Select Board Minutes 03.25.13



MARCH 25, 2013


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order with Sonny Harris, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. John Pfeifle was absent.

Marcia Keller –Re: Selectmen’s representative to Planning Board:

Marcia Keller came before the Selectmen to question who will be the Selectmen’s Representative to the Planning Board and Harry Wright, Chair advised it will be Sonny Harris.

Marcia also questioned if the Building Permit Application form has had any changes from what the Planning Board has made. Harry Wright, Chair stated that they have not heard from the Zoning Board of Adjustment but will take care of it shortly.

Marcia also brought up a non Planning Board subject, but on the Town Report, there is a list of town properties and there is one listed on Crittenden Road under Map 19, Lot 40 which actually does not exist and should not be listed and should be corrected on the Tax Map.

Sonny Harris suggested all available town lots should go back on the sale list. This will be discussed and offered to abutters first per Harry Wright, Chair.

Marlene Freyler – Fireworks:

Marlene Freyler questioned if the town prefers to stay with Atlas for the fireworks for the 4th of July celebration or look at another company who has shown interest. Consensus of the board was to stay with Atlas.

Mark Goldberg – Generator:

Mark Goldberg advised the Grant is ready to go out for the Generator and the old generator could go to state auction which would probably bring in some cash. The selectmen concurred.

Mark Goldberg also expressed concern that there were too many people at Town Meeting for the building, and some changes need to be made for the upcoming Town Meeting. Several suggestions were made including a tent, using the highway garage in case there is also an overflow at the April 11, 2013 voting.

The Warrant for the upcoming reconsideration voting was reviewed and signed by the Selectmen to be posted

Cheryl Behr stated the requirement of the Selectmen signing appointment letters for newly elected officials, which they did.

Dick Keller questioned having a telephone outside the Police Station for emergencies when there is no coverage. Harry Wright, Chair stated that will be brought up with the Police Chief.

Cheryl Behr advised there was contact made from Justin Solomon regarding the property located on the corner of Old Warner Road and Route 114, requesting the Selectmen contact him.

Also, Mrs. Ames, Rodd Jones sister contacted the Selectmen regarding the condition of the Solomon property beside Jones property.

Two different companies have contacted the Selectmen’s office regarding the testing at the Naughton property.

Cheryl Behr also advised that on the 8th of April, a person will be out to discuss the Solitude Ridge revaluation.

Sonny Harris advised he had talked with Dave Eckman, Eckman Engineering who stated they could save considerable money as they have done with other towns, and we should consider them in the future regarding our bridges.

Building Inspector:

The Selectmen were each given an application from the only applicant for the position of Building Inspector which was Walter Royal.

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to appoint Walter Royal as Building Inspector, commencing immediately. Seconded by Harry Wright. Motion carried unanimously.

It was also stated that this position will include and be part of the Code Enforcement position.

Sonny Harris reiterated that at the last Selectmen’s meeting discussion took place with John Belanger and Barry Wheeler, Road Agent will look at the property and make an assessment.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests were reviewed and signed.

Review and Consideration of the March 18, 2013 minutes:

Motion was made by Sonny Harris and seconded by Harry Wright, Chair to approve the March 18, 2013 minutes as presented. Motion carried unanimously.

No response has been received from Douglas Jackson, Center Road, and it was suggested that the new Building Inspector will contact him.

No other business to come before the board, meeting adjourned 6:05pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley, Secretary