Select Board Minutes 05.20.24

Select Board Meeting was called to order at 6:07 pm.

Roll Call: Beth Downs (Chair), Marlene Freyler, Chip Meany
Also attending: Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator; Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary

Debi McCartney – 8 Pierce Road, appeared to talk about earthwork done at her address. Ditches at the edge of the property are making it difficult to use the property. Wanted to know if there is a solution. Steve Hall commented that the ditching was done to maintain drainage on the road. Beth recommended a wait and see approach. Several solutions were discussed. Steve suggested waiting for the grass to fill in and meet in a month.

Ed Shaughnessy – Police Department Update
Service calls: 384 calls since last report. Officers are participating in training programs. The cruiser has gone to auction.

Bryan Nowell – Fire Department Update
• Fire permits are now required.
• 95 incidents for the year v. 72 at this time last year.
• Deputy Chief Raymond’s memorial was an excellent tribute.
• Relative to the walk through of 131 Massasecum Ave, Beth asked what the concerns were at that address. Addressing is a concern. Parking, access to all sites.
• Hazard Mitigation Plan is addressing Class VI Road concerns. Residents are asked to fill out the Hazard Mitigation survey on the website to help inform the update of our plan.
• New fire truck is very close. Inspection will be conducted at the beginning of June.
• 66% of the budget is remaining.
• Bids are being collected for the mini-splits provided for by a warrant article. Consensus of the Board is to proceed with this purchase.

Lois Kilnapp – Transfer Station Update Hazardous waste collection was a success. Several hundred dollars of recycling has been processed by the Transfer Station.

Steve Hall – Highway Department Update
• Skid steer is being repaired.
• Driveway permit for Map 5, Lot 114. signed
Public Input: Sandra Wonson, appeared to asked about the number of dwellings allowed on a property. The Board recommended referencing the Zoning Ordinance.

Regular and Old Business:

Town Hall Update: This Select Board meeting is being held in the renovated Town Hall!
Moving into the new old building went well. An open house will be held on June 1, Noon to 2 pm. Music, public acknowledgment/appreciation, refreshments. Next is planning for the June 29 Independence Day Celebration.

Pledge of Allegiance: The Board discussed starting each meeting with the pledge to the flag.

Motion: Chip Meany moved to start each Select Board meeting with the Pledge of Allegiance.
Second: Marlene Freyler
Decision: 2 in favor, 1 abstention

Cemetery Maintenance: Bids are being collected for the second time. There was a very small response to the first bid request. The Request for Proposal is due June 7. An interim contract was agreed upon for Memorial Day. Price $880/week.

CAP Lease: CAP has sent the space requirements. Board is in agreement that the freezers should not be located in the “Drivers Ed” room. Consensus of the Board is to extend the present lease for six months @ $800/month. Space designation to be determined.

New Business:
Warner River Local Advisory Committee nomination form. Marlene is nominee. Form is signed.
Sign Intent to Cut Map 3 Lot 69. Signed
Sign Intent to Cut Map 3 Lot 74-01. Signed
Discussion of State Supreme Court ruling relevant to rental property.

Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3II (l)

Motion: Beth Downs moved to adjourn to Non-Public Session per RSA 91-A:3II (l) at 7:46 pm.
Second: Chip Meany
Decision, 3-0, all in favor

Motion: Chip Meany moved to return to public session at 8:13 pm.
Second: Marlene Freyler
Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Motion: Marlene Freyler moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:13 pm.
Second: Chip Meany
Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Upcoming meeting: June 10, 2024

Respectfully Submitted, Kathleen Bigford