Select Board Minutes 06.26.13



JUNE 26, 2013


Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair opened the meeting at 11:00am with Sonny Harris, John Pfeifle and Marge Cilley Secretary present. Also present were Ken Anderson, Town Recycling Dept. and George Naughton, Naughton & Son Recycling, LLC.

Discussion regarding re-commitment to Trash Contract:

It was stated that Bradford does have two more years in their present commitment to Concord Regional Trash Co-Op and this discussion is to see if the town desires to sign up Wednesday evening and continue for eight more years. Harry Wright, Chair had a telephone conversation with Jim Presher, Co-op Director and advised him Bradford is not anxious to sign up at this time. Harry Wright did advise there would be a sign up bonus of $17.00 per ton for about $9,000 annually.

George Naughton brought in an estimated comparison sheet for the Selectmen to peruse showing other towns with tonnage, hauling charge estimates with annual total cost figures. George advised he would still go to Penacook. Question was asked of George Naughton if the town could come up with more volume would the rates be lowered to which George advised he thought that could be a little lower rate offered to him which he could pass on to the town. George advised he has fourteen employees of which half do live in Bradford. George also advised he can handle 1500 tons per week, six to six, six days a week.

Much discussion ensued

John Pfeifle asked George Naughton if he would put a proposal in writing for a five year plan to commence in two years, (Letter of Intent) to which George agreed.

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to not make any decision on signing up for the Concord Co-Op and not commit to another eight years at this time and will advise Ken Anderson and Lois Kilnapp, to report at tonight’s meeting in Concord, that Bradford is going to wait. Motion seconded by Harry Wright. Motion carried 3-0

Meeting adjourned at 11:33am.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
