Select Board Minutes 10.04.11

OCTOBER 4, 2011

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Jack Meaney, Barry
Wheeler, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer arrived at 5:50pm.

Review and Consideration of September 27, 2011 minutes:

Motion was made by Harry Wright, Chair to approve as presented. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Correction on page one of minutes, second sentence under Mold Issues should read: Water wicked through the floor in the Police Station etc.

Motion carried with edit 3-0.


Conservation Commission for the Battles Easement. Brooks McCandlish advised Beth McGuinn would explain what needs to be done. Beth advised the last time they were here in September, they went over the easement as to what it said and it was then forwarded to Town council to approve. Tonight they are requesting a vote to approve the expenditure of the funds of the Conservation Commission and ask for signature on the deed. They have received the check from the treasurer.

Motion was made by Barry Wheeler to approve the request for approval of the expenditure and to sign the deed. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.

At this time, the Selectmen’s signatures were Notarized by Beth McGuinn.

Beth McGuinn advised Ausbon Sargent is inviting the Select Board and Cheryl Behr to the rest of the signing on Thursday afternoon.

Upon completed signatures, Beth McGuinn advised she will forward the town a full copy.

Jon Marden, Budget Committee for Gary Wall:

Jon Marden, Budget Committee member read the following into the minutes for Gary Wall, Chair who was unable to attend.

October 3, 2011

Town of Bradford

Board of Selectmen


During our September 8th meeting, the Budget Committee discussed the goal of returning the general budget spending to 2009 levels. Before this can be seriously considered, all cost components will need a thorough review.

As you are well aware of the economic conditions of this Town as well as the rest of the country, it becomes necessary to review and change what was the “norm” and bring things into line with what is going on around us.

Cuts in budgets and changes in policy are necessary at this time so that the budget is kept at levels the “Taxpayers” can afford today, while at the same time, keeping in mind and ensuring that there will be a bright tomorrow.

The Budget Committee is requesting that the Selectmen give us an opportunity to review all major contracts, including those for employee benefits, enabling us to discuss options and offer an opinion prior to their signing by your board.

Thank you for your co-operation.

Gary Wall, Chairman

Bradford Budget Committee

Harry Wright, Chair advised there were no issues with the review. However, in terms of the health insurance program, there is a very small window between the times they are set and the budget is defined. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the rates are released the end of October and the first week in November signatures are required. Discussion ensued.

Accounts Payable and Payroll manifests were reviewed and signed.

Intent to cut on Map 11, Lot 56 was signed.

Question was asked regarding the Corsair Letter that went to them, and Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised there has been no response at this time. Mary Pinkham–Langer was to come out and look at the situation this week. Harry Wright, Chair advised he had received a call from Harriet Hobbs, Manager of Corsair Realty the day the Selectmen’s letter was received by her. He advised Ms. Hobbs that the Highway Department does have photos of the pile of dirt that washed across the road.

BACC letter received:

A letter from Jim Valiquet, BACC Governance Board dated October 4, 2011 was read into the minutes (letter on file) requesting consideration as a town committee with the ability to request budget consideration in the coming year. Much discussion took place. Bruce Edwards advised they are down to five members. Bruce Edwards advised each committee member has their own area of responsibility in the Community Center:

Bruce Edwards does maintenance, Jim Valiquet, Chair, Karen Hambleton, KAP, Margaret Raymond and Debbie Flinkstrom are Parks and Rec and Ona Ruchti is Senior Center. It was suggested that the Board come into the next Selectmen’s meeting on October 11, 2011 and Cheryl Behr, Administrator will invite them.

Marcia Keller advised there was a vote some time ago by the Board of Selectmen to establish a Commission and to appoint commissioners who have not been sworn in. If they are not going to go in that direction, the vote should be rescinded otherwise the Commission is out there on your say so. Harry Wright advised this became less than practical, consequently there has been no vote on the commission per say.

Town Hall Mold Issues Update:

It was noted that the wall that was badly damaged in the Police Station has been taken down and some changes suggested.

A person from Congressman Bass’s office was here and recommended the Town request help via a letter to the Congressman for suggestions on any available money. Response was they would look into it.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator has some information from Jeff Remillard, Road Agent on how he would address the drainage problem. Three organizations have been called regarding the vapor barrier with no response to this date. Cheryl Behr was in contact with Rick Geddes Building mover regarding jacking up the building and putting in a basement with no response at this time.

The Heating system was addressed and it was suggested that the two systems could be combined using the existing furnace with an estimate of between $500 and $800 to realign what is already here. Dave Pickman advised something should be done soon, as it is going to be getting cold within another month.

Discussion ensued and it was stated that tearing the police station apart, when it is put back, it will need to be put up to code. An estimate from Rene Remodeling for different aspects of the renovations for the police station was read by Cheryl Behr, Administrator.

Marcia Keller suggested pulling together a Town Forum or some groups of people to say what the town wants and we should do. Several options were discussed.

Audrey Sylvester advised the Town Hall is the most valuable piece of property on the tax rolls the town owns, having been built in 1790, it is the town’s duty to preserve it the best way we can.

In response to a question by Dick Keller about mutual services with other towns, Harry Wright, Chair advised they were discussing a Road Sweeper as one suggestion with the Town of Warner, but at this time nothing has actually been decided.

Jon Marsden suggested that there is no suggestion to abandoning this building or tearing it down or burning it down, but what we need to do is re-locate, minimize your losses and give time to figure out how to do the job properly with the least amount of impact on personnel.

Motion was made by Jack Meany to be pro-active and see what it would take to move the offices temporarily to the Community Center and/or an other facility in town with a decision deadline of November 1, 2011. Seconded by Barry Wheeler, Motion carried 3-0.

A match agreement in Partnership memorandum with Central New Hampshire Regional Planning to provide $5,000.00 to update our Emergency Management Hazard Mitigation Plan. It requires the town to provide $1,670.00 of in kind non monetary match for purposes of updating the Hazard Mitigation Plan. This is required in order to be able to apply for FEMA funds in the future, and must be done by May 2012. Bruce Edwards has agreed to be the staff coordinator and will work with CNHRPC between October and March of 2012.

Bement Bridge update:

Tomorrow the paving is expected to be done. It was estimated that the paving would cost $850.00 with the total cost of nearly $4,000.00. Dick Keller reiterated that the Town committed to fix the Bridge roof. If the money raised at town meeting for the Bridge Roof is not used this year, it will go into the general fund and the whole problem will start over again. A question was raised if the Selectmen have contacted the contractor to do the Bridge roof to which they advised no, it has not been finalized. Discussion resulted regarding the roof and road repair at the Bement Bridge and how and where the money has or will come from.

A salt contract was signed by the Selectmen, the actual rate went down this year.

There has still been no tax rate set at this time.

In reply to a question of what is happening at the Sanborn property on East Main Street, Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised it is in the Court system and we are waiting for approval for the Town to tear it down.

Meeting adjourned at 7:06pm to Non-Public meeting for tax deed repurchase per RSA 91A:3II (d) and a litigation issue per RSA 91A:3II (e). The Secretary was not present.

Adjourn at 7:06pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
