Select Board Minutes 08.05.08

AUGUST 5, 2008

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Charles Meany and Andrew Pinard were present. Andrew Pinard Acting Chair in Peter Fenton’s absence. Also present were: Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, and Marjorie Cilley, Secretary.

Review and Consideration of Minutes of July 15, 2008:

Motion was made by Charles Meany, Seconded by Andrew Pinard to accept the July 15th minutes as presented. Motion carried 2-0.


Jerry Frew, Superintendent of Schools came before the Selectmen to introduce himself. He is getting out to meet people within the school system district. He asked for anyone to call the school office with any concerns, and he would be more then happy to attend a meeting. He advised they are working on the budget and being fiscally conservative and must clearly justify needed requests, not just what they may want. Andrew Pinard, Acting Chair questioned the transition of the bussing. There is a transportation meeting tomorrow morning, and he will be receiving a report. Many of the same drivers are being retained. Mr. Frew was thanked by the board for coming in.

Bob Stewart, Jr., RCS Design, Re: Septic System:

Andrew Pinard, Acting Chair advised the Selectmen had received a letter from George Cilley regarding his concern of the proposed septic system installed on the front lawn of the Community Center. Bob Stewart, Jr. advised he is here as a courtesy to the town for the first 15 minutes, after which he would charge a consultant fee. He advised that in the back of the Community Center, there is an artesian well that was drilled which takes up a good part of the back side of the building, with a 75 foot radius. This is considered a Commercial Application. There are wetlands both to the rear of the town property and on the Cilley property. These wetlands again, require 75 foot setbacks. If there is an alternative option to put in a septic system, in a place that meets regulations, that is where you have to put it. They will work with you if you do not have that alternate spot. Bob Stewart, Jr. went on to say the State was very aware that this particular building was converted from its previous use to its current use without new design, which they sort of let it go, tongue in cheek. The state emphatically would not give environment waivers and pointed to existing rules: ENV-WQ 1004.16 Expansion under existing use, including conversion to full time occupancy. They considered this an extension of use because it was a change in use, to commercial use. ENV-WQ1004.18 Application requirements for expansion of existing use including conversion to the full time occupancy. “No waivers to these rules shall be allowed to accommodate any expansion of an existing use to conversion of full time occupancy”. This talks about environmental waivers, including setbacks to wells, on or off site and setbacks to wetlands. Bob Stewart, Jr. advised his only alternative was to bring it out front.

Charles Meany questioned building up the Cilley’s lawn to be level with the school lawn, or putting in a swale. Bob Stewart, Jr. advised the new system would be 3 feet in the ground near the building with 9 inches out of the ground at the very end, which is approximately 22 or 24 feet from the parking area.

Sam Vose, RCS Design advised the Cilley’s are concerned about the run off, and wetlands in the back of their property, and is now worried that is going to happen in the front of his property. He advised this system is designed to drain down into the ground, and not flow out onto the surface. There is about a two foot elevation between the Community Center front lawn and the Cilley property. The finished grade on this system will be approximately equal to or slightly below the current grade, with the exception of the very end of it which is 7 inches higher.

Bob Stewart, Jr. advised according to the State of NH and their rules, the only time they feel there may be some lateral movement of water with their studies is after 750 gallons of load. A berm could be put up beside the property if wanted. Also should be aware of the big tree out there. It is now designed to not affect the tree.

George Cilley stated that the Community Center Property has dumped on the Cilley property for the past 70 years, and the town needs to do something to stop the run off front and back. The gravel has eroded the whole length of the fence with all the rain storms we’ve received; his yard never dries out any more. Bob Stewart, Jr advised perhaps a berm idea to direct the water to the rear of the property may be a way to help the run off. The Selectmen thanked Bob Stewart, Jr. for coming in.

Bea Howe, Library Fuel Issues:

Bea Howe came before the Selectmen to inquire how the fuel prepayment should be handled this year. They had budgeted $3,400 and with the same gallonage, the charge would be $5,400, a two thousand dollar increase, which they do not have. The Selectmen have not come up with an agreement as yet; however it was suggested they could pay the budgeted amount now.

Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief:

Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief came before the Selectmen to advise that the Fire Department roof leaks and needs repair. Rodney Sargent gave a figure of $26,000.00 according to specs which would be to strip and put on 30 year shingles. They are in need of $15,000.00. Charles Meany questioned if one half of the roof could be done at a time. Mark Goldberg questioned if they could over expend their budget. After much discussion, it was suggested they would have to go to the Budget Committee and request to over expend their budget. Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief advised he would also get a bid quote for ½ of the roof.

Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief questioned if the town would reimburse a person who was subpoenaed for the difference between their actual job, as opposed as to the volunteer money earned, and what the court pays. Charles Meany questioned if a Line Item could be put in the Budget for the Fire Dept. for that purpose. Consensus of the Selectmen was they need to wait for a full board for answers to that question.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator questioned the increase of gas being used as opposed to diesel. More diesel using equipment has been used was the reply from Chris Frey and Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief.

Charles Meany advised that requests are being made to all Dept. Heads to begin working on their budgets earlier this year due to the present economy.

Chris Frey advised he had questioned Gary Snair, School Bus Manager for Goffstown Bus Company regarding obtaining Waste Oil for the town, and advised the Selectmen would write a letter concerning request for it.

Andrew Pinard, Acting Chair questioned Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief if a fire alarm system and an intruder alarm system would be required in the highway garage building.

Mark Goldberg advised the Industrial Code does not require fire alarm or sprinklers as the personnel there are familiar with their surroundings and exits with their equipment.

Sign Contract for Highway Garage:

Mike Sailer was not present this evening. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she and Steve Lucier, Road Agent have been talking with Mike Sailer, Contractor and advised they are interested in moving forward with the highway garage as soon as possible. The price on the standing seam roofing has dropped. This needs to be locked in as prices are increasing. Any changes would be by addendum. Propane Burner price would be reduced if waste oil is used. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised there is an appropriation of three hundred fifty thousand ($350,000.00) dollars. The town has spent some money for surveying, waste oil furnace and there will have to be a septic plan, and there are some other items that are part of the building, the alarm system, air system, and electric. The alarm system would be monitored through Capital Area Dispatch in Concord. Discussion ensued regarding the placement of the actual buildings, including the existing salt shed.

Andrew Pinard advised appropriate standards would have to be adhered to. It was stated that a full board needs to be present to discuss determining where salt shed goes.

Motion was made by Charles Meany to order the building and hold off on placement for two weeks. Andrew Pinard agreed with the ordering of the building. Contract was signed.

Charles Meany stated they have changed the regulation and the height is no longer included in the footprint of a building, it is now just length and width.

Andrew Pinard, Acting Chair questioned if the Zoning Board can hear requests for waivers of set backs tonight if the abutters have not been notified, to which Everett Kittredge advised no. However the ZBA could meet in between their regular meetings if all notification can get out by the secretary in a timely manner.

Walter Royal was not present regarding building project.

Addy Camarie:

Addy Camarie came before the Selectmen regarding the article in the Bradford Bridge stating the Jones Road Bridge budget being over by $4,600.00 resulting from additional engineering fees regarding the apron on the driveway on their property. The July 1, 2004 minutes show a breakdown for the additional charge. Cheryl Behr, Administrator will check on the bills for the project.

Solid Waste Commission :

Marcia Keller advised Jim Prescher, Concord Regional Solid Waste, had come before the Selectmen regarding Single Stream recycling, and at this time she would serve on a committee with volunteers to look into it for the town of Bradford. The Selectmen said they would appreciate hearing the long and short term benefits resulting from Single Stream recycling, and to evaluate what was presented to the Selectmen.

Motion was made by Charles Meany and seconded by Andrew Pinard for an advisory board for Single Stream recycling. Motion carried 2-0

Motion was made to appoint Marcia Keller as Chair of the Advisory Board for Single Stream recycling by Andrew Pinard and seconded by Charles Meany. Motion carried. 2-0.

Matt Ordway:

Matt Ordway came before the Selectmen as he has just been made aware that there is now Bed Bottom Inspections for septic systems required by DES and towns have to put their stamps of approval on them. He questioned how this can be done with the Code Enforcement Officer working part time and not always available when needed. The Selectmen suggested he talk with the Code Enforcement Officer in advance of when needed or perhaps photo’s would suffice. There are two inspections required now, Bed Bottom Inspections and Closure inspections.

Accounts Payable :

Accounts Payable were gone over.

Review of Community Center septic system bid.

Two bids were opened for the Septic System to be installed on the front lawn of the Community Center:

1. Wheeler Construction Bid $23,700.00 Low Bidder

2. Valley Excavating (Nate Kimball) Bid $23,850.00

Motion was made by Charles Meany to accept the bid by Wheeler Construction. Seconded by Andrew Pinard. Motion carried 2-0

Barry Wheeler questioned the Selectmen as to the construction time frame to which he was advised, construction is valid for 90 days from approval, making the deadline October 9, 2009. Barry Wheeler also advised he would check in the back of the Community Center for the Wetlands area where it drains onto the Cilley property.

Intent to cut for Hasey – Map 5, Lot 64 and Map 10, Lot 43 was discussed.

Town Hall Survey will be done for $2,760, for redesign of the front of the building.

Security System Software was discussed, and decision was made to table until the next meeting.

Mention was made that Chris Frey has finished the Local Emergency Book. All Dept. Heads will be met with.

French’s Park grading of mulch and stone work discussed.

Briar Hill Sign quote was for $800.00.

Grant Agreement was signed for the Historic Record Preservation for the Town Clerks office.

Sign DRA for request for Inventory Property Tax Forms.

Motion was made by Andrew Pinard that they do not do this. No second. Selectmen agreed.

Road Agent cannot serve as Health Officer.

An additional Bailer was approved to be purchased for recycling. Opinion was that if need be, it could be sold at a later time.

West Meadow Road Bridge was discussed with a date of the first week of October for bidding.

Adjourned to Special Non Public Session RSA 91A3IIC. 8:19pm.

Out of Non Public Session at 8:30pm

Adjourned 8:30pm

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley