completed tomorrow and forwarded. A letter was received from CNHRPC regarding Regional and Environmental Planning program, grant applications etc.

Town Sheds:

Plans from the Town for Boundary Line Adjustments for the Town Sheds were received, and the Planning Board members looked them over. This requires a Mylar and paper copies being signed by the property owner and Selectmen and being recorded. This was to correct an error on Boundary Lines between properties and this survey straightened it out per Charles Meany, Selectman.


O E Trucking Subdivision and Lot Line Adjustment:

O E Trucking, Martyn Chivers (Represented by Dave Eckman) Subdivision and Lot Line Adjustment, Map 3, Lot 74, 74A, 74B

Sonny Harris recused himself.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair seated Jim Bibbo for Sonny Harris.

Dave Eckman, Eckman Engineering advised the Street Plat is part of the Subdivision Application. Mr. Eckman advised there is no intent to build a road, but did show that it could be built. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair read comments from the Department Heads and read into the minutes the letter from the Conservation Commission for the Planning Board September 9, 2008 meeting.

Request for modification for Article 7 A1 of Subdivision Regulations, the lot width to depth ratio being about 1 to 3. The reason for the modification request is to allow for the extension of the range line at the lot line between lot 74B and the proposed lot 74-1

Motion was made to approve the request for modification waiver of Lot width to depth ratio 1 to 3 for lot 74-1 made by Jim Bibbo, Seconded by Barry Wheeler, Motion carried 7-0.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair read the descriptions of the regulations to be modified.

Motion made by Jim Bibbo to accept the Modification of Article 65 subdivision for plans showing the topography of the proposed subdivision, this being a two lot subdivision. Article is satisfied for the smaller lot, the modification requested does not show topography on the remaining parcel which is 97 +/- acres. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Bill Glennie, Marcia Keller, Phil LaMoreaux, Chair voted Nay. Motion carried 4-3.

Motion was made by Jim Bibbo for the modification as requested to not survey the entire boundary of the remaining parcel, which is 97 acres +/-. The remainder parcel has a reference plan which is attached to the application. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 7-0.

Motion was made to grant the waiver request for Article 6B7 for soils data, test pits for four thousand square foot areas. Motion made by Jim Bibbo. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 7-0.

Motion was made by Bill Glennie to table the waiver request for soils and wetland delineation, Article 6B-21, until after the Site Walk. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 7-0.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair opened the floor for public comments. There being none, the floor was closed to public comment.

Dave Eckman, Eckman Engineering advised Mr. Chiver requested a Site walk be done during business hours, between 8am and 5pm.

The Site Walk will be scheduled at a later date.

The Subdivision Application for O E Trucking will be continued on October 14, 2008.

O E Trucking Site Plan Application:

O E Trucking, Martyn Chivers (Represented by Dave Eckman) Site Plan Application Map 3, Lot 74 (B, A)

Dave Eckman, Eckman Engineering passed out Revised Site Plan to the members.

Motion was made by Charles Meany to send back to the applicant for correct wording for lot 74B. Marcia Keller Seconded. Motion and second was withdrawn until after the Site Walk.

Motion was made by Marcia Keller for a Site Plan showing all the commercial uses on Lot 74 A, and an Application for all the commercial uses being shown or proposed for lot 74B,( two separate Site Plans), and a scale appropriate to each lot. Seconded by Charles Meany. Motion carried 7-0.

The current Site Plan Application for O E Trucking has not been accepted.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised the planning board needs to forward a request for modification of the Site Plan for Lot 74-A siting the change of use as proposed on the Site Plan Application.

New Applications:

Valley Excavation, Nate Kimball, Breezy Hill road represented by Tim Bernier, Tim Bernier Inc. Map 3, Lot 82.

Mr. Bernier presented colored maps and explained the current regulations to the planning board. There is no oil or fuel stored on premises and appropriate drainage is in place. Erosion control was addressed. Debris is disposed of by being hauled off the site per Nate Kimball. The slopes have been graded to control erosion. A reclamation plan was explained to the board. A Review done by Ian Thomas, CNHRP was read. A letter from a new abutter was presented by Mr. Bernier, and is on file. Photographs of the Site are on file.

Motion was made by Bill Glennie to accept the Application for Excavation Permit as presented for Valley Excavation as being complete. Seconded by Charles Meany. Motion carried 7-0.

Motion was made by Marcia Keller that this is not a Development of Regional Impact. Seconded by Bill Glennie. Motion carried 7-0.

Motion was made by Barry Wheeler to approve the Excavation Permit Application for Valley Excavation as filed, on Map 3, Lot 82. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 7-0. This application is in effect for 3 years, with a new application being due on September 8, 2011. Reclamation Bond is in place with copy in file.


Ledgewood Pines, Attorney Gregg Michael, Manchester, N.H. representing Mark Brunnel. Old Warner Road, Map 3, Lot 94 & 96.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised that details have not been finalized for Ledgewood Pines, and the last extension date was for June 2008.

Atty. Gregg Michael reviewed the covenants and requirements for an over 55 community as well as easements, drainage and cisterns. Atty. Michael advised Mr. Brunnel wants to wrap up Subdivision as soon as possible. Since there are more than 22 lots, this would be registered under RSA356A. He also advised DES items have been approved and received. It was advised the road has to be completed to town standards. Discussion ensued regarding a Performance Bond prior to the road being built with the funds being released as progress is made. It was brought up that an Escrow account could be funded to pay for an Engineer’s review. Also suggested by Atty. Michael that phases could be a possibility for the road. Marcia Keller advised that Zoning has not approved phases in road construction, consequently that could not be an alternative. A full set of plans were presented by Mark Brunnel for the Boundary Line Adjustment with Ken Anderson for the planning board to observe. Considerable discussion ensued.

Atty. Gregg Michael requested a 90 day extension which would be December 9, 2008. There was a unanimous decision by the planning board to comply with this request.

Responses to letters sent:

Letters need to be written to the Selectmen regarding gravel pits owned by:

John Fortune and Harriett Hobb, who have already received letters and have not responded.

Motion to adjourn 10:10pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
