Select Board Minutes 08.17.10

AUGUST 17, 2010

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Jack Meaney, Harry Wright, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Peter Fenton, Chair congratulated Laura Hallahan upon being Realtor of the Year.

Happy Birthday was said to Trudy Willett.

Lawrence White re: Noise Ordinance:

Mr. White came before the Selectmen regarding a town noise ordinance. There has been several loud parties at a neighbor’s residence which turned out to include underage drinking. Mr. White commended the Bradford Police Department when called regarding these parties. Chief Valiquet advised there is a State Ordinance regarding a noise pollution, which does apply to Bradford. Chief Valiquet advised 20 people were arrested that night including minors and possession of alcohol. The rule of thumb is, you cannot generate noise at a private place that can be heard at a public place or another private place between eleven pm and seven am. Chief Valiquet advised that once they go to a place and say they are generating too much noise, and if they continue then it is considered a misdemeanor from a violation. There does have to be complaint to the Police Department for them to act. The neighbor stated that he could do exactly what he wanted. Mr. White dropped his request for a town noise pollution ordinance.

Katherine DeLaurier re: Howlett Road:

Katherine DeLaurier came before the Selectmen to request Howlett Road please be plowed, sanded and what ever needs doing by 6:00am in the winter. Last year there was an accident because of bad conditions on the road on December 27, 2009 at 9:00am. There are three children who also have to walk down the road. It was acknowledged that there are now 20 MPH signs put up on the road which they appreciate; however, some still speed on the road. Peter Fenton, Chair advised the Selectmen will alert Jeff Remillard, Road Agent as well as sand barrels will also be put out. Peter Fenton also advised that if they find it is not being attended to, to please alert the Selectmen.

Ruth Marden, Checklist Supervisors:

Ruth Marden alerted the Selectmen that the supervisors of the checklist have two lap top computers that are not working. Upon checking with IAMNET, Inc. a new laptop would cost $538.00 each. The State quote was $1000.57. These current computers were purchased in May of 2007 and January 2008. Consensus was for them to check with IAMNET, Inc to see if the present ones could be checked out. Ruth Marden advised they do need these computers for next month. The cleaning fee will be put against the Election Budget. All three should be taken to be cleaned per Peter Fenton, Chair.

Marlene Freyler, Landscaping Info:

Marlene Freyler advised they have $500.00 in the flower budget, and they are going to use it.

East Main Street Property:

George Cilley questioned what is happening to the Sanborn property on East Main Street. It was stated that a letter had been sent to the owner via Certified mail, but was returned as an incorrect address had been used. A correct address has been obtained and the letter will be re-sent, with a specified date. The Building Inspector advised there has been no plan and no permit to date, but a demo permit is still valid. This allows taking down or dis-assembling the second floor and the roof, after which is done, a Building Permit will have to be obtained from the Building Inspector.

Harry Wright advised he had read the RSA and it speaks to a year from the date of the event, does not speak of any change of ownership.

Dick Keller thanked the Selectmen for repairing the Breezy Hill Road.

Regular Business:

Accounts payable and payroll manifests were reviewed and signed by the Selectmen.

A letter has gone out for Re-certification, however, will not be done in time for the filing of MS1.

A letter went out today for people who have Exemptions, Veterans or Current Use. Any questions, change in property etc., should contact the Selectmen’s Office to talk with the Assessors on September 9, 2010.

The public will be able to talk with the Assessors on September 23, 24, 25, 2010. This will be in the Bradford Bridge as well as on the Web Site.

The Exploratory Committee met on the 4th of August and discussed incremental changes that could be made to the Town Hall. This committee includes: Audrey Sylvester, Eileen Kelly, Cheryl Behr, Trudy Willett, Marcia and Dick Keller, Marlene Freyler, Jane Johnsen and Sandy Wright. A goal is to have projects without interfering with each other, so there would be no duplication in effort. Elevators were being checked into. Michael Bruss is checking on a cistern. It was suggested that the Historical Society may be interested in becoming involved. The Committee will be meeting again on Wednesday, September 1, 2010 at 6:00pm.

Mr. McCloud asked if the town could use some fiberglass insulation. Peter Fenton, Chair advised they could use it and Thanked Mr. McCloud for his donation.

The Town clock in the Church steeple has the new face installed, and is now waiting for the necessary repairs to be done.

It was noted that the painting will start a week after Labor Day in the town hall. The Highway crew will be doing the priming and the trim. A Thank You was expressed to Sandy Wright on re-upholstering the chairs in the conference room.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised Cartographic Associates came and picked up the maps to re-do them. This Association can superimpose our tax map on ariel photographs which allows a 180 degree view around buildings as well as identify wetlands. The annual cost for maintaining the Web Site is $1800.00. There is a start up fee of $1500.00. Abutters lists, labels, as well as other features can be obtained from this. Anyone could print a mailing list from this as well as the tax card; however, the information would also be available at the town office. Cheryl Behr, Administrator will pass this information on to the Planning Board. Marcia Keller, Planning Board Chair suggested including the Conservation Commission.

Comments were discussed about whether someone would not want their name etc. on the Web Site, and it was stated that they could request it not be there.

Ken Anderson and Lois Kilnapp have forwarded paperwork for a Used Oil Grant which could realize $2500.00 annually. $100.00 is used on speedy dry annually around the Transfer Station. $750.00 has been used to clean up the Waste Oil burner. Other uses for this Grant include: drying tanks, concrete beds, transfer pumps, absorbents, filter pressures and promotional items. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she will check with Jeff Remillard, Road Agent to see if he could use another tank for waste oil storage.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she has been working on a Grant for West Main Street Sidewalks. This is a Non Matching Grant.

Timber Taxes will be going out.

Electrical bills were discussed and there could be a savings by going with a broker (who handles several companies) and signing up for four months to the first of the year, then go for six months, or sign up for the year. There would be a 6% + savings through December per Harry Wright who also went to the meeting in New London. It was suggested to go with the broker now and see what PSNH will be setting for new rates.

It was pointed out that it costs the town nothing, but would save the 6% now.

It was stated that the town can switch back anytime to PSNH if desired. Cheryl Behr, Administrator will check on the deadline to do the transfer.

Review and Consideration of the August 3, 2010 minutes:

Motion was made by Harry Wright to approve the August 3, 2010 minutes with the following edits: On page 3, 9 lines up from the bottom of the page should read:

West Road Bridge repair was delayed briefly due to unsatisfactory concrete beams.

Same page, next line, date for being complete is Sept 8, 2010. Motion seconded by Jack

Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.

Marcia Keller requested if the name of the new Highway Foreman could be announced, to which the name of Brian Houghton was forthcoming from the Selectmen.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton, Chair to go into Non-Public session at 6:44pm per RSA 91:A-3:II regarding personnel. Motion seconded and carried 3-0.

Non-Public Session:

Motion was made and seconded to write a letter to an employee.

Motion carried 3-0.

Out of Non-Public Session at 7:03pm and meeting adjourned.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley