Planning Board Minutes 10.22.19

Bradford NH Planning Board Minutes

October 22 2019

7:02 Call to Order

Members Present 

Carol Meise, Carol Troy, Claire James, Laurie Colburn


Pam Bruss,Tom Dunn

All Alternates absent

Matt Monahan CNHRP Present

Review October 8, 2019 minutes

Motion: Carol Meise motioned to approve the October 8th, 2019 minutes.

Second: Laurie Colburn

Decision: 4-0 in favor 

Kennel Compliance

1 kennel was opened in 2000, prior to 2004 kennel ordinance, all other kennels under question may also have been opened prior to the ordinance and are under review.

Sign ordinance 

A letter of Sign Ordinance violations, to selectman, was read into record by Claire James.  This letter designates businesses in town which are in violation of Bradford’s sign ordinance.  Both the length of time the business signs were on display and the type of sign were in violation.  The selectboard was asked to have the signs removed and examples were given of signs that could be used that would not violate the sign ordinance.

Motion: Laurie Colburn motioned to accept the letter as written

Second: Carol Troy 

Decision: 4-0 in favor

Property subdivision Map 5/lot 95

Valerie Fedas appeared to discuss the possibility of subdividing her property at 180 West Meadow Road. There was a discussion about potential wetlands as well as the size and shape of the existing lot. Members recommended talking to a surveyor and Claire James agreed to email Ms. Fedas the subdivision requirements.

Site Plan revision for Michie Map 3/ lot 52-2A

Claire James gave a brief description of the changes outlining an approved green house being removed and replaced with a 22-24 foot high 12 feet in diameter silo.  The silo will be a marketing tool and could potentially hold product in the future. There was a discussion between the board and Matt Monahan about what kind of sign, if any, would be allowed on the silo and the visual impact of the silo on the neighboring area.  It was determined that there should be public comment on the proposed change, which is set for November 12, 2019, at the next planning board meeting. It was determined that there can be no signage on the silo without a variance because the silo itself does not meet any of the sign criterion in Bradford’s sign ordinances. 

Housing chapter  Discussion with CNHRP

ADU ordinance is under work

Planning board members felt the need for conservation commission input before discussing lot  size adjustments in the residential-buisness district.

There was discussion of the need for senior and workforce housing and perhaps putting these on or near the Naughton property.  There was discussion of water and septic needs for both smaller lot sizes and a larger housing project. 

Matt will be invited back when conservation commision members can be present, which was tentatively scheduled for November 12th, 2019. Claire will follow up with the Conservation Commission to verify their attendance.

CIP Public meeting.

Public meeting was called to order at 8:18

No public present.

Discussion of the CIP along with amazement at the excellent job the CIP committee and Claire James did in organising it ensued.

Claire James is looking into applying for grants to help Bradford meet its budget needs.

Motion:Laurie Colburn made a motion to accept the CIP conceptually as presented.

Second:Carol Meise second

Decision: 4-0 in favor

Motion:Laurie Colburn motioned to adjourn at 9:00pm.

Second:Carol Troy

Decision: 4-0 in favor

Once again amazed at our efficiency the  meeting adjourned at 9 PM