Select Board Minutes 11.04.13



NOVEMBER 4, 2013


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call To Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with Sonny Harris, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley Secretary present.

John Pfeifle was absent.

Tax Rate:

The Department of Revenue Administration calculations were given to the Selectmen. Cheryl Behr advised the overall rate has gone down $ .71.

The rate is $22.42 with the town portion $6.67, School $10.47, Education tax $2.41 and the County $2.87. LakeToddDistrict is $1.47.

Some increase in revenue results from the town selling some of their property. Also the Safe Routes to School Grant of $14,500 was received.

Report on the Boston Post Cane Award:

It was reported that about 40 attended the awarding of the Boston Post Cane to Louise Clark last Sunday afternoon, including many of her family.

Town Hall Availability:

Cheryl Behr advised Mel Pfeifle has requested the use of the Town Hall on December 7 to sell Christmas decorations.

Mention was also made regarding Parks and Rec using two weekends in December to sell their trees in front of the Community Center.


Two abatements were signed for two Veterans, Map 16, Lot 4 – Stewart – to correct tax file per Cheryl Behr.

It was stated that a Bible Study group wants to use space in the Community Center. Cheryl Behr advised this is handled by the BACC and Jim Valiquet does the scheduling.

Some computer problems at the Community Center have been happening when the power goes off and on briefly. The generator will be checked out further.

Equalization paperwork:

Equalization paperwork has come in for signatures, from the Assessors, Cross Country Group, and the value of property in town is assessed higher than sales history. Last year the rate was 2.8 percent higher and this year has increased to 3.3 percent.

Deed For Signature:

The Deed was signed for Liberty Hill Road property that was listed as being signed last week but was not.

Bruss Construction Contracts:

The Contract from Bruss Construction with Eileen Kelly as the authorized signature for THRC was signed with the corrected names of the Selectmen replacing Eileen’s. name.

Question if they should wait for the Town Attorney to reply. Comment was it was fine to sign at this time.

Money to pay the Architect was discussed and Cheryl Behr advised there is $5300 in the Warrant Article from several years ago that was for town hall repair and restoration. There being no issues, the manifest was signed.


Several budgets were gone over and discussed and the decision was to review them and discuss them at the next meeting.

The Barn at French’s Park as well as several other places, not up to code will receive letters from the Selectmen’s office.

Mr. & Mrs. James were in inquiring about the off Route 114 Breezy Hill Bridge and indicated they would like to volunteer in some way.

It was determined that the Selectmen will be meeting on Monday, November 11, 2013 even though it is a Holiday.

Review and Consideration of October 28, 2013 minutes:

Motion was made by Sonny Harris to approve the Oct. 28th minutes.

On top of Page 3, the statement that the Deed was signed on Liberty Hill property was not done, but was done this evening. The name Mary Manville was misquoted, and should be Nancy Mayville.

Harry Wright, Chair seconded with edits. Motion carried 2-0.

There being no other business to come before the board, meeting adjourned at 6:15pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley
