Safe Routes to Schools Minutes 05.12.11

P O BOX 436
BRADFORD, N.H. 03221
MAY 12, 2011

Present were: Dawn Rich, Marilyn Gordon, Harry Wright, Selectmen Representative, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, , Laura Hallahan, Don West, Kearsarge Elementary School, Jim Valiquet, Police Chief, Nik Coates, CNHRPC, Craig Tufts, CNHRPC, and Marge Cilley, Secretary.

The meeting opened at 3:40 with Nik Coates, CNHRPC discussing the Bike Rodeo which will be held Saturday, May 14 from 10:00am until 12:00 Noon. Don West advised he and Chief Valiquet have the Bike Rodeo ready. This is open to area towns as well as Bradford, and will be held at the Bradford Elementary School. Chief Valiquet stated that as the children arrive, their bicycles will be looked at by Will Hurley, Out Spoken. They will be checked to make sure they do have helmets. They can go through the cones if they want to, do the figure eight and stop and go. Last year about 35 students attended. They do have 25 more helmets to be given away. There will be three police officers attending.

Nik Coates advised that starting Monday through Friday of next week, May 16, 2011, they will be doing “Commute Green” This is trying to get every school in the state, every town, and every business in the State to try to walk, bike and car pool. The goal is to get 50,000 miles reduced in the State for that week. The deadline for signing on for schools is May 13, 2011. The 23rd of May is the last date that one can log on their accomplishment.

One thought was that students could be let off on the Route 103 end of Old Warner Road which would be closer to the school for walking, plus they would not have to walk over the hill as pointed out by Chief Valiquet.

It was thought that the fall is a good time to begin new projects, and there will be a June meeting to begin organizing, and some of the ideas are:

1. Pick a drop off locations.

2. Check with the Bus Company as well as Maintenance Director.

3. Draft letter to parents

4. Draft map for parents

Cheryl Behr, Administrator questioned if other drop off places can be considered where students walk to catch a bus, pulling other students into it.

Nik Coates gave an area map showing bus routes to Don West.

Some handouts suggested were key chains, rubber bracelets and Nik will bring in samples.

Don West, Kearsarge Elementary School advised a news letter will be going out to the parents from the school, and one page could be dedicated to Safe Route to School information.

Nik Coates, CNHRPC advised Beth Richards, National Development Director for all Safe Routes to School for all over the country, works out of Concord. Ms. Richards has stated that any school that wants to participate in Commuter Green or any Safe Route to School endeavor is available to talk with any group to help with ideas of what they can do.

Chief Valiquet questioned if there was any money for signage as currently there is no sign on Old Warner Road stating there is a school near by. A sign showing operating hours and perhaps a solar speed sign showing the speed limit that will also reflect the actual speed one is going. Also, the 4th of July town celebration was discussed with ideas of putting out information at tables with safety fliers, key chains, book marks etc. Nik Coates, CNHRPC stated that the current Grant did not include this, however, future Grants applied for certainly can include signage.

Meeting adjourned 4:20pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley