Select Board Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm.
Roll Call: Beth Downs (Chair), Marlene Freyler, Chip Meany
Also attending: Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator; Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary
Review Minutes of December 10, 2024, December 16, 2024 and January 7, 2025
Motion: Marlene Freyler moved to approve the Select Board Meeting Minutes of December 10, 2024 as written.
Second: Chip Meany
Decision: 3-0, all in favor
Motion: Marlene Freyler moved to approve the Select Board Meeting Minutes of December 16, 2024 as written.
Second: Chip Meany
Decision: 3-0, all in favor
Motion: Marlene Freyler moved to approve the Select Board Meeting Minutes of January 7, 2025 as written.
Second: There was no second as Chip had not had a chance to review them.
Nancy Martin and Faith Minton – January 28, 6:30 PM Education presentation at KRHS by the NH School Funding Fairness Project (NHSFFP). The NHSFFP’s mission is to educate NH residents about how the state of NH downshifts the cost of public educational funding to property taxpayers creating huge disparities in tax bills from town to town and in the quality of education. The goal of the presentation is to bring together taxpayers and elected officials to get tools necessary to advocate for relief from the State. Nancy and Faith asked the Select Board to co-sponsor the presentation along with other KRSD town officials. There is no cost. Co-hosts share the event with their networks using the usual channels.
Motion: Marlene Freyler moved to co-sponsor the January 28, 2025, 6:30 PM NH School Funding Fairness Project presentation at Kearsarge Regional High School.
Second: Chip Meany
Decision: 3-0, all in favor
Jason Allen
Jason Allen appeared with comments to the Select Board on the general state of household economy where overall debt is at an all-time high and savings are at an all-time low. Taking this information together with other economic indicators into consideration, Jason asked the Board to be cautious when making decisions about financing projects, especially front-line equipment. He said that good debt generates revenue. Debt associated with equipment does not generate revenue. He asked the Board to focus on long-term planning.
Erica Gross – Town Clerk/Tax Collector – Erica appeared to ask the Board to sign a “Call to Vote” for the March 11, 2025 Town elections. She also asked the Board to sign the personnel action form for Amelia Dohrn’s appointment as Assistant Town Clerk/Tax Collector. Both documents were signed by the Board.
Barb Southard – Warrant Request resolution to conserve and maintain New Hampshire’s Public Natural Resources. Barbara Southard appeared to request that the Select Board include in the 2025 Warrant a statement that reflects Bradford’s commitment to a healthy environment:
“People, plants, and wildlife have a right to clean air, pure water, and a healthy environment. The voters in the Town of Bradford call upon our governor, senators, representatives, and other elected officials to conserve and maintain New Hampshire’s public natural resources for the benefit of this and future generations.”
Motion: Marlene Freyler made a motion to include the above statement in the 2025 Town of Bradford Warrant to be voted on a Town Meeting on March 12, 2025.
Second: Chip Meany
Decision: 3-0, all in favor
Public Input: Marlene read a statement that emphasized the role of residents in budget decision making, “It is you the people that decide the budget at Town Meeting. That is why it is so important . . . to come out to vote . . . Town Meeting is town government.” She explained that the Select Board meets with department heads to “see what is needed and reasonable.” Making uninformed cuts could lead to departments inability to do their jobs. She said, “It is not ethical to go onto social media and make statements about the other Selectmen. As a Board, all of us do not always agree. That is not the way it works. We are individuals and have our own thoughts and ideas. We are not trying to be mean or thoughtless to anyone.”
Following is a summary of some of the contributions to the wide-ranging discussion that took place during the next hour.
Laurie Colburn: Voters look to the Select Board and the Budget Committee to study and present a concerned budget.
Dawn Gezelman: Joint meetings of the Budget Committee and Select Board have been effective in preventing department heads from attending multiple meetings of each board. Meetings are streamed so that people can see/hear what’s happening.
Beth Downs: Used social media to let people know about this Select Board Meeting. She said she thought she was elected to serve the people of Bradford and that is her goal.
Mel Pfeifle: 11% increase is not sustainable.
Chip Meany: Disagreed with Mel and would like to be sure all departments are funded to provide services the town wants.
Pam Bruss: The Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) was designed to schedule savings over time for the purchase of large ticket items. This has not worked for the Highway Department expenditures as the purchases haven’t been planned. The proposed increases on the CIP from past three years have not kept pace with immediate Highway Department needs. 2025 was proposed to be a “catch-up” year. This catch-up is largely driving the 10% increase in the 2025 budget. Highway Department expenses need to be planned. Pam is not in favor of lease-to-purchase arrangements for front-line highway equipment.
Nikki Dubaere: Expressed concern that Steve Hall is not getting the help he needs for budgeting and planning.
Dawn Gezelman: Said she is helping Steve.
Ed Shaughnessy: Each department has a liaison from the Select Board and the Budget Committee that meet with department heads during the year to monitor spending.
Beth Downs: Line items vary during the year. Sometimes it is necessary to shift money to make the bottom line steady.
Eileen Kelly: Encouraged residents to pay attention to education spending and funding at the State level. The State budget will be presented in February. Pay attention to the NH State Legislature. As a State Representative, Eileen will keep residents informed.
Bryan Nowell: The 2025 Fire Department budget is lower due to planning through the Capital Improvement Plan and grants that have been awarded for trainings and equipment. Be aware that 100% increases in Rescue line items represent small increases in an overall budget of $9,700.
There was a lengthy discussion of the overall Highway Department budget primarily concerned with the replacement of a truck and backhoe. The consensus of the Board seemed to be that the Town should purchase a truck with available reserved capital and “lease-to-own” a backhoe. Without further details a decision on this matter was not reached.
Regular and Old Business:
Warrant Articles: The Board decided not to review the warrant articles without further information on truck and backhoe at this time.
Highway Grants: There are currently two Highway grants in the works. One is a clean diesel grant to replace a Highway truck. The other is a Transportation Alternative Program grant to sidewalks on West Main Street. Karen noted that in addition to the funds we have saved for this purpose, the town will need to raise more than $200,000 in matching funds if the grant is awarded. The Board indicated their support and asked her to move forward with the grant.
Town Report Dedication: Marlene will prepare pictures and text.
New Business:
Open Wells: Bryan Nowell reported that there are three or four open wells around town. Consensus of the Board is that property owners with open wells will be notified in writing by Karen.
Accept donation of drop box.
Motion: Beth Downs moved that the Board accept a donation of personal property in the form of a donation/suggestion box per RSA 31:95-e.
Second: Chip Meany
Decision: 3-0, all in favor
Accept donation of a file cabinet
Motion: Beth Downs made a motion that Board accept a donation of personal property in the form of a file cabinet per RSA 31:95-e.
Second: Chip Meany
Decision: 3-0, all in favor
The following were signed by the Board:
Personnel Action Form
Sanders Searches Agreement
Central NH Regional Planning Letter of Agreement
IT Maintenance Agreement
Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature
Motion: Beth Downs moved to adjourn the meeting
Second: Marlene Freyler
Decision: 3-0, all in favor
Meeting adjourned at 7:58 pm
Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary