Select Board Minutes 07.01.08

JULY 1, 2008
6:00 PM

The Pledge of Allegiance was said

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Chair called the July 1, 2008 meeting to order at 6:00pm with Andrew Pinard, Charles Meany, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, Cheryl Behr, Administrator present.

Review and Consideration of June 17, 2008:

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to approve the June 17, 2008 minutes, seconded by Charles Meany. Discussion ensued and was agreed that on page 2, a sentence should be added stating Cheryl Behr, Administrator should apply for used oil. Motion carried with edit 3-0.

Mention was made that the Selectmen will be meeting with the Planning board on July 15, 2008.

Jim Prescher from Concord Regional Solid Waste:

Ken Anderson, Bradford Transfer Station was also present.

Jim Prescher introduced himself and advised he has been with the Co-op as Director for 15 years now. There are 27 municipalities included in New Hampshire. He gave a presentation and answered questions from the floor regarding Single Stream recycling. The incinerator is located in Penacook. It was explained that Single Stream recycling is more efficient as homes and businesses would put recyclable material in one container whether aluminum, tin, glass paper, cardboard etc. which would then get separated by a computer operation. Portland Maine was an example used. It was stated that the tipping fees for Bradford is $42.55 currently, and will possibility increase to $60.00 to $65.00 in 2010. It was also stated by Mr. Prescher that a town would be protected if they do not elect to go into the program now, and could join at a later date. There would be no penalty for not joining. It was also advised that this is not new technology as it has been around for the past 12 years and none has failed thus far. The towns would pay for their own transportation of the recyclables. Mr. Prescher advised that annually, each town using the plan would receive some money back from the profits. 25,000 tons would be total amount needed to make the program work economically. It was estimated the Co-op would produce 15,000 ton of recyclable material which would mean 10,000 ton would be necessary from outside. It is hopeful that this will be in operation in 2010. The towns would be paid for each load of recyclable material delivered to the plant as well as sharing in the profits. This will not replace the transfer station, as the need to deal with iron, waste oil, electronics etc. will continue. There would be no capital investment required from the town per Mr. Prescher, no cost to the taxpayer as they have put the money aside over the years, and this would be payed back on an annual basis. It was also stated that if a town is doing a great job presently, only has 2 or 3 employees then it may not be financially prudent to do the Single Stream. Contact information was given.

Mr. Prescher presented a 5 minute DVD showing a Single Stream operation.

Peter Fenton, Chair thanked Mr. Prescher for presenting this information.

The Selectmen closed their meeting for a brief meeting of the Budget Public Hearing at 7:15pm. Further discussion ensued regarding Single Stream and Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised that with GAT (Guarantee Annual Tonnage) if you fell below 10%, the fee would be the same as your projected GAT. If one went above by 10%, they would be billed at a higher rate. If the town went to Single Stream, it would be questionable if there would be a need for the tractor, storage trailer, bailers, etc.

Re-opened the Selectmen’s Meeting at 7:20pm.

Edwin Fowler, Building Inspector:

Mr. Fowler came before the Selectmen with a question regarding a lot on East Shore Drive requesting permission to put a bunk house on a piece of land with no road frontage on the foot path, but accessible only by water. It could be treated as a Class VI road. Mr. Fowler is requesting guidance from the Selectmen on what way to go on this. Marcia Keller questioned if it would meet the 75’ set back set by the town.

Motion was made by Charles Meany to send this person a letter denying a permit because he is not on any type of road at all and to refer to the Zoning Board for clarification.

Consensus was that all lots that are subdivided on the footpath cannot be built on at this time. This in essence clarifies the process for the Building Inspector for any potential buyers, as any owner would need to obtain all necessary permits, septic plans in place, and deed in hand before they can even submit an application. Charles Meany rescinded his motion.

Everett Kittredge questioned the repair of a building down there, what is the position for response? Charles Meany advised emergency repairs can be repaired. Repair by adding a dormer on the second floor, No! No further development in any of those non-conforming, illegal structures.

Steve Lucier, Road Agent:

Steve Lucier came before the Selectmen regarding an issue at 14 Hogg Hill Rd. concerning a driveway culvert. The last Sunday’s storm finished off the culvert, and the homeowner wants the town to pay for the repair.

The backhoe is all repaired for about $1,000.00. Crushing operation is being set up now.

Steve Lucier asked if the dump truck could be in the parade, to which the Selectmen replied in the affirmative.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the Waste Oil Heater Grant has gone in, and the order has been placed so the special tanks could be gotten.

Trudy Willett advised Ray Critch, Lake Sunapee Survey will be checking the Town Hall property as well as the property the Highway Garage is on with a rough draft surveying, and once approved, will put the pins in.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised a report from Bill Miles with copies of the proposed deeds he is preparing were forwarded to the Selectmen for the access on Route #103 and thanks to Mildred Kittredge, who located the original 1931 deed with the recorded Book and Page. The town had purchased the property from a Mr. Carlton Roberts containing 50 acres +/-.

Discussion ensued on the bill regarding the apron on the Camire property driveway. Check will be held until clarification. Cheryl Behr, Administrator was given instruction to contact Nate Kimball for further information.

Accounts Payable Manifests and Payroll Manifests were taken care of.

Jones Road Bridge budget is over by $4600.00 due to additional required Engineering fees. This is due primarily to the time spent with Mr. Camire, and the change orders for the guard rails, his driveway etc. The extra hours for certain amount of work needing to be done after the contractor is finished were listed as: 10 hours Senior Engineer, 22 Hours Regular Engineer, 12 Hours Design Drafter and 2 Hours for other Administration.

The three driveways on one property were discussed concerning the danger being on the corner and by the bridge.

Bond Hearing and Selectmen’s Coffee:

The Public Bond Hearing on the Articles for the proposed town meeting to be held on July 29, 2008 will be on Thursday, July 10, 2008 at 6:00pm. Selectmen’s Coffee will be held on another day.

July 5th Celebration:

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard to close Church Street from 7:00am to 2:00pm on Saturday, July 5, 2008 to public traffic, during the festivities. Seconded by Charles Meany. Motion carried 3-0.

Selectmen’s Meetings:

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard for the Selectmen to meet weekly. No second, No vote taken.

Historical Society:

Mildred Kittredge, Historical Society approached the Selectmen to mow the field at the old Marshall property where the proposed Blacksmith Shop will be. It was agreed it would be nice to have it done prior to the 4th of July.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard for the Road Agent to schedule time for the Highway crew to mow the lot this time, for the 4th of July. Seconded by Peter Fenton. Charles Meany abstained. Motion carried 2-0.

Letter from Union Congregational Society:

Peter Fenton, Chair read a letter dated June 30, 2008 from the Union Congregational Society requesting reimbursement of construction permit for $100.00, being a not for profit entity. (Letter on file) Selectmen took no action tonight and Andrew Pinard advised there should be a set policy for all not for profit entities.

Other Concerns:

Marc Goldberg, Fire Chief advised the Fire Dept. needs to have their driveway paved.

Updating the Veteran’s Memorial Honor Roll.

Highway Crew to dig up the pavement in front of the Town Hall and seed it, suggested by Andrew Pinard, with a gravel path to the door.

There will be a clipboard in the Selectmen’s Office for incoming information for the Selectmen.

The Town Clerk-Tax Collector’s Office applied for a $9,122 Grant for records preservation, for approximately 10 books, which has been received. They will be sent out, and returned by December.

Planning Board requests for comments were read by Peter Fenton, Chair on Child Care Center from Jennifer Selby and for Daniel Kraft for subdivision.

Meeting Adjourned 8:30pm

Respectfully Submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley

Secretary Unapproved