Select Board Minutes 10.07.24

Select Board Meeting was called to order at 6:00 pm.

Roll Call: Beth Downs (Chair), Marlene Freyler, Chip Meany (via ZOOM)

Also attending: Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary

Review Minutes of September 23, 2024

Motion: Marlene Freyler moved to approve the September 23, 2024 minutes as written.

Second: Chip Meany

Discussion: It was noted that at the end of the September 23rd meeting, the Board agreed by consensus to donate an old Windows 95 computer to a senior resident and that was not reflected in the minutes.

Decision: 3-0, all in favor, with the noted update.


Rick Sager – NH Tax Deeds & Property Auctions

Rick Sager appeared virtually to answer questions about the contract relative to the auction of Town property on October 19. Marlene asked if bidding would start at a set price. No. This is an absolute auction which means there is not a minimum price. The reason is that the sale will be more successful. Chip asked about demolition specifications. The sale contract states that the building will be moved or that it will be demolished. Chip would like the contract to specify that the site to be backfilled in lifts and compacted. Rick will add the language to accomplish that. Karen asked about the requirement information about septic and well. Those details can be stated as unknown. They are needed by law for a real estate sale. Chip asked that the receipt for the demolished material show that it was disposed of properly with a test for lead. Rick answered that the buyer would be responsible for demolished material. Bryan Nowell asked if interest in the property was being tracked by the auction service. Rick will let Karen know what they have seen.

Walter Royal – Building Inspector (Permits for Map 2 Lot 65, Map 6 Lot 38, Map 16 Lot 76, Map 3 Lot 38, Map 3 Lot 52-A, Map 2 Lot 81, Map 16 Lot 11, Map 16 Lot 47)

Beth reported that the permits have been signed by the Board.

Bryan Nowell – Fire Department update

Incidents between September 9 and October 7: 13 EMS, 6 fire for a total of 19.

2024 Incidents so far – 188, 121 EMS and 67 fire. At this time in 2023 there were 152 incidents representing a 25% increase in 2024. Total incidents for all of 2023 was 193.

Fire Department activities: In September: New engine pump training; Red Cross Blood Drive; hazard mitigation meetings; fire prevention events; fire inspection/code review; budget and CIP work; BBQ at Bradford Center Meeting House concert series.

Other items: Received several street number sign sales; planning a Fire Department celebration event for the new engine; two new members have been recruited. Bradford Community Church gave the Fire Department an appreciation dinner on October 5th.

Budget: With 25% of the year remaining the Fire Department and Rescue have 35% left.

Public Input:

Marlene requested that Roberge and Company, P.C, C.P.A. provide audit status related to the audit for the year ended December 31, 2023. She read a letter that listed account variances in need of adjustment. Marlene asked Karen when the adjustments will be made. Karen said she is working on it and could have it ready in a week.

Kathleen Bigford, West Road, Bradford read a statement.

The following comments are coming from a place of immense respect for you as members of the Select Board. It takes courage, compassion and cooperation to name a few of the traits necessary to hold this office and to fulfill your elected responsibilities.

The decisions made during these meetings can be very difficult. Tensions arise when emotions become involved in decision making and it becomes difficult to keep your eyes, ears, mind and heart on the prize of knowing that this wonderful place we call home will persevere.

As you carry out your duties and run the business of Bradford in your meetings, I have some suggestions.

Whatever the circumstance and whatever your emotional state, please remember that honey gathers more flies than salt. Please set an example for Bradford residents and show civility whatever the topic.

While the opportunity for the public to speak at will at a Select Board meeting is not guaranteed, I suggest that members of the audience be directed to speak during the public input time only. When commenters are recognized by name by the Chair, there is less of a distraction from the flow of the agenda and those watching the stream are better informed.

Finally, I recommend that the details of Town employees’ performance and/or employment terms be the subject of non-public meetings only.

During a time when there are so many factors that pull us apart, I would like to know that this Board will pull together to move Bradford forward.

Thank you for this opportunity to speak.

Regular and Old Business:

Historical Society Easement: Karen shared comments from Town Counsel on the easement draft. Questions from last meeting were answered. Marlene asked about the permanence of some of the structures and the addition of shrubbery. Karen asked that Chip review contract as amended and let Karen know if he approved. After review by Matt Decker, the final draft will go to the Historical Society for their review then to the Select Board for signing.

Update on Revaluation: Karen had been asked at the September 23rd meeting to research if the revaluation could be cancelled so that the tax rate could be determined soon. Karen reported that the current revaluation is about one-third complete. If it is stopped now, the process will need to start over in 2025 and the funds spent in 2024 will be lost. The DRA assessment review will be put off until 2025.

Review Expenses:  Overall, with 25% of the year left, 29% of the budget is left.

Review Budget Schedule: Dates of note are the November 7th  and 21st  joint meetings of the Budget Committee and Select Board when departments will be making their budget presentations.

Campers Being Used as Residences Update: Tabled. Karen recommended that the Board consider how enforcement be established before moving forward.

New Business:

Revised 2025 Cemetery Rules and Regulations: Dawn Gezelman submitted a report. Lot prices remain the same. Purchasers must contact Marlene Freyler (603.938.5900) to purchase a lot. Once the Board of Cemetery Trustees sign the sales receipt, the purchaser will receive a copy. Permanent stone corner markers must be installed, flush with the ground so as to not interfere with mowing, prior to receipt of cemetery lot deed and/or burials.

Letter from Treasurer regarding payroll schedule: The Treasurer recommends moving the payroll pay date from Tuesday to Thursday. Karen recommended gathering employee input before implementing the change. Karen will share with the Treasurer’s letter with Department Heads. This would not take effect until early 2025.

Electric Rates:  Karen reported rates: NextEra: $.10399, Direct Energy: $.114, Bradford Community Power: $.086 guaranteed for six months, August 2024 to January 2025. After discussion the Board decided to switch from NextEra to Bradford Community Power when the NextEra contract expires on November 30th.

Motion: Marlene Freyler made a motion purchase electric power from Bradford Community Power when the NextEra contract expires.

Second: Beth Downs

Decision: 3-0, All in favor

Volunteers for Pedestrian Count: Volunteers are needed to count pedestrians on West Main Street to give data for a possible grant to help pay for sidewalks on West Main Street. Marlene offered help count on Wednesday, October 9.

Accept unanticipated revenue:

Motion: Beth Downs moved that the Board accept $8,000.00 in unanticipated revenue per RSA 31:95-b for the purpose of outfitting the auditorium in Town Hall with noise reducing, room darkening window curtains.

Second: Chip Meany

Decision: 3-0, All in favor

Sign Henniker Ambulance Contract: Bryan Nowell reported that there will be a $24,000 savings on the rescue contract in 2024. The rescue contract will be revisited yearly. The service remains the same. The updated contract was signed.

Sign Title for Cruiser to go to Auction: Signed

Intents to Cut Map 16 Lot 35, Map 4 Lot 33: Signed

Sign Personnel Action Form: Signed

Karen reported a Thank you letter had been received from CASA for the Town’s 2024 donation of $750 and added that there are 3 families in Bradford being assisted by CASA. Nikki Dubaere asked if there was a way for the public to further assist these families. Karen said she would find out and let her know.

Karen also reported that an informal community sing along group has asked to use the Town Hall auditorium on November 17. As they gather informally, they do not have a budget and request they not be charged. Consensus is that is fine.

Devin Pendleton asked a question about the Budget Committee online survey. Dawn Gezelman answered that the intention of the survey is to get a feeling for the priorities of responders.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature

Non-Public Session

Motion: Marlene Freyler made a motion to adjourn the meeting to non-public session per RSA 91-A:3II (c) & (l) at 7:12 pm.

Second: Beth Downs

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Motion: Marlene Freyler moved to return to public session at 7:31 pm.

Second: Beth Downs

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Motion: Beth Downs moved to adjourn the meeting at 7:31 pm.

Second: Chip Meany

Decision: 3-0, all in favor

Upcoming meeting:      October 21, 2024

Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Bigford, Recording Secretary