Select Board Minutes 02.07.12

FEBRUARY 7, 2012

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Barry Wheeler, Jack Meaney, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.


Jeff Remillard, Road Agent and Road Committee:

Cheryl Behr, Administrator read a letter that was handed out by Jeff Remillard, Road Agent and The Bradford Road Committee. Letter is attached to the back of these minutes.

Harry Wright, Chair stated the report was nicely done.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to accept the letter from the Road Committee and the Road Agent. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 3-0.

The report will be posted on the town Web site and probably the Bridge was stated.


Accounts Payable and payroll manifests were reviewed and signed.

Damaged Town Truck:

Damage to the town 550 Dump Truck was reported by Jeff Remillard, Road Agent. Jeff advised the adjuster did come out and gave an estimate, but cannot tell for sure until they get into it, however, did estimate at $6,000.00. Jeff took the truck to Merrill’s Body and Frame shop in Concord yesterday morning where they will make an estimate and they will proceed to repair it. Harry Wright, Chair questioned if there were any particulars regarding the accident, and Steve Valiquet, Police advised it being a town incident, Henniker Police took care of the situation. The other person involved did have insurance, which should take care of the cost of the repair of the town truck.

Town Report:

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she is holding off for all the financials. All the Committees’s and Department’s have forwarded their reports.

Servide Provider Agreement for Rescue Squad:

Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief advised this is basically house keeping which is done every year which is an agreement that requests for a Para-Medic intercept from Hopkinton, Henniker or Concord that the established fee is what will be paid. The Selectmen are the only ones that can enter into the contract. This was signed by the Selectmen.

Review of Petitions:

Cheryl Behr, Administrator handed out copies of the Warrant Articles along with the comments from the town Attorney to the selectmen which were gone over and discussed.

Cheryl advised the Attorney had given eight different Articles that according to her should not be recommended by the Selectmen or the Budget Committee. Cheryl Behr also stated that the Attorney advised the AG Office issued an opinion in 2010 that it was illegal to put the tax impact of the various Articles on the Warrant. Although it is not clear, they are enforcing that opinion of recommending the removing the estimated tax impact from the Warrant. Some changes were made on some of the Warrant Articles.

(The Secretary did not receive a copy of numbered Articles or of these changes.)

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to recommend Article 7, a Petition to see if the town will vote to raise and appropriate the sum of Twenty Five thousand ($25,000) dollars to retrofit the downstairs of the Community Center for town offices. This will be a non lapsing appropriation to continue until the money is spent or December 30, 2013. Seconded by Barry Wheeler. Motion carried 3-0.

It was stated by Cheryl Behr that the Attorney advised the Selectmen did not need to recommend the Police Cruiser, which is Article #10.

Article 12 had a question regarding the discrepancy in the amount of $32,000 to $34,000. Jim Valiquet, Police Chief advised the radio amount was incorporated into the $32,000 figure. This will be changed back to the $32,000 amount.

Cheryl advised the Attorney changed the wording of this Article and removed Article #13.

Article 15 the Attorney has changed some of the wording.

Article 17 Attorney changed the wording per Cheryl Behr.

Article 18 Attorney changed the wording per Cheryl Behr.

Article 20 Attorney changed the wording.

Article 28 Attorney changed the wording.

Article 29 Petition submitted has no money, so no requirement for recommendation per Cheryl Behr, Administrator regarding the Historical Center.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator stated the Attorney also had a question on Article 3 which states adjourning the meeting until Wednesday, March 14th, question was when is this voted to have the meeting on two separate days. The end of the voting on Tuesday, the Moderator will adjourn until the next day, Wednesday per the Town Clerk.

Cheryl Behr, gave Beth Rodd, Town Hall Restoration Committee information from the Town Attorney about adjourning Town Meeting, and advised she has requested of DRA their requirements.

Intent to Cut for Dana Stockman, Map 1, Lot 48 was signed.

Community Center Copier:

The Community Center Copier is shared by CAP, Fuel Assistance, and office itself. The cost of parts alone to repair the copier is $303.00, plus labor. A new copier would cost $689.00 per Cheryl and a new one will be purchased by the town for the Community Center.

2009 Cruiser:

It was reported that all the stuff moved from the 2003 cruiser control box has shorted out. It will cost $1,000.00 to replace the control box, which would be the second or third time.

Police Chief, Jim Valiquet advised to replace all the damaged equipment could cost up to $4,000.00 but he now has it down to $1,900.00.

Budget Committee Public Hearing:

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she has not come up with the Budget Committee numbers taken from the Budget Committee Minutes. Cheryl advised the presentation of the Warrant is the Selectmen’s responsibility. Dick Keller advised the Budget Committee will meet prior to the Public Hearing on Thursday evening. The MS-7 cannot be presented at the Public Hearing. There will be a second Hearing. Cheryl advised the Warrant will be corrected now that the Selectmen have given her direction. Cheryl advised the Selectmen will provide an MS-7 with no Budget Committee figures for the Public Hearing on Thursday.

Town Hall Restoration Committee:

Cheryl Behr stated she had read in the Town Hall Restoration Committee minutes that the Rural Heritage Committee has donated at check for $2,000.00 to the THRC and that all monies need to go through the Town Treasurer, who would have to open a special account.

Marcia Keller stated the check was presented at the meeting last night, however it was clarified that it was to be held by the Corner Stone Project Account in the Rural Heritage Connection.

Dick Keller questioned how has the MS-7 been handled in the past to which Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she has done it, but then, she had always attended all the Budget Committee meetings, and worked with the Budget Committee. Cheryl advised this year she has not been requested at the meetings except for a few times.

In reply to a question, the second Public Hearing for the Budget Committee will be held on February 16, 2012, time to be determined per Dick Keller.

Department Head Comments:

Jeff Remillard, Road Agent questioned if the Selectmen went along with the Budget Committee’s cut of $20,000 in the Highway Budget since he talked with them in December. Jack Meaney stated that the Selectmen have their budget and the Budget Committee has their budget. Jeff advised he should have been contacted by the Budget Committee, and stated that he was told he would be.

Dick Keller, Budget Committee Chair stated that they all know what the issue is: The Selectmen’s Budget is 20% over last years. Jack Meaney advised it is the duty of the Budget Committee to alert department heads of any changes.

Chief Valiquet stated that something along the order of $56,000.00 was brought back into the town in offsetting revenues last year, through Grants, through fines etc. into the general fund which lowers this years tax rate. He has discovered that another $10,000 has been cut from his budget by the Budget Committee. Considerable discussion ensued.

Chief Valiquet stated there is absolutely no regard for rewarding employees in this community. There is no friendliness, no cooperation, no open dialog.

Chief Goldberg concurred.

Meeting Adjourned 6:30pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley


To the residents of Bradford:

As budgets are finalized and residents turn out for Bradford’s annual Town Meeting, we’d like to provide you with some facts about important warrant articles for the Highway Department. We feel strongly that with accurate facts, you will be able to make a more informed decision when you vote.

The first article concerns the purchase of a new grader. We support this warrant article for the following reasons. Our current grader, a 1986 Dresser, has been in need of repair for nearly two years, but unfortunately, parts are no longer available for it. Dresser graders have not been produced since the 1990’s. Road Agent Jeff Remillard consulted with the company that purchased Dresser in November of 2010, and was told a new motor and transmission would cost upwards of $30,000. By the time funds were approved at Town Meeting the following March, the parts had been completely phased out, which is not unheard of in a 26-year-old machine.

The list price of the new grader was $401,000. The trade-in value of $25,000, plus additional municipal discounts, put the final price at $272,700. To further offset that cost, a grant has been awarded to the town in the amount of $68,000, and will be put toward the first year of repayment on the machine. Combined with the funds already approved by voters for the repair, which have not been spent, the estimated impact to the town will be a total of $175,000. There will be no tax impact this year, which we feel will give residents another year to recover from the recent economic slump. Next year’s expected tax impact will be about 14 cents per thousand, and will continue for the next four years.

With so many gravel roads in town requiring year-round maintenance, we feel this is well worth the investment in our infrastructure. Since the grader is equipped with a snowplow and wing, we will get the benefit of being able to use it during snow removal operations, as well as for spring and fall grading.

Another article concerns road reconstruction. Currently, four roads are targeted for improvement or reconstruction: Main Street, Old Warner Road, Greenhouse Lane and Howlett Road. The decision on which roads to target was not made arbitrarily, or by one person alone – Road Maintenance software from the State of New Hampshire was used as a guide, as well as input from the Board of Selectmen and this committee. Main Street is of particular concern because the new sidewalk grant only covers a five-foot strip of pavement to be laid out on each side of the road, which will leave old, cracked pavement in the middle. In addition, Howlett Road is a concern because of drainage issues – runoff from this road leads directly to Lake Massasecum.

Last year, two contractors provided pricing for the reconstruction of Old Warner Road alone, from Route 114 to Ring Hill. One estimate came in at $430,000 and the other at $450,000. Because of economic conditions, Road Agent Jeff Remillard was able to secure a volume discount for asphalt for all four roads as a package, for the price of $375,000, which includes the entire reconstruction of Old Warner Road. This is basically equal to getting two roads – Greenhouse Lane and Howlett Road – paved at no cost. Greenhouse Lane is deteriorating rapidly, and will receive a two-inch shim and overlay of asphalt, and the deteriorating asphalt at the bottom of Howlett Road will be removed and the road will be re-paved from the Route 114 intersection to the top of the hill, which is 2,000 feet. If residents amend this article and opt to pick and choose which roads should be addressed, this package pricing will go away, which will essentially jack up the price and cost residents more money. We can’t imagine anyone willing to pay more for the same services in the future when we have a substantial discount at our fingertips.

The Budget Committee has created a separate warrant article to appropriate funds for Main Street only, which we don’t feel is in the best interest of the town. To pay $140,000 for paving for a road that we can pave for $97,000 is simply a waste of taxpayer dollars. Prices for material will not decrease in the future, so please think carefully before putting this off.

We believe the road plan is solid, sensible, and that our tax dollars are being managed in an efficient manner. We are taking advantage of grant money and are trying to do our best to offset taxes as much as possible, while still maintaining the infrastructure of our town. If you have any questions, any member of the Roads Committee would be happy to answer them. Road Agent Jeff Remillard can be reached at the Highway Garage at 938-5916.

Chris Aiken, Chair, Bradford Roads Committee

Jeff Remillard, Road Agent