Select Board Minutes 06.02.09

JUNE 2, 2009

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Acting Chair opened the meeting at 5:30pm with Jack Meaney, Marilyn Gordon, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Charles Meany arrived at 5:40pm and assumed Chair.

Review and Consideration of April 7th minutes:

Peter Fenton, advised on page two under Regular Business, the Silver Star Letter was signed.

Community Center:

Kate Dobrowski, advised the Circle Day Camp has 48 out of the 60 slots filled, leaving 12 remaining. Help from Friends would allow the program to continue, and they will be meeting tomorrow evening. She indicated it is close to the breaking even point. It is time to be hiring staff at this time. Because the last week is the week they are falling short, perhaps they could shorten the program to 5 weeks, meet with the Friends and get back to the Selectmen at their next meeting was suggested by Peter Fenton. Jack Meaney questioned checking criminal records of all employees. Kate indicated all have been checked within the past year as they are teachers. Kate will be scheduled at the next Selectmen’s meeting, on June 16, 2009 for finalization of the Day program.

Bob Stewart, Sr. advised that the Bradford Women’s Club has donated a new commercial dish washer to the Community Center, and he has talked with James Pickman who will install it at no charge.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to accept the dishwasher for the Community Center. Seconded by Peter Fenton. Motion carried 3-0.

Mr. Stewart also advised he has leases from CAP with four copies that were signed by the Selectmen.

Millie Kittredge asked the Selectmen if there were any surprises the Historical Society needs to know about for raising the Blacksmith Shop on June 13th. The Selectmen advised they see no problems.

Steve Lucier, Road Agent:

Steve Lucier, Road Agent advised the Plumber and Electrician have been working at the new highway garage for the past 2 days, and the Electrician will probably be there about 2 weeks. The furnace is all hooked up and there is a 30-40 gallon electric hot water heater.

The chimney issue was questioned by Steve Lucier. Data for same has been given to another chimney person by Charles Meany, Chair. for comparison with no response as yet. The price is $2900.00 +/-.

Motion was made by Jack Meaney to purchase the chimney as quoted. Seconded by Charles Meany, Chair. Peter Fenton suggested putting an RFP in the paper and if no response then accept the current builder. Peter Fenton voted Nay, Motion carried 2-1.

Charles Meany, Chair requested the person who is installing the furnace to get the chimney put up, and to get any discounts he could give.

The lumber is coming soon per Jack Meaney to do the apron. Steve Lucier, Road Agent requested putting flat surface between the doors. Volunteers who will be doing the carpentry will form them and do the preparation for the walk out doors as well.

Discussion ensued regarding the bridge construction activity. Steve Lucier, Road Agent advised there was some rocks and gravel with clay as a binder available from the West Meadow Bridge area that will be usable.

Sue Pehrson, Town Clerk:

Sue Pehrson, Town Clerk gave the following update on the hour changes for her office:

1. The general public is very upset that the building is closed, but more specifically that my office is closed on Friday.

2. One of the largest complaints is that they (the Public) don’t get paid until Thursday or Friday and find it very difficult to not be able to do their town business upon being paid.

3. I find that I am more than making up the time that would have been spent with the office open. Between Bob and me we lost 18 hours of time open to the public. I now find that if I am open, I personally need to be on the window. That leaves all of the other work either undone or done during my “off” time.

4. During this “tax” time the deposits are only made twice a week. I can not make deposits without first posting the accounts in the computer.

5. I have been made aware that some of our citizens are traveling to neighboring towns on my “off hours” in order to have their registrations processed. I have a note from one town asking what I want to do about it. A. Allow it to continue. B. Have them stop the practice. I feel that this defeats the purpose of closing the office. I have done everything possible to inform the residents of our new hours along with their ability to do most of their business through the mail. This information is posted throughout the town, it is in the Bridge every month and I enclose the information with the registration notices. They obviously do not feel that it is convenient.

6. I am also aware of some lost revenue. Due to the fact that I am closed on Friday, several non-resident individuals have taken the day to come and register their boats, get their fishing licenses and in some cases Marriage licenses, are unable to do so. All of these services do not need to be done in Bradford, so they move on to another community and we lose the revenue.

7. I will continue to practice the new schedule, but I truly do not feel it is working the way it was intended.

8. I have looked further into the program that would allow the e-reg and that has the same glitches that the taxes now do. In order to have everything go through, I have to manually enter the information into the computer program before the money is released to the town. I don’t feel that I have the time to do more work during the off hours.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton that a letter be written requesting surrounding towns not to honor Bradford’s registrations. Seconded by Charles Meany, Chair. Motion carried 3-0. Susan Pehrson, Town Clerk advised she could notify them.

It was decided to leave the open hours as is for now and further discussion transpired regarding e-Reg, (which began state wide on June 2, 2009).

Sue Pehrson will write a letter to be printed in the Bridge explaining the above.

Regular Business:

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests were reviewed and signed.

Correspondence was reviewed and signed.

Letters for cash transfers for signature were signed.

Letter from Robert Wright regarding the Independence Day Race was received with Parade permit which the Selectmen signed, and also enclosed is a Rider for Insurance.

Elderly Exemption was signed.

Petition was received from PSNH to increase rates by 1.2%

Gravel warrant was signed.

Robin Sanborn property ROW discussed. The need to close off the back access ROW, to the ball field was discussed and Steve Lucier, Road Agent will put rocks in the roadway.

Current Use for Jeffrey Rose signed.

Pre-buy fuel versus budget for Community Center fuel was discussed. It was thought that Budget is the best way to go, per Peter Fenton.

Bob Stewart, Sr questioned why PSNH does not want banners hung across the street from pole to pole. Mr. Stewart, Sr. will contact PSNH regarding the Red Cross Blood Drawing.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised there will be an Annual Audit on June 15th and all Department Heads need to be available.

It was mentioned that the Building Inspector needs to check on the Blacksmith Shop.

It was mentioned that a grant first need to be approved, then an RFP sent out regarding a generator. When this has been accomplished, Trudy will set up an appointment with Charles Meany.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton to go into Non-Public meeting under RSA 91A311 at 6:45pm. to discuss personnel matters. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.

Non-Public Meeting

Present were: Charles Meany, Chair, Peter Fenton, Jack Meaney, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary.

Decisions included:

Jack Meaney, Selectmen will oversee the Highway Department

Charles Meany, Selectmen will oversee Building Dept.

Trudy Willett will be working on residential buildings as Building Inspector and assisting on Commercial Inspections, and compensated accordingly.

Motion to go out of Non-Public at 8:00pm made, seconded and carried 3-0.

Back in Regular Selectmen’s Meeting


Motion was made by Peter Fenton, Seconded by Charles Meany to approve the following minutes:

April 7, 2009 – April 10, 2009 – April 21, 2009 – May 5, 2009 – May 19, 2009

Motion carried 3-0.

Meeting adjourned 8:05pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley