Planning Board Minutes 11.12.19



November 12, 2019

Meeting was called to order at 7:00pm.

Members Present: Pam Bruss (Chair), Claire James (Vice Chair), Carol Meise, Carol Troy, Laurie Colburn, Marlene Freyler (Alternate seated), Michael James, Selectman Rep

Selectmen Jason Allen and John Pfeifle were also present.

Members Absent: Tom Dunne, Alternates, Steve Chase and Doug Troy

To Do:

  • Review and Consideration of October 22nd, 2019 Minutes.

Motion: Claire James motioned to approve the minutes with an edit to note that Michael James was absent.

Second: Laurie Colburn

Decision: 4-0 in favor, Michael James and Pam Bruss abstained.


  • At 7:04pm Pam opened a Public Hearing regarding a Site Plan Revision for Map 3/Lot 52-2A from Jessica and Matt Michie. Pam read the application into record and it was noted that notice was published on November 1st, 2019. The Michie’s had requested a waiver of the Public Hearing process on October 22nd which was denied in favor of providing abutter notices as the revision included the installation of a silo and the Board felt abutter notice was prudent. The Michie’s presented 7 letters of support which included communication from abutters which the Board read into record. Walter Royal appeared in support of the Michie’s silo. He also maintained that a silo is classified as a piece of agricultural equipment and therefor should not be of consideration to the Planning Board. Jason Allen spoke in support of the Michie’s project. George Angeli asked about the height of the silo, which was outlined as 22 feet, and felt that the structure was in keeping with the nature of the project and commented on the remarkable transformation the Michie’s have done with the property so far. Sonny Harris also spoke in favor of the project adding that business growth is consistent with the spirit of the Master Plan and that a silo is part of the agricultural and rural heritage of the Town. The Public Hearing was closed at 7:25pm. Deliberations by the Board were closed at 7:39pm.

Motion: Laurie Colburn motion to approve the Site Plan Revision for Map 3/ Lot 52-2A.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 6-0 in favor

  • At 7:43pm Pam opened a Public Hearing regarding a Site Plan Revision from Holly Riley concerning a Change of Use for Map 17/Lot 58, converting office space into retail space. Pam read the application into record and it was noted that notice was published on November 1st, 2019. Holly outlined the changes, which replaces a professional office space with a small retail gift boutique. The Board discussed the adequacy of parking, which had been reviewed at a previous meeting, and expressed support for the new boutique. There was no public input and the hearing was closed at 7:49pm.

Motion: Laurie Colburn motion to approve the Site Plan Revision for Map 17/Lot 58.

Second: Carol Troy

Decision: 6-0 in favor

A sign permit application was also submitted for Map 17/Lot 58. Pam read the application into record and informed Holly the sign will need to be added to the Site Plan.

Motion: Claire James motion to approve the Sign Permit for Map 17/Lot 58.

Second: Michael James

Decision: 6-0 in favor

  • Matt Monahan from Central New Hampshire Regional Planning and Ann Eldridge and Doug Southard, who are on the Conservation Commission, but attended the meeting as a member of the Public, reviewed the Land Use and Housing objectives drafted for the Master Plan update. The Board, along with Matt and Ann and the Selectmen, talked through various details regarding existing zoning regulations as well as the nature of Bradford’s geography and how those components impact the draft Master Plan objectives which are based on feedback from the community. Matt will revise the objectives as discussed by the November 25th meeting and Ann will review the Land Use chapter, and objectives, with the Conservation Commission at their next meeting for any additional feedback.
  • Selectmen, Michael James, Jason Allen and John Pfeifle attended the meeting to discuss the Sign Ordinance and a letter the Planning Board had submitted requesting they enforce the current ordinance with 2 properties. The Selectmen felt there were other violations in Town and that any enforcement would need to encompass all violations but felt that the better solution might be to review the ordinance and make some adjustment that would support the needs of businesses in Town. Marlene and Michael volunteered to review the language and look at ordinances in other communities to make some recommendations. The Planning Board will discuss the Selectmen’s request at the next Planning Board meeting.


Motion: Laurie Colburn motioned to table agenda items to discuss a formalized communication flow with the ZBA, Agricultural Zoning updates and ADU Ordinances until the next meeting.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 6-0 in favor

  • Master Plan next steps: The Board will look for updated to the Housing and Land Use chapters by November 25th. Claire will request a list of all chapter objectives as well. The Board will identify their top 8+/- objectives for the Implementation Chapter at the first December meeting.

Motion: Laurie Colburn motioned to adjourn at 9:41pm.

Second: Carol Troy

Decision: 6-0 in favor

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn.