Select Board Minutes 06.30.14



JUNE 30, 2014


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

John Pfeifle, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Harry Wright, Sonny Harris, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Bid received on Town Hall Roof:

Cheryl Behr advised one bid has been received and she has been unable to contact the other three: Consensus of the Board is to try again to contact the ones not heard from who had received bid requests.

Town Bulletin Board:

Cheryl Behr stated that Laurie Buchar had questioned if there could be a town bulletin (for town wide info) board put up somewhere for convenience of everyone. Suggestion was made to re-locate the existing bulletin board from the town hall location. This will be checked upon further.


Dave Camire II – Highway issues:

Dave Camire II came before the Selectmen and questioned what was done on the Naughton property regarding the Independence Day Fireworks pad, and his estimated cost of the project. Mr. Camire advised this is a complete waste of town money, and questioned if anyone can justify the cost of this project? Estimating the cost of rip rap that was in stock, culverts, cost of fuel, excavator rental and wages this was a $6,000 project per Mr. Camire. John Pfeifle stated that a great 4th of July celebration is a goal, and several complaints have been made regarding the fireworks not being visible from the field. It was also stated that the excavator was also used for another job. John Pfeifle also stated that the town has four talented people on the Road Crew, led by a good guy, is satisfied with the progress being made on the roads. There were several people this week who commented on the great job the road crew is doing.

Dave Camire, II also questioned the cost of the special town meeting regarding the sale of the Jones Road, town owned property and who will pay for the meeting since the vote to do so did not pass?

Cheryl Behr advised communication was received from the Rural Heritage Committee asking if they could connect with the Town Web Site. Since the Rural Heritage is not part of the Town, it was suggested they should have their own Site with a link to the town.

Review of Ambulance contract forwarded by Atty. Bernie Waugh:

The contract was perused with discussion. This contract was checked against model used by other towns. This will be discussed further with Bernie Waugh, Town Attorney. The meeting with Henniker is scheduled for July 8th.

Bridge repairs:

Harry Wright stated that the town should get state approval prior to any action for the repair of the Breezy Hill Road Bridge off Route 114. Discussion with regards to width of bridge and how to commence ensued. Cheryl Behr read a letter dated June 30, 2014 (letter on file) to Nancy Mayville, Municipal Highway Engineer, regarding town intentions and requesting preliminary approval, Decision was to wait for approval prior to ordering any supplies/equipment to move forward with the endeavor.

Several abatements were reviewed and signed.

Cheryl Behr read a letter to the Town Hall Restoration Committee, from the Selectmen acknowledging their going forward to spearheading the town hall restoration project, and stating the Rural Heritage Connection is not directly involved with the restoration, but may be available as a source of financial support. (Letter on file)

Fair Hearings Officer:

Cheryl Behr advised Cheryl Frey, Welfare Officer requested a Fair Hearings Officer and advised the person being considered qualifications are very fair. Responsibilities of this position will be checked out by Cheryl Behr as requested by the board.

Budget Discussions:

No budget report was available at this meeting, however, Cheryl Behr advised the budget figures are 2.75% below the 50% where they should be at this time.

Accounts payable and payroll manifests were reviewed and signed.

Review and Consideration of June 23, 2014 minutes:

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to approve the June 23, 2014 minutes. Harry Wright seconded. Cheryl Behr advised under Appearances, last paragraph, should read: Cheryl Behr advised she did not recall forwarding a letter to the Town Hall Restoration Committee

John Pfeifle mentioned the statement regarding the Independence Day Celebration that was in the June 23rd minutes, regarding Fireworks Site.

Motion carried 2-0. (Sonny Harris abstained)

Bob Lincoln advised he found someone who could repair the Kubota tractor at the Transfer Station for less money. He was advised to go through the Road Agent, who has been looking into it.

There being no other business to come before the board, meeting adjourned to a Non Pubic meeting per RSA 91-A3II(a) personnel, at 6:25pm

Sonny Harris Yes John Pfeifle Yes Harry Wright Yes

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
