Select Board Minutes 09.09.13





The Pledge of Allegiance was said

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order with John Pfeifle, Sonny Harris, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.


Cheryl Behr read a note from Marlene Freyler advising effective September 9, 2013 she is resigning from the Bradford Independence Day Committee. Marlene was thanked for all the work she has done.


Paving on Rowe Mountain and Sunset Hill roads completed:

Mention was made that the paving has been completed on Rowe Mountain Road and Sunset Hill Road. Cheryl Behr advised the next project the Highway Department is hoping to accomplish is the shimming of eight or nine different roads, for an estimated amount of $59,000. This will be funded by 50% from the Operating Budget and 50% from the remainder of the Bond.

John Pfeifle stated that this has been a great summer for roads in Bradford, a good job has been done and several things have been brought on board, and continue to make improvements, and he applauds all the efforts.

Money request was signed to transfer money into the operating account for the Roadwork.

Response from Newbury regarding joint ventures:

A letter was received from the Town of Newbury and read by Cheryl Behr regarding the effort for some joint town departments. Their thought is to put it before their town residents and make some decisions after town meeting, and not hold any further joint meetings until after that time. (Letter on file).

John Pfeifle suggested they were only interested in talking through this venture before any decisions could be made to go further.

The joint Boards of Selectmen will be meeting with the School Board attending on Thursday September 26, 2013 at 6:30pm at the Middle School. Doreen Salera, Superintendent’s Office would like a list of who will be coming.

Joe Conway, Chair of the Municipal Budget Committee (MBC) has tendered his resignation and a replacement from Bradford needs to be appointed. The next meeting is Thursday, September 26th.

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to appoint Jim Bibbo. Seconded by John Pfeifle. Motion carried 3-0.

Worm Farm:

Harry Wright, Chair stated there are some resistances to the Worm Farm endeavor. Growing worms is a little more involved than we were aware of. One, they are resistant to citrus and salt. The project is a little more complex, and will take more time than the employees of the Transfer Station would have. John Pfeifle has connections with a person who currently has a worm farm, and he will be checking with him soon.

This will be investigated further. Suggestion was that we could request anyone who would like to recycle garbage to do it and a local worm farmer could pick it up.

Economic Development Committee:

Chris Way will contact Marilyn Gordon and let John Pfeifle know when a meeting date has been set up soon.

Sign audit acceptance letter:

The Selectmen signed the audit acceptance letter.

Sign PLT power of attorney for unemployment (LGC name change issue):

Cheryl Behr read a letter (letter on file) regarding a September 1, 2013 Local Government Center property Liability Trust is assigning all information of the current application participation agreement together with all other agreements relating to the coverage to Property Liability Trust, Inc. The necessary paperwork was signed by the Selectmen.

Abatement Application :

An abatement Application form was signed for PSNH. Poles in town were re-evaluated several years ago.

Note from Edythe Craig:

A note was received from Edythe Craig thanking the Selectmen for taking care of her road..

Chet Mitchell e-mail request regarding Stop Signs on Solitude Ridge Roads and Who is responsible to enforce it?

Cheryl Behr read the e-mail regarding the stop sign on Solitude Ridge and requested the town authorize the Police to enforce it. Mr. & Mrs. Mitchell attended the meeting. It was stated that a few feet of Solitude Ridge Road would be in the Town Right of Way. Jim Valiquet, Police Chief advised he has a letter from Earl Sweeney, Comm., stating that the Police cannot enforce the request as it is a private way. If the town approved the road as being public, then the Police could enforce it. Chief Valiquet also advised there have been no accidents in that area.

Safe Routes to School:

A Safe Routes to School meeting to be held with CNHRPC will be held soon, and volunteers are being encouraged to join.

Town Hall Restoration:

John Pfeifle brought up a conversation/motion from August 26th meeting that was not voted on regarding the Town Hall Restoration and suggested it not be brought up again at this time as was suggested at that meeting. Board agreed to this suggestion.

Sonny Harris withdrew his motion as did John Pfeifle.

The bridge on the Route 114 to Breezy Hill which has been closed for several years was brought up, and John Pfeifle has discussed the repairing of it with Dennis Hisler who has been involved with bridges for the State for many years. John Pfeifle brought up the idea of repairing the bridge and making it a covered bridge. Another suggestion was for a contest for any students to design said bridge, and to get the residents involved with finding trees in town for the beams etc. and volunteers to supply them. Marcia Keller had a picture of the previous covered bridge. This will be investigated further and discuss it at the next meeting.


Cheryl Behr read a letter stating the deadline of October 1st is the date to discuss insurance with employees. The Town Attorney will be requested to write a letter to be forwarded to employees.

Wage schedules for employees will be provided by the end of the month.

Town Hall boundary problems and a response to Bill Starr’s son’s letter were discussed. It was stated that the original surveyor is reviewing and will get back to the Selectmen who in turn will get back in touch with the Starr’s.

CIP paperwork has not been received.

Cheryl Behr advised there will be a Safety Meeting in October.

John Pfeifle advised the Doug Jackson Site Plan will be taken care of by the end of the month.

Further investigation regarding the Eastman Steer property is on the agenda, and will be discussed at a future meeting.

Discussion regarding French’s Park “barn” and legal issue of pipes on town land as well as parking and boundaries and parking of trailers transpired and will be further investigated by the Code Enforcement Officer.

Tom Patenaude has not responded regarding Mill Privilege up near Davis Pond in the South East corner of town, suggestion was to ask party across the road if interested.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests were reviewed and signed by the Selectmen.

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to approve the August 26, 2013 minutes. Seconded by Harry Wright, Chair. Motion carried 3-0.

Motion was made by John Pfeifle to adjourn to Non public session per RSA 91-A3IIe- Legal issues at 6:57pm. Seconded by Harry Wright, Chair. Motion carried 3-0.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley, Secretary