Select Board Minutes 10.21.13



OCTOBER 21, 2013


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair opened the meeting at 5:32pm with Sonny Harris, John Pfeifle, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

No Appearances attended this meeting.

Regular Business:

Status of tax rate setting:

Cheryl Behr advised the Department of Revenue does not have the figures from the Department of Education, consequently the Tax Rate has not been set at this time.

Intent to Cut:

Intent to cut for Leighton, Deer Valley Road, Map 12, Lot 8 was signed.

Intent to cut for Rodd, Center Road, Map 2, Lot 97 was signed.

Next bridge for Municipal Bridge Repair Program:

After discussion, it was unanimously decided that the WestMeadowBridge should be the next one to be repaired.

The contract was signed for the continued testing on the Naughton property.

Appointment Signed:

Paperwork was signed for the appointment of Erica Gross as Trustee of Brown Memorial Library to replace Rodd Jones.

E-Mail from Laurie Buchar re: repair of roadside on Rowe Mountain Road by

The Union Congregational Society:

Laurie Buchar forwarded an E-mail to Cheryl Behr regarding raising and appropriating $3500.00 for material and road side maintenance at the common at the BradfordCenter. Question if the Town Highway Department would do it at a cost of $3500.00 or if Laurie Buchar wanted the money to pay for having it taken care of. This could be a Warrant Article. Decision was this should be presented to the Budget Committee before decisions were made.

Budget’s Received:

The Town Clerk presented the Selectmen with their Budget. Discussed were salary increase for Deputy as well as more hours needed, possible equipment purchase and auditor. The Selectmen will forward this to the Budget Committee.

The Library furnished a spread sheet for their Budget. It was stated that a 3.7% increase was being requested. It was suggested that they be requested to come into the Selectmen to discuss their 2014 Budget.

A request had come regarding striping of the parking lot out back of the Community Center. Decision was to pass for now.

Resource Officer:

Cheryl Behr advised she has received a request from the Sutton Selectmen for a letter regarding a School Resource Officer that the Selectmen voted on at their October 7, 2013. It was stated by the Selectmen that the letter should state to not exceed $10,000.00 for the Town of Bradford.

Town Hall Restoration Raffle andFees:

A permit was provided to the Selectmen from Eileen Kelly regarding holding a Thanksgiving Raffle. The Selectmen decided that it is not appropriate for a municipality to do this, the form was not signed..

Cheryl Behr advised she had received a bill from the Architect for the Town Hall Restoration in the amount of $2800.00. Upcoming conversation will determine where the money will come from.

Process for pursuing “Quite Title” was discussed.

Mention was made that a check has been received from The Patenaude’s.

Transfer Station Pick-up:

Lois Kilnapp advised the truck at the Transfer Station needed tires and a new starter which the Highway Department took care of.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests were reviewed and signed.

Upcoming concerns:

John Pfeifle brought up the idea of forming a group to outline the 4th of July festivities with a notice in the BradfordBridge. Suggestion was made that perhaps the Main Street Revitalization and Economic Development group could assist.

Also a group to be formed regarding the oversight and design of the Breezy Hill covered Bridge project. Oversite for judges and design: Steve Hansen and Sonny Harris have agreed and other names were brought up to approach.

Oversite Committee names listed were John Pfeifle and John Mock plus one more.

Financial oversite names listed were Harry Wright and Chris Frey. Other names were discussed to approach being available.

A State inspection needs to be looked into at this time prior to much work being done was stated.

Building Inspector Fees:

Building Inspector charges were discussed and will be brought up next week and voted on after the schedule has been checked.

Review and Consideration of October 7, 2013 meeting:

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to approve the October 7, 2013 minutes as presented. Seconded by John Pfeifle. Harry Wright abstained. Motion carried 2-0.

Discussion ensued regarding putting the gate back up at the Naughton property and the decision was to get it done, and the Road Agent will be requested to do this.

Motion was made, seconded to go into Non Public meeting for RSA 91-A:3: II (e) Lawsuits It was also stated they will refer back to the September 30th Non Public meeting relating to Chief Valiquet’s concern and RSA 91-A:3 II (a) Personnel. Sonny Harris Yes Harry Wright Yes John Pfeifle Yes

Motion carried unanimously.

Meeting adjourned 6:30pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley,
