Planning Board Minutes 12.08.09

DECEMBER 8, 2009

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair called the meeting to order with Barry Wheeler, Sonny Harris, Jack Meaney, Selectmen Representative, Marcia Keller, Bill Glennie present. Absent were Jim Bibbo, Alternate and Barbara Vannata.

Jack Meaney, Selectmen’s Representative advised he had spoken with Jane Johnsen, who advised him she is no longer an Alternate to the Planning Board.

Review and consideration of the November 10, 2009 minutes:

Motion was made by Barry Wheeler to approve the November 10, 2009 minutes. Seconded by Jack Meaney, Selectmen’s Representative. Sonny Harris abstained, Phil LaMoreaux abstained. Motion to approve the minutes as written carried. 4-0.

To Do Folder:

Discussion of letters concerning Carolyn Demers, Mosiac Artiques.

Mention was made of letters sent to: Corsair Realty, and Daniel Kraft.

Deed descriptions for Battles/Erickson have been received and the Mylar will be recorded at MCRD.

Revision from Jessica Selby will be forthcoming, regarding the front door and fence.

Marcia Keller advised she had received a telephone call from a person interested in purchasing the former Stan Brown business office on Main Street regarding putting up a residential garage. Marcia advised him that would be acceptable as long as he could meet the set backs, and if he ever uses it for commercial purposes, he would be required to submit a Site Plan. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised he had been in a conversation with Laura Hallahan, Broker, regarding the same property. Their first question was that the new owner would like to put up a garage and operate a business. Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised that if they are going to operate a business which was beyond what is allowed in a Home Business Section, then they would have to file a Site Plan. Laura Hallahan called Phil LaMoreaux, Chair on Dec. 7, 2009 advising they did meet with the Building Inspector on site, measured, and verified they did meet set backs if they did want to put a garage up, and was also told by the Building Inspector they would have to file a Site Plan regardless.

Workforce Housing:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair advised he did forward everything to Laura Spector, Town Attorney and has heard back that she does want to talk but was not available today. Discussion ensued regarding a Public Hearing date. The work meeting could be scheduled on December 29, 2009 from the usual meeting Dec. 22 meeting.

Marcia Keller mentioned two things that were needing to be accomplished.

1. To look for wording of the language for the ballot article, so that in the event the voters do not approve it, what is already in there stays.

2. The Pfeifle’s subdivision, according to Trudy who was told by the assessor, the lots are not numbered properly and should be renumbered and refiled. Marcia Keller advised that the Planning Board does not number the lots, the assessor does, and she feels it would be the property owner’s responsibility to take care of this.

NFI was discussed regarding security measures and vandalism, and what role the Planning Board has, and the question arose could it require a Site Plan review?

Workforce Housing Subcommittee will be working on Thursday evening at Marcia’s home.

Motion was made, seconded and carried to adjourn.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley