Planning Board Minutes 12.22.20



DECEMBER 22nd, 2020


The meeting was called to order at 7:00 pm

Members Present: Pam Bruss (Chair), Carol Troy (Vice Chair), Carol Meise, Mel Pfeifle, Michael James (Selectmen’s Rep) and Laurie Colburn.

Members Absent: Steve Chase (Alternate), Sonny Harris (Alternate), Doug Troy (Alternate) and Tom Dunne. 

Public Present:  Jason Allen

To Do:

  • Review and consideration of the December 8h, 2020 minutes.

Motion: Carol Meise motioned to accept the minutes as written.

Second: Mel Pfeifle

Decision: Carol Meise- Aye, Laurie Colburn-Aye, Pam Bruss- Aye, Mel Pfeifle- Aye, Carol Troy-Aye, Michael James-Aye.

Public Hearing(s): None

Appearances:  Jason Allen (7:23pm) confirming the submittal of the site plan application for Merrimack County Customs. A public hearing will be scheduled for January 26th, 2021.

Other Communications:

  • The Planning Board discussed the process to solidify the future working meetings format and updating rules and procedures.
  • The Planning Board gave a status update pertaining to the lot line of adjustment application. The application is currently being created.
  • The Planning Board will be meeting with the Budget Committee on January 7th ,2021 at 6:30 pm.
  • The Planning Board communicated the recent changes of the building inspector position. The Planning Board discussed potential duties that may arise due to the lack of the building inspector.
  • Laurie Colburn discussed the master plan and survey. Out of thirteen top priorities; one has been completed. Laurie proposed reaching out to the Conservation Committee to work together. Chapter seven is a priority under table of uses. Another top priority is to continue to exam broadband and cell coverage throughout Bradford.  The table of uses is of priority and the board will start exploring.  
  • The Planning Board discussed the proposed budget for 2021. Chair Pam Bruss will create a proposal and email to the board for review.
  • Carol Troy attended the Warner River Local Advisory Committee meeting. All affected surrounding towns input is welcomed to help with the drafting of the proposed management plan. The Warner River Local Advisory Committee shared that their maybe funding available for failed culverts affected by the Warner River. The Planning Board discussed the affects of the culverts put in place due to the Warner River.

Planning Board Communications:

The next Planning Board Meeting will be held on January 12th, 2020 at 7:00pm remotely on the ZOOM platform. To access and participate in a Planning Board meeting using the Zoom platform, either:

  1. To join Zoom meeting online:

Meeting ID: 309 707 493

Password: 757403


  1. Use a telephone to dial one of the following numbers:

 +1 929 205 6099 US (New York)

 +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)

 +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose)

 +1 253 215 8782 US

 +1 301 715 8592 US

 +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)

And enter the following Meeting ID when prompted:

Meeting ID: 309 707 493

            Password: 757403

Motion: Laurie Colburn motioned to adjourn.

Second: Carol Troy

Decision:  Mel Pfeifle- Aye, Carol Troy –Aye, Pam Bruss- Aye, Carol Meise- Aye, Michael James-Aye, Laurie Colburn-Aye.

Meeting Adjourned at 7:34 pm

Draft Minutes submitted by

Katie Olohan

Planning Board Secretary