Select Board Minutes 05.15.12

MAY 15, 2012

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the Selectmen’s meeting to order at 6:05pm with Barry Wheeler, Sonny Harris, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Review and Consideration of May 8, 2012 minutes:

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair to approve the minutes of May 8, 2012 with the correction of the word cannon on the bottom of page one. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.


Rescue Squad:

Laurie Brown came before the Selectmen to advise they have found an automated CPR machine available for the same price as Concord Hospital’s, and the Rescue Squad voted unanimously to come before the Selectmen to see if they would approve them to use some of the Billing money to buy this device for between $14,000 and $15,000. Concord Hospital had them available for Grants which the Rescue Squad was not eligible for. This machine can do 102 compressions per minute, non stop. Sonny Harris questioned the Warranty and Life Span of the machine. Warranty was unknown, but will be checked on and the Life Span is about ten years. It was requested in the CIP for 2012. This machine fits up to 95% of people, including children, takes one minute to hook up to patient and the training is very easy per Laurie.

Motion was made by Barry Wheeler to allow the Rescue Squad to purchase a CPR machine for between $14,000 and $15,000 using funds from their Billing Account. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

Martyn Chivers:

Mr. Chivers came before the Selectmen regarding a set back from Route 103 at his property at 10 Breezy Hill Road, in consideration of his Vehicle Recycling Center, which is 50’ short of the State Guidelines. The town of Bradford does not have a Zoning Ordinance that addresses it, and reverted it back to the state. Cleveland, Waters and Bass, Mr. Chiver’s Attorney sent a letter suggesting it could be within the purview of the Bradford ZBA to make a variance. The ZBA questioned if both attorneys should talk, and how much would it cost the town? Harry Wright, Chair advised he had spoken with the town attorney this morning, and it would be a minimal time to talk with CWB who was not in the office, but they do expect a response. Harry Wright, Chair advised that the issue with the state (again, I cannot speak to it legally or ordinance wise) but where it is not within the ZBA’s Ordinances, we could write an Ordinance that would allow the ZBA to handle it, but that would have to be voted on at next town meeting.

Mr. Chivers will wait for word from his Attorney.

Planning Board regarding the CIP:

Marcia Keller, Chair Bradford Planning Board brought a Joint Memorandum from the Planning Board and Board of Selectmen for the Selectmen to sign. The Time Line has been modified from last year’s CIP schedule, with the expectation that it will go more smoothly than last year due to prior experience. The Planning Board approved it at their last meeting. Mark Keith was asked to be a member representing the Road Committee.

Cheryl Behr advised there cannot be a quorum of one board on another.

Motion was made by Barry Wheeler to sign the Joint Memorandum of the Bradford Capital Improvements Program (CIP) for the year 2012-2017. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.


Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests were reviewed and signed.

Intent to Cut were signed for Mendes-Bourque, Map 6, Lot 95, and George Cilley, Map 17, Lot 10.

Gravel Excavation Form for Barry Wheeler was signed.

Timber Tax Warrant (replacement) were signed, and the money has increased to

Eighteen thousand ninety nine dollars and twenty cents ($18,099.20)

Abatements were signed.

Cheryl Behr thanked Jim Valiquet, Police Chief for fixing the back door.

The annual service contract for the Town Clock was signed for $150.00.

Barry Wheeler will join a Police Officer to visit a person living on town owned property.

Approval of Job Description for Transfer Station.

Lois Kilnapp,Transfer Station Manager stated that in the May 8th minutes Harry Wright, Chair advised the Job Description has no change of consequence, but money received now goes to town administrator. Lois advised she has worked at the Transfer Station for ten years and the demo fees have always gone to the town administrator. Cheryl advised the earlier job description said Executive Assistant and there is no longer an Executive Assistant, the money still goes into the general fund, is the reason for the change. One of the changes is from previously reporting to the road Agent, the Transfer Station Manager reports to the board of Selectmen. Lois has been Transfer Station Manager since April 10, 2012 and needs to be advised of additional information the Selectmen have signed tonight in a letter. An appointment is set up with Lois and Harry Wright, Chair for Friday, May 18th at 10:00am.

Lois Kilnapp also requested permission for the use of the truck, the Transfer Station always used to have all winter, for Thursday night.

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair for the truck to be parked at the Transfer Station and if the highway department needs it, they can use it and bring it back. Sonny Harris seconded the motion. Carried 3-0.

Lois can pick up the truck tomorrow morning per the selectmen.

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair to approve the 2012 Job Description for the Transfer Station Manager. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.

Highway Job Posting-Cheryl Behr advised she had one which she had forwarded to the Selectmen. There is no benefit package for part time, and the number of hours are not listed.

Harry Wright advised he will contact the town attorney regarding the contract for Rick Monahon, Architect for the Town Hall Restoration in reply to Dick Keller’s question of where it stands, as there is a meeting on Thursday.

Sonny Harris questioned the e-mail regarding the bid on the grader parts and what is the outcome to be? No dollar amount was discussed at this time. If at $5,000, then it will need to go out for bid.

Sonny Harris asked Harry Wright, Chair if they could question Carl Rubchinuk, Unity Rigging, who looked at the grader a couple of weeks ago, and is present tonight if he has any opinion or price for repair?

Mr. Rubchinuk advised the grader needs to be completely serviced correctly and does need new tires. It is in a lot better shape than people seem to think. Harry Wright, Chair read a write-up of what is needed without quoting price given by Mr. Rubchinuk’s observation on March 28, 2012. Conversation ensued, and the earlier bid made by CAT could be used as one of the three bids required. Carl Rubchinuk advised he could only warranty what he does.

Motion was made by Barry Wheeler to accept bids already received, and Carl Rubchinuk will service the grader. Carried 3-0.

Cheryl Behr reiterated that Carl will service the grader in place of replacing major parts.

Tires are already in the budget which would include four in the back and two of the best ones moved to the front of the grader.

One other bid was between $22,300 and $25,000 depending upon some replacements.

Carl Rubchinuk’s bid was for cost of project for maintenance of the road grader minus the tires should not exceed four thousand dollars ($4,000). In reply to a question by Chris Frey, Barry Wheeler will be the contact Selectman for Carl Rubchinuk to talk to when needed. Cheryl will issue a Purchase Order for $4,000.00 for Carl Rubchinuk.

Perry Teele advised he went to Bradford Center to do the mowing, however found it all mowed. Harry Wright, Chair advised they decided to have the highway department do it this once, log the hours and see if it is cost effective for them to do it, or to add to the job of the person doing the rest of the grounds keeping.

Numbers have not been assigned to the Community Center copier as that equipment will not allow this set up. An honor system will be set up per Cheryl Behr.

The Flag at the town hall will be replaced as well as the POW flag per Marlene Freyler.

Motion to adjourn to a Non Public Session per RSA 91-A:3II (a) seconded and carried at 7:18pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley


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