Planning Board Minutes 10.14.14





OCTOBER 14, 2014


Meeting called to order at 7:03pm by Marcia Keller, Chair.

Members Present

Marcia Keller, Chair, Jim Bibbo, Don Jackson, Claire James, Mark Keith

Members Absent

Erich Caron, Steve Chase, Alternate, Sonny Harris, Select Board


Review and Consideration of Minutes

Motion was made to approve the minutes for September 23, 2014. Don Jackson abstained. Motion carried 4-0.

Letters Sent and Responses

Letters were sent to property owners in Bradford who, since March 2013, have had either a Site Plan or Boundary Adjustment approved by the Planning Board and did not submit their finalized documents in electronic format. One positive response was received; the Planning Board is still awaiting responses from four others. Additionally, courtesy letters were sent out to gravel pit owners in town whose Earth Excavation Permits expire in 2014.

Gravel Pit Update

Last week the Gravel Pit Subcommittee sent out invitations for the Education Session currently scheduled for November 3. Several negative responses were received and the Gravel Pit Subcommittee is reaching out to gravel pit owners who have not yet responded this week. The Planning Board discussed whether to hold the presentation as planned. A decision will be made based on the response from Bradford gravel pit owners. Regardless, a Gravel Pit Information Seminar will be held, as planned, for the Planning Board and other involved Boards and Committees within Bradford.

Proposed Amendment to “Earth Excavation and Reclamation Regulations”

The third draft of proposed amendments was presented by the Gravel Pit Subcommittee. Several edits were made regarding escrow and surety fees, wording of inspection team details, and creating a Town of Bradford Earth Excavation Permit.

Capital Improvements Program Public Hearing

Marcia Keller presented the CIP to the Planning Board. Each member was provided a chapter to present at the Public Hearing scheduled October 28, 2014. The Municipal Improvement Schedule was presented with no edits. Copies of the CIP will be available to the public by Friday, October 17 at the Community Center, Brown Memorial Library and on the town website at

2015 Planning Board Budget

The Planning Board reviewed the 2014 budget and decided on a 2015 budget. Discussed including the CIP in the Planning Board budget versus a warrant article. Camila Devlin, Secretary, will contact the Town Administrator with question of mischarged items.

As there was no other business to come before the board, meeting adjourned at 8:50pm.


Minutes submitted by Camila Devlin.