Select Board Minutes 04.01.13



APRIL 1, 2013


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with John Pfeifle, Sonny Harris, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Walter Royal, Building Inspector:

Walter Royal presented a Building Permit Fee Schedule for their perusal and comments. Mr. Royal stated that he has checked with surrounding towns and this is in line with what they are doing. The presented schedule was for residential only, and commercial would be additional. Discussion included possibly omitting a portion of the Demolition portion. After going over this, the board advised they will discuss this at their next Selectmen’s meeting on April 8, 2013. The board thanked Mr. Royal for coming in and presenting the schedule.

Mike Charron – Real Estate Investor:

Mike Charron appeared before the Selectmen stating he is interested in purchasing the Justin Soloman property at the corner of Route 114 and Old Warner Road. His question was if it would be permissible to tear the building down and replace it with another home. Major concerns would be set backs, sewer and water as pointed out by Sonny Harris. It was suggested he talk with the Planning Board. Discussion ensued regarding disposal of the demolished material from the house. It was also stated that this would be a great part in the revitalization of Main Street endeavor which a new committee is being formed.

Lois Kilnap – Holiday:

Lois Kilnap, Transfer Station Manager came before the Selectmen requesting Easter Sunday and any Christmas that falls on a Sunday to be considered a paid Holiday for her position.

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to approve Easter Sunday and any Christmas that falls on a Sunday to be a paid Holiday for the Transfer Station full time personnel. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

Lois also gave the Selectmen accolades for running the town now and stated as a couple of years ago, the town was pretty corrupt.

Suggestion to Marlene Freyler was to obtain a bid at this time for Fireworks from the other company who she inferred had approached her, just to have on record.

Voting procedures – Steven Chase:

Steven Chase brought up some irregularities in voting and made some suggestions regarding more safe/secure methods. Much discussion took place with ways to make it easier with more secure methods such as checking voters in when they arrive and handed their ballots and again when they are handing in their ballots. Erica Gross, Town Clerk came in and advised there will be two colored yes/no ballots. There will be four boxes available.

Harry Wright – Quarterly CNHRP Conference Meeting:

Harry Wright, Chair advised last Thursday was the CNHRP Conference which he attended and the presenter was Mr. Andre Garron, Extension Specialist, UNH Cooperate Extension. Mr. Garron’s presentation was on leveraging broad ban to promote economic development. Basically how a town’s web site can be set up to secure developers. 90% of the information a developer needs would be available prior to making a telephone call to start the process. A good information source for our economic development committee.

Harry had two copies of the presentation from which more copies can be made to hand out.

Appointment letters were signed by the Selectmen

Personnel action forms were signed for the building department and police.

Mention was made that Jeff Earls, Cross Country Appraisal will attend the April 8th Selectmen’s meeting.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests were reviewed and signed.

John Pfeifle – Committee’s for Town Revitalization:

John Pfeifle went over a list of objectives for Regeneration or Revitalization of Main Street with charges and goals to be considered. The second committee consisting of Small Business Industrial Committee would be tied into the first committee. A list of aims and goals for this committee were also listed, and both will be discussed and worked on to fine tune the objectives.

The first quarter budget was handed out to the Selectmen and Cheryl Behr advised that the benefits by departments were split out, consequently, the amount that was voted in at town meeting is now reflected under different departments and is being worked on further. It was also stated that the budget will be reviewed on a regular basis. Cheryl also advised that any journal entry changed as above shall be approved by the Selectmen.

Selectmen’s Representative to the Budget Committee:

Motion was made by Sonny Harris that John Pfeifle will be the Selectmen Representative to the Budget Committee. Seconded by Harry Wright, Chair. Motion carried 3-0.

Discussion regarding town owned properties and to get them back on the tax roles was initiated by Sonny Harris. Under three years can be accomplished, however a legal letter would be required to the last owner stating it will be put on the market per Cheryl Behr.

Sonny Harris stated lets get what is already three years old back on the tax roles.

Review and Consideration of the March 25, 2013 minutes:

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to approve the March 25th 2013 minutes as presented. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

John Pfeifle – Re: Upcoming Town Meeting:

John Pfeifle brought up the question of if there is an overflow of voters, where will they be able to sit prior to voting at the Reconsideration for the town hall restoration on April 11, 2013. John reiterated to Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief that he wants to know right now, so there is no confusion that evening. John Pfeifle volunteered to provide a large tent, provide additional chairs from the town hall with the audio equipment and set up provided by Andrew Pinard. Consensus was this to be a great idea.

George Cilley mentioned again the seriousness of the three dead evergreen trees needing to come down between the Community Center and the property abutting it before they cause damage or injury.

Meeting adjourned 7:00pm

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
