Planning Board Minutes 11.13.18

Draft Meeting Minutes
Town of Bradford
Planning Board
November 13, 2018 7:00 PM

Meeting called to order by Claire James at 7:00PM

• Roll Call

Pam Bruss, Chair Claire James, Vice Chair
Tom Dunne Carol Troy
Marlene Freyler Doug Troy, Alternate seated (7:25pm)
o Jim Bibbo, Carol Meise, Steve Chase, Garrett Bauer; Absent

• To Do:

1. Review & Consideration of October 23rd minutes.

Motion: Carol Troy motioned to approve the minutes with revision of the wording “use boundary table” to “Table of Uses”
Second: Tom Dunne
Decision: vote 4-0 in favor

• Appearances:

1. No appearances.

• New Business:

1. No new business was discussed.

• Planning Board Communications:

1. No update was available regarding the status of Barry Wheeler’s Gravel Pit. This discussion was tabled until the next Planning Board meeting.

2. Claire will request to speak with the Select Board related to a concern that an unlicensed junkyard may be operating on Deer Valley Road.

3. Claire updated the Board that she is working on setting up a time for Sam Green, from the State of NH Revenue Administration Department, to speak with the Board regarding tax valuations. He will likely attend a December meeting.

4. Claire also discussed a conference call with Mike Tardif, Central New Hampshire Regional Planning, regarding the Master Plan update. He reviewed the top takeaways he had noted from the previous Planning Board meeting focused on the Master Plan Land Use chapter revision. He suggests proposing changes to Zoning Regulations that would allow for higher density in the downtown area, a “village” sub-district designation and establishing a Table of Use for rural districts.

Mike would like to attend another Planning Board meeting, tentatively November 27th, to speak with the Board again. The Master Plan goal is to have a final Land Use chapter completed by December.

5. Doug, Claire and Carol Meise conducted a Site Walk of Map 3/Lot 1, previously known as Autocraft, in response to a letter from the Select Board outlining compliance issues with Site Plan Conditions. Some of the conditions are not fully complaint. Pam will follow up to determine whether the lot has been used as the Site Plan permitted in the last 2 years or whether the Use has lapsed for greater than 2 years making the Site Plan Approval no longer applicable.

6. Claire provided the Board with the latest version of the Capital Improvement Plan. She reviewed the format structure of a spreadsheet that captures the capital spending demands forecasted by the various department heads as part of the CIP process as well as the current Capital demand outlook that has been captured.

The CIP Committee is scheduled to meet on November 21st and the Planning Board will need to approve when the submission is final. Claire will share a draft with the Budget Committee and a Public Hearing will be scheduled to review the results, tentatively scheduled for December 11th.

7. Marlene asked about trying to gain additional Alternate volunteers for the Planning Board. An article will be published in the December Bridge to raise awareness of the desire for additional volunteers.

8. The next Planning Board meeting will be November 27th, 2018.

Motion: Claire James motioned to adjourn the meeting at 9:05 PM
Second: Doug Troy
Decision: 6-0 in favor

Meeting adjourned

Minutes submitted by Laurie Colburn