Select Board & Budget Committee Minutes 09.02.08






The Pledge of Allegiance was said.


Call to Order and Roll Call:


Peter Fenton, Chair called the September 2, 2008 meeting to order with Andrew Pinard, Charles Meany, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.


Review and Consideration of Minutes of August 19, 2008:


Motion was made by Peter Fenton, Chair, to accept the August 19 minutes with the following edits. Seconded by Andrew Pinard. Page 1. Under Appearances on Page 1, second sentence should read, and the property owner has paved his yard. Page 2, second motion should read, Steve Lucier has the authority to sign off. Page 2 under Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief. Rodney (a roofer) name is Sargent. Page 3, 4th line down, Andrew Pinard advised the Selectmen have not prepared etc. Millie Kittredge from the floor asked to insert on page 1 that the mattresses found on the former Naughton property was in the back of the property. Motion carried to accept with edits, 3-0.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to accept the August 19, 2008 Non-Public minutes with the following amendment. Decision was to reimburse a member of the Rescue Squad. Motion seconded and carried 3-0.




Kate Dobrowski appeared before the Selectmen to discuss the preparation of budgets for Parks and Recreation and Community Center. Some of the topics of concern included the Contract Services at French’s Park, Milfoil and sanitation, Special Events, Fun Days. Landscaping, which is billed on a monthly basis, new thermostats put in the Community Center this summer, electricity at Brown Shattuck Field. Porta Potty use and expense during time the boat attendant is available for milfoil checking was discussed. A completed job description is requested of Parks and Recreation and Community Center Department Head, which is being worked on. Andrew Pinard suggested that we have individual accounts for maintenance of different facilities in town, and a number of the facilities are maintained by the same person at different rates, depending upon the facility they are working at, and it might behoove the town to look into doing single contract for cleaning of any town facilities, or landscaping of any town land etc. which might realize a savings to the town. This could be put out to bid.


Stephen A. Heavener, Executive Director of CRDC came before the Selectmen and discussed and explained the Revolving Loan Fund. There has apparently been a break down in communication, and Mr. Heavener advised he will be available more frequently, and suggested being available for one day a month when they could come and educate the public. The town has not received any financial report this year concerning the Revolving Loan Fund; however, Mr. Heavener will forward information to Cheryl Behr, Administrator by the end of this week. Mr. Heavener advised his commitment is to make certain if there is any need in the town of Bradford what-so-ever, then he will make sure the funds are available for here first. Mr. Heavener advised there has been no default thus far in the program. Question arose regarding why the Town does not receive a portion of the interest received when the loans are paid back.


Public Hearing on location and progress of Town Sheds:


Peter Fenton, Chair advised this is a Public Hearing on the location and progress of the Town Sheds. There are no plans available as yet per Charles Meany. Mr. Sailer was in the office earlier this morning to confirm the ground snow loads, the roof snow loads, the wind velocity etc. with the Building Inspector. He will be signing off on the design as he has it, and the foundation plan should be available in another week or two. Ground breaking should be done within the next couple of weeks, per Charles Meany. Andrew Pinard advised as a condition of the Public Hearing there is a Site Change. Charles Meany advised there has been a Site Change, and the Salt Shed will remain as is and they will relocate the new building, rather than being perpendicular to the existing building, will now be parallel to the existing building. The building as it will be set, will also jut into the 30 foot set back. Questions were asked by the public at this time regarding the location of the doors. The fuel storage will be moved into the existing pole barn. The target date for delivery of the new building is the second week of October.

The Public Hearing was closed at 7:20pm. and the Selectmen’s Meeting was re-opened.


Julie Leonard re: school bus routes on Rowe Mountain Road:


Julie Leonard came before the Selectmen regarding the school busses being stopped this year from going on Rowe Mountain Road which causes at least seven young children to walk 1.6 miles, which is actually against one of the RSA’s. They have talked with the school district and they cannot do anything, advising it has to come from the Bradford Road Agent to sign off from the letter he had signed.


Motion was made by Andrew Pinard for the Road Agent to withdraw the letter to enable the property owner to actually speak with the school board and to deal with that course of action, which is being limited right now by that letter. Seconded by Charles Meany. Motion carried 3-0.

Steve Lucier will notify the bus company tomorrow. Peter Fenton, Chair advised the Selectmen do not have the final say.

Public Selectmen’s Meeting is now suspended per Peter Fenton, Chair.




Robert Stewart, Chair advised this meeting was requested by the Selectmen regarding Emergency Spending – Article RSA 32-11.

Robert Stewart, Chair opened the Special Budget Committee Meeting at 7:25pm with Jack Meaney, Jane Lucas, Chris Aiken, Gary Wall, Marlene Freyler present. Also present were Peter Fenton, Andrew Pinard and Charles Meany, Selectmen, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marge Cilley, Secretary.


Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the Budget Committee was invited to the meeting tonight because of the fuel market being so volatile. A sheet was handed out to the Selectmen and Budget Committee members showing what the Historic Budgets for Petroleum products have been over the past three years, and with what we have been using for gallons in all departments now, we are coming up short. A letter is presented to the Budget Committee and the Board of Selectmen for signatures to the Commissioner, Department of Revenue advising we may be coming up short on our appropriations. The Department of Revenue allows you to overspend your budget with a request for an Emergency Appropriation if you notify them in advance. Also there was discussion of repairing the Fire department roof, which is coming up short by the amount of $11,000.00. The total amount of $51,000 is the amount we will exceed our appropriations and would be funded from Fund Balance. Fund Balance is made up from three sources: accounts receivable, from taxes not yet paid, the municipal deposit pool, and the checking account balance.


Robert Stewart, Chair opened the floor for questions.


Motion was made by Marlene Freyler to approve the request from the Board of Selectmen and the Bradford Budget Committee to submit an application to the State Department of Revenue for approval to exceed our appropriations by $51,000 and fund the expenses from Fund Balance. Motion seconded by Gary Wall. Motion carried 9-0.


Motion was made by Jack Meany to adjourn the Budget Committee Meeting. Seconded and carried at 7:45pm 6-0.


Continuation of Selectmen’s Meeting at 7:50pm:


Accounts payable and payroll manifest were reviewed and signed.


Discussion regarding exploring alternative assessing options transpired as well as revaluation in 2010.


There was only one estimate received, that being Mr. Metcalf on a standing seam roof for the Fire Dept. roof after RFP was inserted in the newspaper and three places in town as well as on the Web Site per Chris Frey. Rodney Sargent did break out the cost for ½ the roof.

Andrew Pinard recommended that rather then paying off the bond for the new Highway Garage, use some of the Fund Balance to pay it off in March, prepaying $200,000 for the building, and not be paying on it for seven years.


Steve Lucier discussed the backhoe being in need of repair, and David Long, a machinist, has been contacted to help with this repair.

Abatements were signed for Jeff Harling and Wolff.


Stage curtain project status – Stage one is complete.


Mention was made of a budgetary request which was received from the Red Cross for $710.00, based on per capita evaluation.

MS-1 and Forest land reimbursement was presented to the Selectmen by Cheryl Behr, Administrator for signatures.


Motion was made by Peter Fenton, Chair that due to the overages in the cost of oil, a letter should be sent to the Library requesting they consider adjusting their hours. Seconded by Charles Meany. Motion carried 3-0.


Public Session closed and the Selectmen went into Non-Public Session at 8:10pm. The Selectmen came out of Non-Public Session at 8:30pm.

Several suggestions regarding cutting back on fuel consumption were discussed.


An abandoned property on Water Street was discussed, and the police department is going to be made aware of this, and Cheryl Behr, Administrator will request they secure the property.


Motion was made to adjourn at 8:55pm.


Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
