JULY 7, 2014
Call to Order and Roll Call
John Pfeifle, Chair called the meeting to order with Harry Wright, Sonny Harris, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Cheryl Behr was absent due to a death in the family.
July 5th Festivities:
John Pfeifle, Chair thanked each and everyone who had a hand in the very successful July 5th festivities. John stated that he had many compliments on how the town had presented itself.
Harry Wright expressed a Thank You to Cheryl Behr, Erica Gross, Melissa Cloutier, Felicia Starr, Maureen Brandon and Beth Von Beren the group who worked so hard getting the fireworks and parade lined up.
Erica Gross stated that a lot of effort was put into the fair preparation by the six people,
and Marlene Freyler had done it for several years by herself, and she should be commended.
Felicia Starr stated that during the fireworks, there were complaints from the Brown Shattuck Field that there are trees in the viewing area. The town does not own most of these trees. John Pfeifle advised he would discuss this with the neighbors. Harry Wright stated it really didn’t seem quite right to cut down nice healthy trees for 20 minutes a year enjoyment.
The highway crew, Justin and Brian were extremely helpful and we want them to be thanked.
Another concern was the picking up of the ashes after the chicken BBQ on Brown Shattuck Field.
Felicia Starr advised the group that worked on the fair festivities this year will not be doing it next year, so a committee does need to be formed.
Dunk the Dope:
Harry Wright thanked the following local businesses who donated ten dollars a dunk for a maximum of five dunks and brought in $200.00 which was donated to the Church for their fund raising: Bradford Market, Lumber Barn, Pizza Chef, Dunkin Donuts.
Ambulance Contract:
John Pfeifle, Chair advised the Ambulance Contract between Henniker and Bradford has been looked at by the Town Attorney, Bernie Waugh and the Selectmen will be meeting in Henniker at 5:00pm with the Henniker Selectmen on July 8th.
Transfer Contract:
The Transfer Station Contracts are still being worked on.
The Code Enforcer was contacted by the owners of Autocraft who does understand the concerns of the town, understands they are some sixteen years old and that he is going to address them.
Consensus of the Board is to compose a letter making sure Autocraft owner understands the different issues that they agreed to back in 1996, which include:
Plant trees in the north. Not use Route 114 for a parking lot. Build fence
Specific handling of waste.. The letter is to include a specific date.
Mention was made that this meeting is being continued at 8:00AM Tuesday morning when they will review the northern bridge at Lake Massasecum on Breezy Hill Road.
Personal Action Form was reviewed and signed.
Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests were reviewed and signed.
Two Intent to Cut Forms were signed for: Map 4, Lot 33, Brian Butter, and Map 9, Lot 6 and 13 for James Anderson.
The Secretary advised she would not be available for the next two Monday meetings, July 14th and July 21.
Review and Consideration of June 30, 2014 minutes:
Motion was made by Sonny Harris to approve the June 30th minutes as presented. Seconded by John Pfeifle, Chair. Motion carried 3-0.
This meeting ended at 5:55pm to be continued tomorrow morning at 8:00am.
Respectfully submitted
Marjorie R. Cilley