The Town of Bradford website is maintained and updated by dedicated volunteers in coordination with the Town Administrator as a service to the community. is a fluid organism with constant updates from a variety of sources. Every attempt is made to make it consistent, efficient, and up to date.
While information posted here is believed to be accurate and timely, not all information is updated on a daily basis, nor is it necessarily reviewed by Town Officials or Counsel. As with anything posted on the internet, there is a risk of information being corrupted or removed by third parties not affiliated with local officials. Official town documents are available at Town Hall during business hours.
Anyone concerned with the validity of information posted on this website are encouraged to visit Town Offices or contact the appropriate official to confirm before acting on information obtained through this source.
We welcome suggestions to make the website more effective and encourage notification of any inaccuracies or outdated material so that they may be corrected.
Thank you for participating in our community!