Select Board Minutes 12.09.13



DECEMBER 9, 2013


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:30pm with John Pfeifle, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Sonny Harris was absent.

Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief reported that the erection of the CellTower is done, and they are waiting for Verizon to come in.

Generator Grant:

The Generator Grant contract was reviewed and signed by the Selectmen for the amount listed $18,810.00.

Building Code Rates:

John Pfeifle requested Cheryl Behr get the figures for the Building Code rates for them to review. Cheryl advised there is only one rate which is $6.00 per thousand.

Motion was made by Harry Wright to approve the rate of $6.00 per thousand per project for the Building Code amount. Seconded by John Pfeifle. Motion carried 2-0.

Cheryl Behr added that there is also a $25.00 fee per permit.

Maintenance contract for town generators for signature for the Community Center and Police Department

Discussion regarding repair of the generators at $435.00 each per year which includes two inspections. The Selectmen gave Cheryl permission to sign for this contract.

Budget revision for the Library and Cemetery budgets:

After discussion regarding the budget revisions for the Library and Cemetery it was decided to wait for a vote when full Select Board is present.

Also, Number 4711, Long Term Notes would be discussed when a full Board is present.

The same decision for Salaries.

Discussion was held on raises being given after town meeting, in April, as opposed to in January as they were changed to this year. It was stated this will be implemented in 2015, giving employees notice. This will also be reviewed when there is a full Board.

Timber Tax Warrant and Gravel Tax Warrants were signed:

Timber Tax was signed for Betty Johnson, Map 6, Lot 7.

Gravel Tax was signed for Bruce Edwards (Hill and Dale), Map 7, Lot 26.

Appointment Letter:

Appointment letter was signed for the new full time Police Officer, Neil Flanagan.

ESP estimate for repair/replacement of alarm panel in Community Center:

A replacement for the Control Panel will be $2293.00 and an additional $3658.00 for a new system for a total of nearly $6,000.00 per Cheryl Behr. After discussion, it was decided to repair the current system and get it functional for the lesser amount.

Carpet replacement for Community Center in Senior and Preschool rooms:

The Selectmen concurred to purchase carpet for the Senior Room and the Preschool room in the Community Center for $3540.00 and the money is available.

Tax overpayment:

The Selectmen signed the Tax overpayment form from one of the banking services for a refund in the amount of $1,775.00 for the Tax Collector.

Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifests were reviewed and signed.

Review and Consideration of the December 2, 2013 minutes:

Motion was made to approve the December 2 minutes as presented by John Pfeifle. Harry Wright, Chair seconded. Cheryl Behr advised on the first page, Mr. Craft’s name should be spelled Kroft. Actually is Kraft. Motion carried with edit 2-0.

The Selectmen will attend the Rural Heritage Commission meeting on December 16, 2013. The Secretary will verify the date and time and advise the Selectmen.

Fire Alarm in Town Hall:

George Cilley questioned the fire alarm beeping constantly in the town hall. The Selectmen requested Cheryl Behr call the fire alarm company that provides the service and check this out.

Motion was made to adjourn by Harry Wright, Chair to Non Public Session at 6:00pm re: RSA 91A3:II9a) – personnel issue. Seconded by John Pfeifle.

Harry Wright Yes John Pfeifle Yes.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley
