Select Board Minutes 01.24.12

JANUARY 24, 2012

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Jack Meaney, Acting Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Barry Wheeler, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley Secretary present. Harry Wright was absent.


Carrie Guerrette, KAP lease:

Carrie Guerrette attended the Selectmen’s meeting regarding the KAP preschool lease for the upstairs room. Carrie questioned if she could lease the room for $500.00 rather than the $600.00 that has been listed. She added that this would raise the rent by $150.00 rather then $200.00 for this year. Another question arose, that if KAP went under, how would she get out of the lease. Jack Meaney advised there is a stipulation of a sixty day time frame if either party needed to make a change. Cheryl Behr, Administrator will make sure that is in the wording. There is 915 square feet in the room with the deck also available. The lease also comes with heat, lights but not the cleaning. Jack Meaney advised he did not have any problem with $500.00 for this year and an increase will probably be due the following year. Cheryl will get the lease prepared for signing.

THRC – Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief:

Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief advised John Greenwood had called him about an hour ago, so they are all set.

Letter from Rural Heritage:

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised a letter from the Rural Heritage Connection had been dropped off today, January 24, 2012. (Letter on file) Cheryl read the letter to the board, stating the Rural Heritage Connection of Bradford is a non profit community organization dedicated to preserving the town’s rural character. They are requesting your commitment to oppose certain bills that may soon come before the house, particularly concerned with HB 1515, HB 1545 and HB 1586, which would limit each town’s ability to decide how the land use change tax is collected and allocated. These bills would be bad for NH and less appealing to tourists. The Rural Heritage Connection requested that you please reject these three house bills.


Accounts Payable were reviewed and signed. Purchase and Sales forms for Tax redemption were signed and notarized.

The anticipated telephone call from Harry Wright to be on speaker phone regarding budget issues was canceled.

Warrant Article for discussion: RSA 41:14a which states:

To see if the town will adopt the provisions of RSA 41:14-a to grant the selectmen the authority to acquire or sell land, buildings, or both; provided that they first submit any such proposed acquisition or sale to the planning board and to the conservation commission for review and recommendation by those bodies and hold 2 public hearings on the proposed acquisition or sale and provided that upon the written petition of 50 registered voters presented to the selectmen prior to their vote, the proposed acquisition or sale shall be inserted as an article in the warrant for the town meeting. This authority shall not extend to Town-owned conservation land which is managed and controlled by the conservation commission, any part of a town forest, or any real estate that has been given, devised, or bequeathed to the town for charitable or community purposes except as provided in RSA 498:4-a or RSA 547:3-d.

The consensus of the two Selectmen present this evening was it would be a good idea for it to be included as an Article in the 2012 Warrant.

Budget Committee Regarding Increase in hours for Payroll Clerk:

Cheryl Behr, Administrator questioned if the Budget Committee had committed to increasing the hours from four hours a week to twenty for the part time office personnel.

It was discussed by the Budget Committee, but no motion had been made at their last meeting.

Questions concerning Grader:

Barry Wheeler stated he has been over and looked at the grader and also talked with Jeff Remillard, Road Agent regarding the condition of the 1986 grader. It uses 2 gallons of oil each time it goes out, gear slips (one used all the time when grading) and it is next to impossible to get parts. The hours used were not picked up.

It will be left on the Warrant.

Asphalt tonnage:

It was stated that by purchasing more tonnage it was like getting 3 roads done free. Jack Meaney advised that the new Road Management software included Greenhouse Lane as #1 in the listing as needing attention by CNHRPC.

BACC – copier:

Cheryl Behr, Administrator stated that when the Community Center opened, the BACC had a color copier which is now dysfunctional. This is used by Parks and Rec and CAP (Cap shares the cost). BACC no longer has a budget, so does the town purchase a copier at $1,000.00 a year for three years, for a reconditioned commercial grade. Decision is to check on repairing the current one, or check on repairing the one in the Selectmen’s office at the town hall.

Town Truck in Accident:

The F550 town truck was in an accident last Friday and the adjuster was coming out today, but no report has been received at this time. The whole left side of the truck was hit, damaging the drivers door, dump body, bent the frame on the plow and it took out the steering box. There is not full replacement value on the truck. Question was asked if the other person has insurance which was unknown. Barry Wheeler suggested we should fix it if we possibly can.

Town Hall Restoration Committee:

John Greenwood advised he had talked with Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief and they are meeting a couple of times this week including tomorrow night possibly, to discuss the best options for the town and town budget.

Eileen Kelly, Chair presented the minutes of the Town Forum to the Selectmen from Jeff Taylor as Facilitator. Further discussion continued regarding the septic system and design at the Town Hall, which should be considered first. Eileen asked the Selectmen if they would look at the situation and let the THRC know of any concerns to which Jack Meaney stated yes. Eileen Kelly stated that there are some people on the committee who are going to a Town Hall Mentoring Retreat tomorrow at the NH Preservation Alliance, specifically for restoration of the town hall. Several people from The Division of Historical Resources will be coming, probably on Thursday, February 2, 2012. A report has been submitted to the Selectmen’s office for the Town Report. Cheryl Behr, Administrator will check to see if a Bond Hearing can be advertised minus the amount at the time of posting.

Two Bond Hearings will be scheduled for:

Tuesday, February 14, 2012 at the Community Center at 6:30pm

Tuesday, February 21, 2012 at the Community Center at 6:30pm

Marcia Keller requested that as long as the Community Center is being used, would there be some way of putting some kind of a reflector at the end of the driveway. With two driveways being close together, it is difficult to see at night.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised that petition Warrant Articles can be rescinded if all the signers of the petition agree to rescind it, per the town attorney.

Meeting adjourned 6:20pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
