Planning Board Minutes 10.08.19

Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.

Members Present: Pam Bruss (Chair), Claire James (Vice Chair), Tom Dunne, Laurie Colburn, Marlene Freyler (Alternate seated)

Members Absent: Carol Meise, Carol Troy, Steve Chase, Alternate; Michael James, Selectman Rep.; Doug Troy, Alternate

To Do:

  1. Review and Consideration of September 24th, 2019 Minutes.

Motion: Claire James motioned to approve the minutes

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 6-0 in favor


  • Holly Riley met with the Board to discuss a proposed application to change a professional office space to retail space at 121 East Main Street, Map 17/Lot 58. The Board reviewed the scope of use and parking availability. A Public Hearing was scheduled for November 11th, 2019, pending receipt of a Site Plan Revision application 21 days in advance of the Hearing.
  • Jessica and Matt Michie appeared to discuss changes to the Site Plan for 2600 Route 103, Green Acres, Map 3/Lot 52-2A. As work commenced on the property a safer parking layout was established and the Michie’s wish to replace an approved attached greenhouse with a silo feature. A Site Plan Revision application will be reviewed October 22nd,2019. Pam will review whether a meeting can be held prior to that date due to some scheduling urgency expressed by the Michie’s.
  • Amanda Leo appeared on behalf of Leela & Company LLC. to discuss placing a residential apartment at 102 East Main Street, Map 17/Lot 2. After reviewing the scope of activity, the Board did not believe this was a situation requiring Planning Board review. Laurie will follow up with New Hampshire Regional Planning.
  • Matt Monahan of Central New Hampshire Regional Planning did not appear.


  • Claire held a meeting with property owners from Chestnut Hollow Road and provided copies of Planning Board documents that reference the road being a private road with no plan for adoption by the Town.
  • A proposed site walk was canceled for 69 West Road, which is a property that received a USDA grant. The owner has stated no commercial business is in operation at the site.
  • The Agricultural sub-committee has not met since the last meeting. Standing agenda item.
  • A draft proposal for Accessory Dwelling Unit Zoning Ordinance was reviewed with the Board. The proposal will be reviewed at the next meeting and shared with the Zoning Board for input.
  • Claire will follow up on gathering a list of objectives for the Board to review as part of the Master Plan Implementation Chapter draft.
  • A Capital Improvement Program review was scheduled for November 12th. If noticing requirements permit this will be held on October 22nd, 2019.
  • The Board reviewed 2019 spending through the end of the 3rd quarter and developed a 2020 budget submission.

Motion: Laurie Colburn motioned to adjourn at 9:09pm.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Meeting adjourned at 9:09pm

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn.