Select Board Agenda 07.22.24

Pledge of Allegiance:

Roll Call:

Review Minutes of July 8, 2024


  1. Devin Pendleton – Rescheduled Celebration
  2. Walter Royal – Building Inspector (Permits for Map 5 Lot 12, Map 19 Lot 33A, Map 17 Lot 34)
  3. Lois Kilnapp – Transfer Station Update
  4. Steve Hall – Highway Department Update
  5. Ed Shaughnessy – Police Department Update

Public Input:

Regular and Old Business:

  1. Masonic Building Update
  2. Update on Goals
  3. Cease and Desist Letter Follow-up

New Business:

  1. Assessing Services
  2. Fuel Bid
  3. Sign Intent to Cut Map 9 Lot 38
  4. Sign Facilities Use Committee Appointment
  5. Sign Tax Reimbursement Authorization
  6. Sign Driveway Permit Map 5 Lot 32
  7. Sign Land Use Change Tax Bills (Map 7 Lot 53, Map 3 Lot 74-A, Map 5 Lot 64-1)

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature

Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3II (a) & (c)

Upcoming meeting:      August 12, 2024