Planning Board Minutes 10.23.18

Final Minutes
Town of Bradford
Planning Board
October 23, 2018 7:00 PM

Meeting called to order by Claire James at 7:05PM

• Roll Call

Claire James, Vice Chair Tom Dunne
Carol Troy Steve Chase, Alternate seated

o Doug Troy, Garrett Bauer; Pending appointment Alternates absent
o Jim Bibbo, Marlene Freyler, Pam Bruss, Chair, absent

• To Do:

1. Review & Consideration of October 9th minutes.

Motion: Claire James motioned to approve with the addition of “Housing” to the Master Plan chapters being reviewed on Oct. 23rd
Second: Carol Troy
Decision: vote 4-0 in favor

• Appearances:

1. Mike Tardiff, Director of the Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission, met with the Board to discuss drafting the Housing & Land Use chapters of the Master Plan update.

Claire reviewed responses to questions, related to housing, from the 2018 survey, in comparison to the previous Master Plan results:
a. Which statement best characterizes Bradford’s rate of residential growth? 65% of respondents feel Bradford is growing at an appropriate rate; the 2006 survey response was 38%.
b. To what area(s) should future development be directed? 65% felt growth should be focused in Area A (Residential/Business district), the 2006 survey indicated folks felt development should be focused in Area D (rural footprint towards Washington). Mike indicated Bradford is positioned to allow Open Space Cluster Development in rural areas and the Master Plan can be updated to reflect this option.
c. What types of housing would you like to see the Town encourage or discourage? Encourage Single Family housing & Elderly/Senior housing; Multi-Dwelling and Manufactured housing were discouraged. Mike provided feedback that statewide trends indicate there is a mismatch between the type of housing demand and the type housing available. Younger people are looking for nicer rental properties and multi-unit housing. The Board discussed the perception that multi-unit housing would drive up demands on the school system. Household size is decreasing and the perception that multi-unit housing would drive demands on the school system may not be true.
d. What describes respondents’ residency? 92% year round residence; 81% in 2006.
e. Own versus rent? 95% own their home; 92% in 2006.
f. What type of housing do you live in? 97% single family home; 89% in 2006.

Claire pointed out that one of the goals of the 2006 Master Plans was to maintain diversity in housing but the stats do not reflect that diversity. Mike felt Bradford has good tools in the Zoning Ordinance to encourage growth and diversity. Areas to look at to encourage diversity are simplifications of processes, encourage use of existing Zoning Regulations for Workforce Housing, Senior Assisted Housing and Accessory Dwelling Units. He recommended looking at Land Use regulations and determining if there are options to reduce lot size or allow “Cottage” housing (smaller footprint houses) that could be put on a Warrant Article.

The Board discussed the four main objectives outlined in the Housing Chapter in the 2006 Master Plan and how those might be edited for 2018. Mike will provide additional feedback on his recommendations. Steve felt there should be some mention of establishing appropriate housing for young trade and professional residents and felt Bradford should consider housing for all phases of life needs.

The Board discussed growth in the Town, taxes and Capital Improvements Plans and appropriate economic growth planning. There was discussion related to the Tax Incremental Finance (TIF) program which allows taxes from new construction and improvements, in a particular area, to fund infrastructure improvements as well as Economic Revitalization program which allows a deferred increase in property taxes for improvements that meet the program criteria. Both programs are available in Bradford.

Mike recapped feedback from the Visioning Session related to the Future Land use chapter. Zoning allows, by Special Exception, a variance from the standard. He suggests the Town may want to identify a Table of Use to outline permitted uses in various areas, perhaps utilizing a Conditional Use process. Examining the Zoning regulations related to lot sizes was also recommended.

• New Business:

1. No new business was discussed.

• Planning Board Communications:

1. Outstanding agenda items from the October 9th meeting were deferred to the next meeting agenda.
2. Garrett Bauer will volunteer to act as an Alternate for the Planning Board should he be needed. He will stop by the Town office to be sworn in. Doug Troy has been sworn in as an Alternate.
3. Pam will rejoin the Board as Chair at the next meeting.
4. Laurie has resigned as Recorder but will continue to support the Board as often as possible until a replacement is hired.
5. The next Planning Board meeting will be November 13, 2018.

Motion: Steve Chase motioned to adjourn the meeting at 8:37 PM
Second: Carol Troy
Decision: 4-0 in favor

Meeting adjourned

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn