Select Board Minutes 08.25.14



AUGUST 25, 2014


The Pledge of Allegiance was said

Call to Order and Roll Call:

John Pfeifle, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Harry Wright, Sonny Harris, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Deputy Treasurer:

Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer advised the Deputy Treasurer has resigned and she stated she would like the Selectmen to appoint Felicia Starr as Deputy. Cheryl Behr advised she has the necessary paperwork ready to be signed by the Selectmen for the appointment.

Motion was made by John Pfeifle, Chair to follow the recommendation to appoint Felicia Starr as Deputy Treasurer. Seconded by Sonny Harris. Motion carried 3-0.


Fire Department – Mark Goldberg, Chief advised of the following:

Mark Goldberg advised the generator is in and is being wired.

The suburban is being built, and delivery is expected in October.

The Fire Department and Rescue Squad re-voted to be combined.

One new member has signed up.

Carl Goldberg is working at setting up a Rescue Squad training class, with details to follow when complete.

Roads and Bridges:

Sonny Harris brought up the M A Bean Associates, Roads/Bridges/Site Work, from Sanbornton, NH, information that Jim Bibbo had picked up for the Selectmen’s information.

Road Access Report:

A Road Report was discussed which shows how many houses there are on each road. It was stated that there are 368 houses coming off Routes 114 and 103. Five roads were looked at and discussed with the suggestion the road crew look at this report to help make road decisions. Cheryl advised Stephanie Alexander, CNHRPC expressed the Road Service Management System information will be included the CIP.

Regular Business:

Cheryl Behr advised a bill from RHM has been received in the amount of $9600.00.

Valley Excavating invoice has not been received at this time.

John Pfeifle stated the town is very lucky to have a storm like we did, and to have eight roads repaired in the time frame they were is fantastic. John also stated they need to salute the road crew as they were very active.

Timber Warrant:

Timber Warrant was signed for Four Thousand Three Hundred Seventy Nine dollars and Ninety Six cents ($4,379.96) for Ed Knight, Mark Witcherman and Patricia Hall, Maps 9 Lot 48 – Map 3, Lot 8, – Map 11, Lot 29 – Map 17, Lot 18.

Extension Request MS-1:

Cheryl advised the Assessor is coming in on August 28th for the MS-1 and since the Selectmen will not meet until September 8, 2014, to sign, an extension was requested.

French’s Park:

French’s Park was closed for one day, and the State tested the water.

RFP Mailing:

Cheryl Behr advised she had forwarded RFP’s to each of the Selectmen regarding Physical Revaluations contract for next year, which is required every five years.

Six Appraisal Companies were forwarded the RFP, with September 19 as the return date requirement.

Pending Issues:

Auto Craft – No response at this time.

Cheryl made mention that this is the last day for the current secretary, who is retiring. A beautiful vase of assorted flowers were given to her and very tasty assorted cupcakes were provided for all in attendance to enjoy.

Side Walk Team:

The committee working on the Sidewalk Grant is made up of Jim Bibbo, Chris Way and Claire James, and Cheryl advised any information she receives she forwards to all. Claire James advised there is a September 9th meeting coming up.

Unanticipated Revenue:

John Pfeifle advised he will follow-up on donated money from Ambulance and Bridge.

Max Enterprises – Martyn Chivers:

Sonny Harris reported that Martyn Chivers advised he will not take down his signs which are not in code. Cheryl Behr advised Mr. Chivers was in the Selectmen’s office and advised he will not attend the Planning Board meeting as requested. The Selectmen’s decision was for a letter from them will be written with specifics to Mr. Chivers.

Bus in yard on Route 114:

Cheryl Behr advised a request for a quote to move the bus to another location has not yet been received.

Review and Consideration of August 18th minutes:

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to approve the minutes of August 18th as presented. Seconded by Sonny Harris. The Secretary advised the name of the new Secretary was misspelled and should be Camila. Motion carried with edit 3-0.

Street Island on Marshall Hill Road:

Claire James questioned if there is any other way they can line the flower bed with an alternate material other than the currant rocks they have placed there John Pfeifle stated he will check with the Road Agent to see what can be done, so they will not interfere with plowing in the winter.

Cemetery Landscaping:

Harry Wright stated he was questioned as to whom and when does the landscaping bid go out for the Cemeteries to which Cheryl advised the Cemetery Commission handles this.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests were reviewed and signed

Town Hall Roof:

Sonny Harris advised he and John Pfeifle checked on the Town Hall roof and it is in very good condition with the exception of a small area.

No other business to come before the Board, meeting adjourned at 6:00pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
