Select Board Minutes 05.06.08

Town of Bradford
Selectmen’s Minutes
May 6, 2008

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Chair called the May 6th meeting to order with Charles Meany, Andrew Pinard, Cheryl Behr Administrator and Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer present.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Review and Acceptance of Minutes
Motion was made by Charles Meany to accept the minutes of April 19, 2008, 10:25 am meeting as presented. Andrew Pinard Seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to accept the April 19, 2008, 9:00am minutes as presented. Seconded by Charles Meany. Carried 3-0.


Steve Lucier, Road Agent came before the Selectmen regarding gravel bids. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised gravel bids have been received in response to letters gone out.

1. Mt. Williams

2. Willow Pond

3. Henniker Sand & Gravel

4. Goodnight Sand & Gravel – Excavating

5. Hill & Dale = Grind gravel on Site and store.

6. Mr. Isham offered unprocessed material, located at 8 Pleasant Valley Road at $1.25 per yard.

Wheeler Excavating had $2.00 per yard with $5.00 per yard to have Henniker Crushed Stone crush.

Steve Lucier, Road Agent contacted Henniker Sand & Gravel and was given a figure of $5.25 at the Hill & Dale, Goodnight pit. Henniker Sand and Gravel gave a price of

$13.25 per yard delivered. Mt. Williams gave a price of $12.75 per yard delivered. Willow Pond was late with their submission.

Andrew Pinard had been in touch with Mary Pinkham-Langer, regarding permits and there may be a challenge in determining the bids. The material of the Isham’s pit is actually not excavated from his gravel pit, therefore, is stockpiled material that taxes have already been paid on. Therefore, we would be purchasing material from what is in essence from a contractor’s yard, a business from which there is no Site Plan . If we are entering into contract with any business in town that is not compliant with zoning or Site Plan at the time of bid, is that something we should be concerned with? At this time the Local Government Center has not been contacted by the Selectmen’s office. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised that DES should be contacted for silting for the processing. Steve Lucier, Road Agent advised that 99% of what has been delivered to Mr. Isham would not be used by the town as it is too big, the town would actually be excavating behind what is seen when you drive by. If a Pit Agreement is signed, then a Permit Agreement under RSA 155E is not required per Steve Lucier, Road Agent. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the Pit Agreement would have to be modified, as there are requirements in the Pit Agreement which may or may not apply. There is a two year window, after which the Pit has to be closed. Cheryl also advised that whatever is signed must be valid and correct. Andrew Pinard advised that if in fact you are excavating material at the Site at Goodnight Sand and Gravel lot then there is provisions in the Excavation Regulations that says no crushing is allowed without written request of the regulatory body, which would be the Planning Board. If the town is entering in a Gravel Pit Agreement then there is no permit in place, the Selectmen would be the ones enforcing it. Andrew Pinard advised that DRA advised that as long as they are using the stockpiled material, it is not a gravel pit issue. Peter Isham advised he has every intention of renewing his permit, and is scheduled for the May 13, 2008 Planning Board meeting. Barry Wheeler’s bid was $5.00 to Grind and $2.00 for material for $7.00 total.

Peter Isham’s bid was $5.25 to Grind and $1.25 for material for $6.50 total.

Barry Wheeler‘s new Excavation Regulation permit will be completed on May 13, 2008.

The following Restrictions were read regarding the Wheeler pit.

1. Crusher may be operated on the property for Town Use only.

2. Crusher will operate for a maximum of 3 weeks (15 working days) each year.

3. Crusher will operate only on weekdays (Monday through Friday)

4. The crusher shall not begin operations before 8:00AM and will cease operations by 5:00pm.

5. Operation of gravel crusher on the site will expire each Year by June 30th.

6. Modification to allow for operation of gravel crusher on the site will expire April 30 2008.

It was stated that it is legal for the town to make arrangements for transportation purposes.

Andrew Pinard read into the minutes, RSA 155-E:2 IV – Highway Excavations. No permit shall be required under this chapter for excavation which is performed exclusively for the lawful construction, reconstruction, or maintenance of a class etc. He advised that entering into the pit agreement, this allows them to start before a permit is issued, but if they want to do any more excavation then a permit would be required. Andrew Pinard pointed out that in 2006, Town Attorney advised the Town should not go against its own crushing restrictions.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton and seconded by Charles Meany to request the Town Atty, Tim Bates to review and advise regarding the crushing on site before issuing a contract. Motion carried 3-0.

Upon receipt of advise of Attorney, check with the Planning Board, and have their concept presented to the Selectmen at their next meeting on May 20, 2008.

Barry Wheeler spoke to the Selectmen regarding the design of the road, between Jones Road and Center Road.

1. Trees need to be trimmed

2. Design not good. Coming from Jones Road to Center Road, road needs to be widened to make it safer, and possible for trucks to make the turn there.

Steve Lucier, Road Agent advised there will be paving on Center Road on May 16th, and gravel will be needed and inquired as to where he should purchase it. Mt. Williams is the least expensive at $12.00 delivered. Graff in Newbury is $10.00, but that would need to be picked up. It was thought about 1000 yds. is needed.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to find the cheapest and best including trucking for the gravel needed for Center Road and have Steve Lucier, Road Agent order it. Seconded by Charles Meany. Approve 3-0.

Charles Meany asked Steve Lucier, Road Agent if he could make a list of priorities for the Town Shed in the event the request for the new/renovations does not carry at a Special Town Meeting.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the town pre-buy for fuel has been expended, and the last fill up of 705 gallons in April for the Highway, Town Hall and Fire House cost $2300.00.

Steve Lucier, Road Agent advised the Highway Dept. will be starting their 4 day work week, next week.

Barry Wheeler brought up Road Bonding for logging trucks. He advised a $10,000.00 bond is difficult to obtain. The purpose of the Road Bond is primarily for Class VI roads, which they cannot work on per Cheryl Behr, Administrator. If there is no Road Bond, then there is no recourse at all. Charles Meany requested this be tabled for future discussion.

Motion was made by Charles Meany to keep the $10,000 bond in place and if this becomes a hardship for loggers, then they should present this to the Selectmen for consideration. Seconded by Peter Fenton. Motion carried. 3-0.

Andrew Pinard read the Timber Cutting Ordinance: In the event the cutting operation shall take place on a Class VI road, the individual shall be required to file for permission to haul over a Class VI Permit which shall be reviewed by the Road Agent and approved by the Board of Selectmen. The Board of Selectmen upon recommendation by the Road Agent will require the posting of a bond on all town roads by the individuals prior to the commencement of any hauling. Any operation of any hauling over the roads without first having secured permission from the Board of Selectmen shall be in violation of the limited weight ordinance and subject to the penalties established therein.


Accounts Payable Manifest and Payroll Manifest for review were signed.

Audrey Sylvester presented to the Selectmen the Henry Backdrop Restoration Committee Up-date, May 6, 2008 (Copy attached)

Special Town Meeting Information:

Jim Bruss met with Andrew Pinard today, and he will come up with numbers for estimated costs for rehabilitating the existing town sheds. Jim Bruss did a walk thru with Steve Lucier, Road Agent, and he stated that the building would have value to the town as cold storage. Jim Bruss also recommended a SIPS building, which is a partitioned system. Brewster Caswell expected to get estimated figure in by this Friday. Also Hank Thomas will get figures into the Selectmen before Friday regarding repairing the building. Costs depend upon what is actually being considered, with an estimate of between $380,000.00 to $430,000.00, without the salt shed. Two surveyors were contacted, Eckman Engineering and Ray Kritch. Several test wells were also mentioned.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised that orchestrating two town meetings in one year is really cutting into what she is capable of getting done in the office, and getting past this is crucial.

In reply to Matt Ordway’s question if the court does not permit a Special Town Meeting, what is the next step, it was stated that the public would need to know what the temporary repair is needing to be done. It was discussed that if June 3, 2008 is posted for a Special Town Meeting, but the Superior Court does not give permission, should a meeting be held anyway. Consensus was that the Selectmen could have their scheduled meeting. Charles Meany suggested the public needs to be informed of what is going to be done to the existing building making it tolerable for employees to work there, as well as housing equipment, then go back to the drawing board and bring up a previous plan, or a new plan for next town meeting. Currently, authorization is in effect for $25,000 plus $40,000 which can be spent on renovations.

Robert Stewart, Budget Committee questioned why is the Budget Committee scheduled to meet May 9, 2008, when there appears to be no idea of how much it is going to cost to build/renovate town sheds. If the figures are not available by Friday night, May 9, 2008 there is nothing the Budget Committee can do. The last day for the Budget Committee to hold a Public Hearing on the proposed warrant: The warrant can be changed up to the date on which it is posted, which is May 19, 2008.

Dick Keller questioned if the Selectmen could hold a meeting at 6:30 before the Budget Committee’s meet on Friday, May 9, 2008 to review the amounts and give to the Budget Committee.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard, seconded by Charles Meany for the Selectmen to hold a meeting on May 9, 2008 at 6:30pm prior to the Budget Committee’s meeting at 7:00pm and furnish figures to the Budget Committee for their consideration. Motion. Carried 3-0.

Other topics discussed.

Line of Credit signed.

Veterans Exemptions forms signed.

Two estimates for painting of the Town Hall have been received.

1. Tom McCormack – scrape and sand, front and Police side = $13,225.00

2. Second Bid – Caulk necessary cracks, prime coat, finish coat, any little extras. Police side and front = $12,050.00.

3. Jason Labbe (who did windows) east side of building = $9,200.00

To do both, side and front = $17,000.00.

Robert Stewart advised Gary Wall had volunteered to provide the paint if they have the Town Hall painted.

West Road Bridge contract discussed.

French’s Park Grant is in progress.

Tax Bills are to be printed May 16, and will be mailed out May 20, 2008.

The Historical Society has submitted a proposal for a Blacksmith Shop, 34’ x 20’ dimensions, to the Building Code Officer. This is to be built on the Town owned property, given to the Historical Society, on the Old Marshall property front lot, The Building Inspector wanted the Selectmen to approve the actual building.

Millie Kittredge, Historical Society President presented the proposed Blacksmith Shop to the Selectmen with drawings. This will be funded by public/private. They also have t-shirts ready for sale. The lot is staked out on the property. Dick Keller said, as a reminder this will be a public building and certain regulations will come into it from the State. Andrew Pinard advised we are managing what is going on in town, and he would like to see the Selectmen also commit to see what a long range plan may be to develop the property further.

Motion made by Peter Fenton, seconded by Charles Meany that they are in favor of this Blacksmith Shop to be erected on the front of the Naughton property. Andrew Pinard would like more information, and abstained. Carried 2-0.

The Police Chief has an interest in purchasing three Tasers, and does have money in the equipment budget for same, to be used as an alternative to deadly force.

Motion was made by Charles Meany to purchase Tasers for the Police Department. Seconded by Peter Fenton. Andrew Pinard advised he voted 100% against it. Motion carried 2-1.

May 14, 2008 is the last day for the Budget Committee to forward completed budget including recommendations on special Warrant Articles to the Town Clerk.

Andrew Pinard advised he had made a request to the Budget Committee that they consider beginning the budget process prior to September, actually as soon as possible. Also suggested that in this early period, a random line item review, receipt by receipt for each department just to review expenses of department be done. Concern being that we are in tough times now, and services have grown as we have grown through good times, however, now we are gong to have to start tightening the belt.

The Budget Committee wished to have a joint meeting with the Selectmen to see if the recommendations made by Andrew Pinard were unanimous with all Selectmen. Cheryl Behr, Administrator suggested that at the second meeting of the Selectmen every month, should be spent looking over the budget. May 20, 2008, 7:30pm the Budget Committee will meet with the Selectmen.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton, seconded by Andrew Pinard for the Selectmen to meet every 5th Tuesday, being in January, July, September and December. Motion carried 3-0.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she has not had any payroll for the Rescue Squad as yet. Copies of the Job Descriptions were forwarded to the Selectmen.

Adjourned 8:45pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
