Select Board Minutes 09.23.24

Select Board Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm.

Roll Call: Beth Downs (Chair), Marlene Freyler, Chip Meany

Also attending: Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary

Review Minutes of September 9, 2024

Motion: Chip  Meany moved to accept the September 9, 2024 minutes as written.

Second: Marlene Freyler

Decision: 3-0, all in favor


Walter Royal – Building Inspector – Permit for Map 6 Lot 84-7 approved.

Lois Kilnapp – Transfer Station Update: There are almost 6 bales of aluminum cans ready for shipping. The last payment for 6 bales was about $800. All is running smoothly. Chip asked Lois when she was planning to retire. Lois answered that she has no plans for retirement.

Steve Hall – Highway Department Update

Backhoe repairs: Steve has a total estimate of $50K to repair the backhoe. Brake repair alone will be $13K. The consensus of the Board is that regardless of the decision to lease, the brakes should be repaired in order to be safe.

West Main Street Culvert repair: Hoyle Tanner has supplied an estimate of $82,000 for permitting and pre-construction costs to repair the West Main Street Culvert. (Culvert/Bridge at the intersection of West Main and NH 103 at the Fire Station.)

Culvert damage repair: Steve brought information about RSA requirements involving culvert damage and who is responsible. Action item: Karen will check with NHMA to confirm adoption of the RSA.

Pleasant View culvert at Rosewood Inn: A problem exists with a clogged culvert and catch basin. Consensus of the Board is that Karen and Steve will write the owner a letter informing the owner that the responsibility to clean the culvert is his. Chip suggested that the owner be invited to a meeting to discuss the repair.

Devin Pendleton – Parks & Rec Halloween: Devin asked that traffic be designated one-way on a section of Old Warner Road by the Elementary School during the KRES-B Haunted Happenings on October 25, 2024 from 6-9 pm. The consensus of the Board is that this can be arranged with Bradford Police. Bradford Trick or Treat will take place on October 31, 5:00-7:30. West Main Street will be blocked from traffic during that time.

Public Input: None

Regular and Old Business:

Historical Society Easement: The Board received a draft of the Historical Society Easement. Beth asked about the meaning of a non-exclusive easement. Audience member Pam Bruss explained that non-exclusive means that multiple parties can use the property. Beth requested that the easement be reviewed every five years. There was also a question as to the location of the small fireworks pad and if that was within the easement. The Board agreed that maintenance of the road that accesses the back portion of the property will be the Town’s responsibility.

Fuel Bids: Karen reported the Town had locked in pricing for #2 heating oil at $2.666/gallon and propane at $1.419/gallon for the 2024-2025 heating season. Both of these prices are slightly lower than last winter.

Movable, Non-Permanent Structures Being Used as Residences: Karen presented a draft of a notification to residents. The Board is beginning to plan the enforcement of the zoning ordinance relative to non-permanent structures used as residences. The intention is to begin with education and proceed to enforcement. The question arose of when enforcement would begin. Karen suggested that legal advice be sought about when and how enforcement will be handled. The Board agreed that the following will be published in the October edition of the Bradford Bridge.

Select Board Statement on Moveable, Non-permanent Accessory Dwellings.

The Select Board is initiating an effort to educate and inform residents about the Town’s regulations concerning movable, non-permanent accessory dwellings on a property. This is the result of a growing number of recreational vehicles, campers and other non-permanent structures being used as residences in Bradford and the various safety concerns that emerge from such usage. The Board is considering enforcement options and will work to assist property owners in understanding and abiding by the Town’s adopted regulations. For an explanation of the regulations, please visit the Town’s website under the Recent Posts column.

If you have any questions about the Town’s regulations concerning movable accessory dwellings on a property, please reach out to the Select Board Office at 938-5900 for assistance.

New Business:

91-A “Right to Know” Request: Jason Allen sent a written “right to know” request for records relative to repairs and maintenance of a town-owned backhoe and for records of payments made to town employees during the years 2022, 2023 and 2024. Karen reported that she sent Jason a letter informing him about the location of the records. During the discussion Chip said that the full intention of Jason’s request was to determine the funding of a stipend Karen received at a time when no other stipends or bonuses were paid to Town employees. Beth questioned Chip’s need to know that information. Chip responded that the matter should be taken up during a non-public session. Beth asked Chip if there was something to hide. Chip responded that as he saw it there had been malfeasance in the matter. Beth disagreed. The discussion ended.

Marlene brought up a matter she believed was connected to this discussion having to do with the timely setting of the town tax rate. Karen explained that re-valuation of town property is part of the tax rate process, that the re-valuation is underway, and may delay the setting of the tax rate. For Marlene this was not satisfactory. There was a discussion of whether or not the re-valuation, approved by the Board earlier in 2024, should continue. Chip told Karen to expedite the answer to that question and the work to set the tax rate.

Marlene also asked for the meeting minutes which approved a stipend paid to Karen. Karen asked Marlene to submit that request in writing. Marlene agreed to do so.

2025 Budget Survey: The Budget Committee submitted a draft of a survey to be made available from the Select Board as an on-line questionnaire relative to residents’ opinions about Town services. Kim Firth, Budget Committee Vice-Chair, has volunteered to administer the survey and report results. Select Board consensus is to distribute the survey link in the Bradford Bridge and other publications.

Town Hall Exterior Cleaning: Consensus of the Board is to investigate cleaning the outside of the building.

Accept Unanticipated Revenue:

Motion: Beth Downs moved that the Board accept $3,233.00 in unanticipated revenue per

RSA 31:95-b from Work Invest NH – EMT Training Incentive Program Grant.

Second: Chip Meany

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Motion: Beth Downs moved that the Board accept $2,000 in unanticipated revenue per

RSA 31:95-b from the Volunteer Fire Assistance Grant in reimbursement for radios, pagers, batteries and leaf blower.

Second: Chip Meany

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest were signed.

Motion: Beth Downs moved to adjourn to non-public session per RSA 91-A:3 (c) at 7:39 pm.

Second: Chip Meany

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Motion: Marlene Freyler moved to return to public session at 8:16 pm.

Second: Chip Meany

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Motion: Marlene Freyler moved to adjourn the meeting at 8:16 pm.

Second: Chip Meany

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Upcoming meeting:      October 7, 2024   

Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary