Select Board Minutes 08.26.24

Select Board Meeting was called to order at 5:00 pm.

Roll Call: Beth Downs (Chair), Marlene Freyler, Chip Meany

Also attending: Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator

Review Minutes of August 12, 2024

Motion: Marlene Freyler moved to approve the August 12, 2024 minutes as written.

Second: Chip Meany

Discussion: Beth indicated that she did not approve the motion “to approve a $50/week stipend for November 1 to April 1 for full-time highway personnel.” That vote should be changed to Chip and Marlene in favor and Beth not in favor. [August 12, 2024 Town Hall Streams, 7:30 – 7:33 pm]

As part of the discussion of the Highway budget Chip wanted to include Beth’s comment about wanting a hiring freeze.

With these amendments the Board voted to accept the minutes.

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Walter Royal – Building Inspector (Permits for Map 6 Lot 92, Map 7 Lot 76, Map 16 Lot 106, Map 5 Lot 57, Map 18 Lot 15, Map 2 Lot 61, Map 22 Lot 28)


Payment of fees: Permits stay in the office until fees are paid.

Roofing building codes relative to asbestos were discussed.

All permits approved.

Lois Kilnapp – Transfer Station Update

  • Lois reported on research she has done on the exact pricing of recycled metals. Exact pricing is difficult to obtain. She will continue with this research.
  • Lois brought to the attention of the Board a letter from Naughton and Sons Recycling with hauling fee increases effective September 2, 2024. Karen has a 2019 five-year signed contract through December 2024 and notice of price increase in 2022.  Karen will reach out to Naughton and Sons about the September 2, 2024 increase.
  • All is well at the Transfer Station and Recycling Center.

Mike Gallo – Timber Bond Map 9 Lot 38 Appeared via Zoom. Mr. Gallo asked the Board to consider rescinding their requirement for a bond covering both the past and anticipated timber tax on his lot. Karen confirmed that a check from him covering the past timber tax had been received. Steve Hall asked Mr. Gallo’s intention with using the land. Mr. Gallo responded that it will be logged and is in the conceptual phase of subdivision for house lots. Consensus of the Board is since the back taxes have been paid, a bond is not necessary. Intent to cut permit was previously signed.

Highway Department Update

  • Steve appeared to further discuss questions addressed to the Board by email. He would like guidance on how to budget future expenditures. Specifically, which expenditures should go in the Highway operating budget, and which should be applied to the Capital Improvement Program. Chip responded that immediate, consumable expenditures should go in the operating budget. Future and larger capital expenses should be extended over a time period in the Capital Improvement Program.
  • There was an extended discussion of how to raise approximately $2.5M for road repairs. A key take away was that bonding possibilities can be pursued.
  • Machine repairs: There is a $1,500 repair needed for the loader, which will be done. There is also a larger repair needed to the backhoe that will cost approximately $50,000. Steve presented three options: 1) run it as is; 2) pay for the repairs from an unknown source not knowing if other repairs will be needed; 3) ask the taxpayers for $200K for a new backhoe. Other options discussed were buying a used backhoe and leasing a backhoe. Consensus of the Board is to further investigate leasing a backhoe.

Public Input:

Marlene reported that she has an estimate of $1,395 from Brayshaw Co. for 300 town reports. Marlene also got a higher estimate from Echo Publications.

Regular and Old Business:

Campers Being Used as Residences: Tabled

Independence Day Refund. The Town will request a refund from the fireworks vendor. Donors will be asked if they would like a refund or to roll their donation into 2025 Independence Day expenses.

Town Hall Use of Second Floor: After receiving feedback from potential users of the Town Hall second floor that the current pricing is unaffordable for them, Karen recommended a rental fee of $25 for a 1-2 hour period. Consensus of the Board is that amount is acceptable. The goal is to have people using the space. Options for supplying chairs for the auditorium were discussed.

Masonic Building Auction: The Board agreed upon an auction date of Saturday afternoon, October 19, 2024.

New Business:

Treasurer Investment Recommendation: The Treasurer is recommending that a portion of a money market account with a balance of approximately $6,400 be moved to a certificate of deposit for nine months at 4%. The Board approved the recommendation.

Facilities Committee Budget Request: The Facilities Use Committee requested a line with the sum of $1 be added to the 2025 operating budget for grant writing.

Motion: Chip Meany moved to add $1 to the 2025 operating budget for grant writing.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Accept Unanticipated Revenue:

Motion: Beth Downs moved to accept $73.09 in unanticipated funds per RSA 95:3-c in restitution for use of the gas card.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0, all in favor


Land Use Change Tax Map 4 Lot 25.

Sign Timber Warrant Map 9 Lot 38.

Sign Personnel Action Form.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature

Historical Society Easement: Karen distributed a draft of the easement for the Board to review and discuss at a future meeting.

Non-Public Session:

Motion: Beth Downs moved to adjourn the meeting to non-public session, per RSA 91-A:3 (c) at 6:13 pm.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Motion: Beth Downs moved to return to public session at 6:19 pm.

Second: Chip Meany

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Motion: Beth Downs moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:19 pm.

Second: Chip Meany

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Upcoming Meeting:      September 9, 2024

Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary, from Town Hall Streams Video dated August 26, 2024.