Select Board Minutes 09.06.11


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair opened the meeting at 5:28pm with Barry Wheeler, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Jack Meaney arrived at 6:17pm.

Harry Wright, Chair advised the board would hold a Non-Public Meeting per RSA 91A:3:II (i) at 5:28pm.

Back from Non-Public Meeting at 5:42PM.


Conservation Commission – Ann Eldridge regarding Battles Easement:

Ann Eldridge came before the Selectmen this evening to request approval to use funds from the Conservation Fund for the finishing of the Battles Farm Easement. It was suggested that the final legal forms should be reviewed by council, and Ann advised she would forward electronically. Beth McGuinn, Land Protection Specialist had compiled an overview and presented it to the Board members for their perusal. It was stated that private fundraising has allowed the Conservation Commission to reduce the amount the Town is responsible for to $115,000.

Harry Wright, Chair thanked the Conservation Commission for their long and hard work on this endeavor.

Dick Keller re: Bement Bridge:

Dick Keller came before the Selectmen being interested in the repairs to the Bement Bridge, mainly the roofing. Mr. Keller stated that his understanding is the Selectmen received three bids a month ago, and wondered if the low bidder has been notified at this time. Harry Wright, Chair advised Weathercheck is the preferred supplier. Harry Wright, Chair advised the bids came in within three days of the hole opening up in the front of the bridge, and they are holding action until they know what is going on with the bridge. It was stated that the plan is, this will be done by the end of next week. Dick Keller questioned if the Selectmen knew when they would be awarding the bid on the roof and it was decided by the end of next week. Harry Wright, Chair advised he personally will call Weathercheck to let him know what is happening. Dick Keller advised he will return at the next Selectmen’s meeting on September 20, 2011 for a report on progress.

Chris Aiken, Road Committee:

Chris Aiken questioned if the Road Committee is a Selectmen’s sponsored committee and has the support of the Selectmen’s office? Harry Wright, Chair advised yes, this is a formal committee. It was also stated that the Selectmen do appoint members, and they need to be re-appointed for each term whatever that term may be. At this time the Selectmen need a list of the existing members. Harry Wright, Chair advised there appeared to be a lot of frustration among the committee at the last Road Committee meeting as the suggestions they have made in the past have been ignored. The Road Committee and Road Agent will come up with a plan and discuss it with the CIP Committee sometime in October and hopefully offer a progressive program for the town.

Marcia Keller questioned if there is a formal charge for the Road Committee to follow, and if not should there be?


Accounts payable manifest and payroll manifests were reviewed and signed.

Cheryl Behr advised she had information from Mike Croteau regarding the Breezy Hill Road Bridge, and he advised there is no guarantee that the dip in the road is not going to flood. The only way to prevent that is to raise Route 103. Mike Croteau agreed to come out and go over the report with the Selectmen if they so desired.

Barry Wheeler questioned if the letter has been written to Corsair Realty to which Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised it is being worked on. Marcia Keller, Chair Planning Board requested a copy be given to the Planning Board when it is completed.

Proposals for heating of Town Hall:

Two proposals were read regarding the heating system at the town hall.

1. Dave Pickman & Sons                                  $10,910. Removal of old $1,200.

2. Dick Schock & Sons                                    $17,915. No glycol included

The Selectmen will peruse these proposals further.

Quotes for Transfer Station baler:

Two quotes were received from four specs that were sent out for a transfer station baler.

1. Mechanical Recycling                                   $ 8,890.

2. Atlantic Recycling                                         $ 9,190.

The Selectmen will review to see if both do include service and warrantees.

Budget Process:

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the budget process begins at the end of September, and personnel evaluations and benefit packages should be looked at. The Selectmen will prepare a letter to each Department Head as to what they anticipate the Department Heads to do with respect to holding the line or whatever. Health Plans are being checked on for comparisons. Upon receipt of information from the Department Heads, discussed by the Selectmen then will be forwarded to the Budget Committee.

Davis Road culvert has been completed per Jeff Remillard, Road Agent.

Dave Pickman questioned the use of the temporary Police Department quarters and what is the hold up. It was explained that PSNH has not done the electric connection to the temporary trailer and when that gets done, then the police can move there and the repair of the Police Station can be accomplished.

There being no other business to come before the board, meeting adjourned at 6:50pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
