Select Board Minutes 06.09.14



JUNE 9, 2014


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call To Order and Roll Call:

John Pfeifle, Chair opened the meeting at 5:29pm with Sonny Harris, Harry Wright, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

John Pfeifle, Chair stated that prior to starting the meeting this evening he wanted to state that the last Selectmen’s meeting was run poorly, and as of tonight, all Selectmen’s meetings will run according to law, provided by RSA 644 2 111:b People will not speak until they have been recognized, stating their name and topic being addressed, with no offensive language being permitted. Opinions are being sought, but they do need to be in a civil manner with no raised voices. If this is not followed, then the Chair will act accordingly.

All Selectmen concur with this procedure.

Regular Business:

Independence Day – Celebration:

Cheryl Behr advised the Committee for the Independence Day Fireworks is looking for a safe place for the Fireworks. Perry Teele checked on the area behind the Historical Society buildings. Atlas, the company displaying the Fireworks is scheduled to come out June 10 to do a balloon test for observation. Another suggestion was Barry Wheeler property.


Ann Eldridge, Conservation Commission:

Ann Eldridge presented a map showing a project that the Town of Warner initiated regarding the Warner River being nominated as being significant in the River Management and Protection Project. This involves five towns and Central New Hampshire Planning will be working on this as well, and will include eighteen other rivers in the state. This does not affect zoning, not preempting any existing Bradford regulations. This will increase awareness of rivers and provide more control as well as give leverage for Grant writing.

Ann passed out a Water Resources and Wetlands map showing the area being discussed.

Suggestion was for the Selectmen to write a letter of support to the Town of Warner, which they will do and forward to Ann for her approval. A local advisory committee is seeking two members which would meet twice a year. Mike Tardiff was also mentioned as working with this endeavor.

Ann also mentioned the long term Recreational Trail being worked on which the Rural Heritage Commission is promoting, and will encompass the Tillie Wheeler Trail , going from Hopkinton to Newbury.


Cheryl Behr advised the Budget should be at 56% at this time, but is actually 55.91%. The selectmen briefly went over the budget to where each Department was in their individual budget for the year to date.

Cheryl Behr was requested by the Selectmen to get out the chart that was prepared in December to re-look at at this time of year.

CNHRPC training – Broadband and Telecommunications.

Harry Wright advised there is a Central New Hampshire Regional Planning Commission Training Event to be held on Tuesday, June 10, 2014 at 6:00pm to 7:30pm at the Bow Municipal Building regarding: “Making the Connection: What Communities need to know about Broadband and Telecommunications.”

Breezy Hill Bridge:

Cheryl Behr made clarification of Breezy Hill Road Bridge remarks that were made last week.

1. Not guaranteed to move the Breezy Hill Bridge up to 2015.

2. About one month away from detailed plans being completed.

Cheryl read a portion of a letter from the Department of Revenue. (Letter on file)

Ambulance Contract:

Cheryl Behr advised communication has been received from Tom French, Henniker Rescue Squad. After considerable consideration/discussion, it was a unanimous decision that both towns, Henniker and Bradford and their respective Attorney’s come together in a meeting. Cheryl Behr will forward a letter to Henniker Rescue Squad with this suggestion.

Historical Society Letter:

Cheryl Behr read a letter to be sent to the Historical Society regarding the authorizing of the moving of the old Post Office building to the property that the Town voted to dedicate to them at the March 2005 Town Meeting and in March 2012 as a historic village area, Map 17, Lot 12. (Letter on file)

Letter from Mr. R. Lincoln regarding suggestions for the Town Hall:

Cheryl Behr read a letter into the minutes from Mr. Lincoln regarding thoughts and ideas of what and how it can be done to facilitate putting offices back into the Town Hall. (Letter on file). John Pfeifle suggested Cheryl forward a copy of this letter to the Town Hall Restoration Committee.

Intent to Cut:

Intent to Cut were reviewed and signed for Chris Frey, Map 2, Lot 16 and also for

Rita Morris, Map 8, Lot 24 & 25.

Parks and Rec purchase picnic tables for front lawn of Community Center:

The Parks and Rec. committee requested permission to place two picnic tables on the front lawn of the Community Center. The Selectmen concur this would be feasible.

Inventory Taxable form which is not used will be sent back to the State was signed and dated.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests were reviewed and signed.
Mention was made of there being no Selectmen’s meeting next Monday, June 16th as there will be a Special Town Meeting held at the Bradford Elementary School at 7:00pm

Mention was made of the upcoming CIP meeting tomorrow night from 6:00pm to 8:00pm

Sonny Harris reported on having the town hall roof looked at for repairs and the thought was standing seam was used as estimate which in round figures was $10,000.

Cheryl read a letter from Bruce McCandlish regarding Chase Kenyon coming before the Zoning Board of Adjustment resulting from a letter he received from the Selectmen stating the bus on his property was not up to present code. The Selectmen will work with the Kenyon’s, and Cheryl Behr will write a letter to them so stating.

John Pfeifle stated he does want a report on the activity on the property on Route 114 that is not up to Zoning Code by next Monday, June 16, 2014.

Review and Consideration of June 2, 2014 Minutes:

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to approve the June 2, 2014 minutes as presented. John Pfeifle seconded. Motion carried 3-0.

Meeting adjourned 6:45pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
