Select Board Minutes 11.30.10

NOVEMBER 30, 2010

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Chair called the meeting to order with Harry Wright, Jack Meaney, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley Secretary present.


Peter Fenton, Chair advised he had stated in the November 23, 2010 minutes that the Rescue Squad, the Ambulance Service in New London was going up 40%, and what it actually was, is the Town of New London is adding 40% to their budget for Ambulance Services.


Dick Keller and Gary Wall, Budget Committee members appeared before the Selectmen. Dick Keller advised their concern is the Ambulance Service and what it is costing the Town of Bradford versus other towns in this area. The result of what the New London Hospital is talking about doing, regionalizing the ambulance service so they can continue to provide the service they have been providing. They do have three ambulances up there and are running at a deficit of roughly one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) a year and they are looking to regionalize. They are looking at seven towns, and it might be worthwhile for Bradford to get into that dialogue. Dick Keller allowed the last year’s Ambulance budget was $83,185.00 with Bradford’s population of 1589. Sutton’s budget was $31,047.00 and they are tied in with New London Hospital Ambulance Service. Newbury’s budget was $18,000.00 with an additional $3,000.00 for South Newbury to apply towards the Bradford Ambulance. The Bradford’s Ambulance Service went from $14,500 in 2008 to $82,320.00 this year. This was the time the Fire Department took over the Ambulance Service and the people who were working the Ambulance were being paid in.

Dick Keller stated that about 90% of the calls are dry runs, meaning the people responded to do not want to use the service. Peter Fenton, Chair advised they do not have any control over that to which Dick responded that they seem to have as both Sutton and Newbury as they have what they call Fast Service where responders go out and check the situation and: At this point, Mark Goldberg interrupted and advised he couldn’t stand this any more and Dick you’re wrong, you’re wrong, you’re wrong.

Peter Fenton, Chair requested Mark to let Dick Keller finish with his information then he could speak. Dick Keller did continue and suggested perhaps this is wrong, but that is why we are here.

Peter Fenton, Chair advised he had just found out about the meeting with New London, and Bradford was not invited to that meeting. There is no regionalization being talked about, that ambulance is going to serve seven towns. New London Ambulance is charged with serving seven towns right now. (Dick Keller interjected “then Bruce King is wrong)

Peter continued and advised the article he read in the paper, which is the only information he has at this time, was that they had such a loss this year, that when they went to the town with their budget, they had an increase of 40%, and the town agreed with the increase to put it into their budget, for the town to approve at Town Meeting. Peter Fenton, Chair also advised they have asked New London if they would cover us and they will not do it, as they’d be stretched too thin. Fast Squads were discussed at length, as well as 911 by Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief. Mark also explained that the Dry Run that was brought up and explained that it does not come from the actual patient, but from another person. They decide the patient is not in as much distress as they thought, or gotten better or decide to just not go. Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief also advised that the Fast Service can sign off if the patient does not want the service. Also discussed was the Insurance and billing to recipients of the service. If the ambulance arrives and the patient does not want to use the service, there is no billing done.

Peter Fenton, Chair requested Dick Keller continue, and Dick advised he had spoken with Bruce King, New London Hospital regarding supplying Bradford to their ambulance service area, and he indicated there would be no problem at all, that we should be in that mix. Peter Fenton, Chair advised that there were two towns that were not notified of that meeting, those being Newport and Bradford. Peter also advised that Bruce King is head of the hospital and sure he does a great job, however, the ambulance service is a little bit separate from that. When Mark went up and spoke to New London about coverage, they did not speak to Mr. King, but whoever was in charge of the Ambulance Service.

Mark advised the group in New London is trying to decide what they want to do, and one of the purposes of the meeting was a decision to hire an RNA to look at the whole thing, and come up with some ideas. If Bradford fits in with their plan and discussion, we’re in there. Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief also stated it could be our salvation, and he advised he stated that three years ago. There is another meeting on the 15th with Henniker per Mark, who are very interested in partnering up. Peter Fenton, Chair requested Mark to keep the Selectmen apprised of what is happening.

Mark Goldberg, advised Rich Branch e-mailed a note to Cheryl Behr, Administrator who passed it on to the Selectmen, advising where he and the Rescue Squad stood at this point. Mark advised New London is falling apart, and there is nothing up there.

Dick Keller questioned if the Selectmen have the budget for the Rescue Squad and Peter Fenton, Chair advised no, they will have it after the 15th when they see what happens. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she had to file paperwork for estimated payroll for next year, and added another one hundred thousand ($100,000) for the Rescue Squad in anticipation. Mark interjected they added another $100.00 per month for electricity.

Dick Keller stated that the town is discussing a new grader, and this is all part of the Budget process. Peter Fenton, Chair suggested when the budget does come in; it should go to the Selectmen, then the Budget Committee.

Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief stated that there should be no single person or one small group that dictates or decides or regulates life safety, public safety for the town, so where it will be decided will be on the floor at Town Meeting. People want to know when they pick up their phone and dial 911 that someone will come.

Peter Fenton, Chair stated to Dick that the Selectmen are aware of it, and they will do the best they can on all the budgets.

Harry Wright had been to the last quarterly joint Selectmen’s meeting, and advised this will be brought up at the next quarterly meeting. Harry also suggested that Henniker is closer than New London, and Henniker is not supporting any other town. Also, their station is in the right side of town for Bradford. Dick Keller advised he has always been very supportive of the Rescue Squad and stated they’ve always done a tremendous job in town. Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief stated that Dick could not talk out of both sides of his mouth and questioned if Dick had made a presentation to the Budget Committee as the minutes reflected. Mark advised you may be able to sell it to all these people, but you will not sell it to the people doing the job. Peter Fenton, Chair advised they appreciated the information and they will be meeting on the 15th with Henniker, then the Rescue Squad Budget will be presented to the Selectmen followed by the Budget Committee can make their decisions, and if there is a difference, then obviously it will be up to the town.

Harry Wright questioned Mark Goldberg if this has been conversational or has the Fire/Rescue Department taken the matter to their Select Board? Mark advised he has talked with the Fire/Rescue people of Henniker who are in hopes of getting in touch with their Town Manager prior to the 15th.

Jack Meaney stated that the grader in question is being looked at with a lease/purchase which would not affect the budget that greatly, and might quell some of the issues.

Peter Fenton, Chair thanked everyone for coming and there will be a Selectmen’s meeting Dec. 7, 2010.

Gary Wall stated he was sorry the Selectmen were unable to meet with them last week. He also stated that the budget so far is up 8.4% without what ever else is coming in. There are several departments who have not submitted their budgets per Cheryl Behr, Administrator.

Police Chief, Jim Valiquet:

Police Chief, Jim Valiquet came before the Selectmen to see if they wanted him to introduce the candidate, Brian Eaton as the new full time officer at this time, which is contingent on his being accepted by the Academy and passing the physical. Chief Valiquet also advised the cost of the physical is upward to $400.00. Chief Valiquet also advised this is the Academy’s request for the physical, not the Town of Bradford’s request. However, if he does not go to the Academy for seven months, he would not be certified. New London was called, and he could receive a physical there for less then half, and will do it tomorrow morning, and he could then be entered at the Academy January 3, 2011. He would be permanent January 1, 2011 here in Bradford and start him under the Cops Grant. All shifts will be covered completely. A contract will be drawn up which could cover the cost of the Academy’s Physical request as well.

At this time, Chief Valiquet introduced Brian Eaton to the Select Board as well as all the public that was in attendance.

Motion was made by Harry Wright to accept Brian Eaton as a new hire effective January 1, 2010 as a Police Officer for the Town of Bradford. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 3-0.

Meeting adjourned temporarily at 5:35pm for the Selectmen to go into Non Public Session with the Road Agent per RSA 91A:3II.

Chris Frey questioned if the meeting time is going to be changed for special time to which Peter Fenton, Chair advised, no, this meeting was originally set up to do budgets. Normally it will be 5:30pm unless posted otherwise.

Back from Non Public Meeting at 6:05pm

Work on 2011 Budget

The Highway Budget is being worked on first as Jeff Remillard, Road Agent is present.

4312                Highway

1100 Wages includes provision for another person at $35,500.00. Budget would be $200,684.00 without additional employee.

Taking Overtime out would be an additional $6,300.00 out, for $36,280.

3901 Contract Services

Includes additional projects: cleaning out ditches side of road catch basin, flushing out culverts etc. $12,000 Figure agreed on.

An aside, Peter Fenton, Chair questioned the water coming from Pizza Chef and flooding the parking lot. Jeff Remillard, Road Agent will address this.

3912 Blasting

some more does need to be done                                   $2500.00

4300 Tires

Some of the vehicles do need new tires.                        $4500.00

Why can’t some tires be purchased out of this years budget was questioned.

6007 Salt

Jack Meaney advised the price goes by district. Granite State Minerals is the likely provider, however could order from either two companies providing

4303 Parts/Repairs

Concern is what if no new backhoe or grader is voted on, there could be a need for repairs. Jeff Remillard, Road Agent will look into renting a grader. Suggestion was made that the wording in the Warrant should be to persue new, good used, or lease/purchase.

4400 Equipment Rental

Excavator – screen. Peter Fenton, Chair suggested that Jeff Remillard write up a rental agreement for whatever he has to rent to the town as well as getting two other renters.

6000 Supplies/Tools

This includes oil, grease, hydraulic oil etc.          $14,000.00

6005 Uniforms                                                 $4600.00

Transferring Uniform companies cost extra last year.

6009 Culverts

Davis Road needs to be done, and the Town Highway Crew will do this work.

Decision is to hold until next week till Jeff Remillard, Road Agent hears from E. J. Prescott and report at next Selectmen’s meeting.

6010 Gravel

Discussion regarding the $25,000 requested.

Selectmen suggested $20,000.

6011 Road Patch

Jeff Remillard, Road Agent advised this is a band aid for roads.

Selectmen suggested                                                                 $12,000

6300 Inspection

This needs to go out, as the Highway Dept. does not do this and it is done at Valley’s. Actual cost is presented in the budget.

7300 French’s Park

Repair and replace picnic tables etc. at French’s Park.

Town Shed has -0- in budget.

A trailer is needed to move equipment, such as backhoe.

Warrant Article for Dust Control discussed with a figure of                                $11,000

Suggestion was to check with other towns and join them for a better price.

Highway Budget Total at present                       $446,965.00

Increase over 2009                   63,902.00

Which includes $8500.00 for culvert, but not including Dust Control

Jeff Remillard, Road Agent advised it is cheaper to do it right the first time.

Decision is Highway is tentatively ok with the Selectmen.

4130                Executive

Part Time Salaries discussed

1 Computer for $1,200 included

Postage, Advertising, Bids for RFP, Town Reports

Increased by $1500 for a total Selectmen’s budget over by about $6,000

4152                Revaluation

Waiting for Assessors numbers to come in.

Chris Frey listed as $5,000

Need to have a reserve for the next revaluation.

Town Forester total has gone up this year and this is based on activity. All intent to cuts are forwarded to the Town Forester.

Decision is to Hold on this.

4153                Legal

Decided to hold as is

4155                Employee Benefit

Cops Grant $24,842 should reflect in the Budget.

Discussion regarding Police Physical for new hire as presented by Chief Valiquet and decision was to reimburse for physical after six months of service to the Town.

This was unanimous by the Board.

4191                Planning Board

Decision is to leave as presented.

4194                Gen’l Gov’t Bldgs

Wrap furnace ducts, as suggested by the Energy Audit as well as insulating crawl space and walls.

Town Clock, clock people suggested a semi-annual maintenance program at $150.00 each

Offsite Computer backup – maintenance

Town Hall Landscaping-Should be put out to bid, and suggestion was to combine with Library and Community Center.

Miscellaneous repairs for Town Hall at $10,000

Decision was to hold on this for now.

4196                Insurance

No comments

4199                Other Gov’t Gen’l

Sanitation units at French’s Park reduced by $200 for $20,100.

4220                Fire Dept.

Comment was made that the final payment on the pumper is the reason for the drop.

Heavy Equipment Capital Reserve increased by $40,000.

$7200 included to dredge the Fire Pond. Discussion ensued.

Dispatch is increasing their rates, Radio repairs are needed.

Decision unanimous to leave as is.

4290                Emergency Management

Relocation fees from Plottner’s included

4240                Building

Mileage dropped $100.00 to $400.00

Supplies and Forms questioned and dropped to $125.00

Sign permits are now being required

Education         changed to        $300.00

Total agreed on now is:                                                 $10,325.00

4316                Street Lights

Need to check on how many lights are now being used and actually charged for. Also mentioned was a need to put more lights near the Community Center as it is very difficult to see students in that area.

4313                Bridges

Change that figure to $25.00

4415                Inoculations

Change figure to $250.00

4520                Parks

No report in yet.

4550                Library

Went over and approved last meeting

4583                Patriotic Purposes

Needs to be broken out more

Need to wait on this one

4723                TAX Anticipated Notes

Change to increase to $3,000.00

Warrant Articles were gone over and discussed.

Jon Marden gave a brief synopsis of how the CIP was calculated.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator read regulations for Public Works. This can include all or any combinations of departments. This will be discussed further at the next meeting, scheduled for December 7, 2010.

Motion was made to go into Non Public Meeting per RSA 91A:3II regarding Personnel by Jack Meaney. Seconded by Harry Wright. Motion carried 8:25pm.

Non Public Meeting

5:35pm Non Public Meeting:

Personnel and Correspondence were discussed with no decisions being made.

8:30pm Non Public Meeting:

Personnel concerns discussed. No decisions were made.

Out of Non Public Meeting at 8:50.

Respectfully submitted,

Marjorie R. Cilley