Select Board Minutes 01.19.10

JANUARY 19, 2010

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Peter Fenton, Acting Chair opened the meeting at 5:00pm with Jack Meaney, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer, Cheryl Behr, Administrator and Marge Cilley, Secretary present.

Charles Meany was absent.

Motion was made by Peter Fenton for the Selectmen to go into Non-Public Session per RSA91:A-3:II – Highway and Town Clerk/Tax Collector at 5:03pm. Seconded by Jack Meaney. Motion carried 2-0.

The Selectmen came out of Non-Public Session at 5:45pm and advised there were no decisions made at this time, however did interview people for the Highway Dept. positions.


HB 86

Laura Hallahan, BIA (Bradford Improvement Association) filled in for Beth Rodd who was not available. Laura questioned the Selectmen on how they feel regarding House Bill 86, and whether or not it should be looked at for Bradford. Laura also suggested checking with other towns that have taken it on to see if they are happy with it. Peter Fenton advised a decision has not been made on that but are talking with other towns to see how it works. Jack Meaney advised that if it is adopted, then the whole thing is adopted. It would have to be put on as a Warrant Article to see if the townspeople wanted to implement it or not.

Outgoing Letters Update:

Laura also questioned if there was any update on the letters the Selectmen had written as requested from the BIA. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the Selectmen had signed the letters, but they have not been mailed. It was decided that a copy of the signed letter be given to the BIA members, and they would do the mailing, which was done.

Andrew Pinard questioned if the discussion regarding House Bill 86 between Charles Meany and Jack Meaney was done at a public meeting. Jack Meaney advised it was discussed at the Selectmen’s meeting the night it was brought up

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised Beth Rodd that the Town Clerk received a notice in the mail today regarding Legislation trying to push through something that reduces the interest the towns can charge on delinquent taxes. The concern being, each town will make its own decision as to the amount and Cheryl advised both she and the Town Clerk feel this could be a real problem. Cheryl Behr, Administrator will e-mail this information to Beth Rodd tonight before she leaves, and Beth advised she will attend the meeting tomorrow.

George Cilley and Brian Wilcox, Re: Town Clock:

George Cilley came before the Selectmen regarding the accident last summer up in the steeple of the Church which bent a drive shaft to the east dial of the clock which broke the dial. After six months of searching, have found a person, Phil D’Avanza from Goffstown who does this work for a living, and has restored clocks all over New Hampshire and New England. The glass is 3/8″ thick, and is 4′ in diameter. The clockworks have been in the steeple itself for 95 years, and has never had any real good maintenance done. The cables that hold the weights of the clock are probably original, and are getting pretty smooth and stretched out, they hold about 200 pounds of weight each and there are two brass gears in the clock with teeth missing, making it a hazard to wind.

George gave the estimate made by the Clock Repair person of replacing the dial at seven thousand nine hundred seventy ($7,970.00) dollars). The overhaul of the clock estimate given is Five thousand eight hundred and seventy five ($5,875.00) dollars. George presented pictures of the mechanical workings of the clock as well as the broken dial along with the estimates to the Selectmen.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the Town took over the ownership and maintenance of the clock in the March 15, 1916 Town Meeting when they raised and appropriated the sum of two hundred dollars. A Moose Plate Grant will be applied for if the Church is eligible for the Historic Register. All pictures need to be in black and white. This will have to be a Warrant Article to request the funds for this project. George allowed he does not know how or why he and Brian are involved in this project, but they are, and this is what they have come up with. Brian Wilcox advised that the Railroad Station Agent wanted the clock initially so people arriving and departing could see what time it is. This station master’s name is on the street side dial of the clock. Any additions, renovations etc. of the Church itself need to be recorded for Chery Behr, Administrator for the project. George Cilley said he will get those for her. Brewster Caswell questioned how it got broken and was advised a person that wound it slipped and fell into it.

Andrew Pinard has four questions he’s asking for Chris Frey who couldn’t be here:

1. Were you able to find a way to encumber the $28,000.00 to prepay the payment for the highway garage work? Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the answer is No. She had called the Dept. of Revenue and they said it was too late to make that payment, however it was possible that we could put an Article on the Warrant this year and pay that amount of money out of surplus.

2. What appropriation line was the Skid Steer loader placed under in the account for

purchase? Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised it was put in the same line item that the baler was, which is under the Transfer Station. The actual accounting entry is not in yet.

3. Has there been a quote to sell or return the Skid Steer, or will there be a vote tonight to do so? Peter Fenton advised no to the first part, and assumes they will discuss it tonight. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised it is on the list of Warrant Articles to see if the town wants to return it, under number 19.

4. Have you communicated with your subordinates that the sidewalks be plowed during the regular hours and not on overtime? Jack Meaney advised that a lot of work is done during overtime when there is a storm, and how do you differentiate what is done when, when the crew comes in at 11:00pm and stay through until 3:00pm the next day? A lot of that time is overtime. Jack Meaney advised they are NOT staying around to do sidewalks on overtime. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the Town pays overtime over 40 hours, not over 8 hours in any one day.

Trudy Willett handed out a paper listing the 2010 Warrant Articles.

Harry Wright questioned if the town has ever looked into minimizing the road crew by outsourcing some of the functionalities? Such as plowing, summer maintenance etc. was suggested. Discussion ensued.

Beth Rodd requested that anyone who has something to say state their name for the record.

Jon Marden advised Oakdale Road was not plowed during this last storm, and it is 5:30pm. Jack Meaney advised he will talk with the Road Agent.

Marlene Freyler advised the company where the Fireworks for the Independence Day celebration has previously been purchased has been sold and requested permission to purchase them from Atlas Fireworks. Atlas Fireworks has offered a $2,500.00 credit against the $10,000.00 fireworks fee. The Selectmen advised that will be permissible if this is presented in writing to the Selectmen.

J.C. Brown questions the sidewalk plowing not being a state law yet. Jack Meaney suggested that this is in the process now. The policy in effect per Jack Meaney is that if we have them, we will maintain them. It was again brought up that maybe there could be a change stating the sidewalks could be done a couple of day after a storm? Jack Meaney pointed out that would not work as kids need to be walking to school on the sidewalk, not in the street. It was pointed out also that for the past several years, the sidewalks have not been plowed or sanded at all. Because of the law suit in the State, the town has become proactive with the issue was stated by Jack Meaney. In reply to a question as to how the Skid Steer gets to the Transfer Station, it was stated that it is driven right down the road.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she has had some extremely rude telephone messages left on the office telephone, actually, downright nasty. No one here is trying to do anything underhanded, and if you do not agree with everything, that is ok, but please, let’s keep the undercurrent down as much as possible. The caller who did not identify himself but was recognized has been turned over to the police department. This caller also called the highway garage.

Andrew Pinard advised there is a paved section between the Church parking lot and Church Street which has been regularly cleared in the past, and has yet to be cleared this year, and is causing traffic issues. Jack Meaney stated this will be brought up to the Road Agent.

Andrew Pinard also questioned the allocation of resources of the road crew. Has the Selectmen discussed this year about trying to adopt a schedule that is flexible. If the crew has to work late during some storms, rather than giving them 60 hours, could the scheduling allow the crew to come in at a reduced schedule the next day or so to cut back on overtime? Jack Meaney advised dispatch (Merrimack County Sheriff’s Dept.) called them in at 5:00am this morning. We did not have an issue in this town, but Newbury, Warner and surrounding towns did.

Regular Business:

Accounts payable and payroll manifest were reviewed and signed.

Initial generator grant papers signed.

CAP rent at the Community Center was increased by $50.00.

Town Warrant Articles were discussed briefly which total 25 in all.

The Capital Reserve Fund, prepared by Everett Kittredge was handed out. One thing not on the list is Communications: Fire Dept. and Rescue Squad. Police and Highway will be in there, and the possibility was discussed about starting a Reserve for Communication Equipment, such as radios and electronic equipment including a replacement antenna.

The Road Committee meets on January 20, 2010.

Petition Deadline Date:         February 2, 2010 at 5:00pm.

Additional conversation ensued regarding the skid steer, and Jack Meaney advised a lot of research had been done prior to the purchase of the skid steer. He also indicated there could be a trailer available to transport it.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she had been contacted by two people who are interested in asking the town to take over their roads: Maple View and Chestnut Hollow. These petitions have not come in as yet.

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair, Planning Board:

Phil LaMoreaux, Chair came before the Selectmen regarding the non appearance of Carolyn Demers, Mosiac Artiques at their January 12, 2010 meeting at her request. There has been no Site Plan applied for and it was requested the Selectmen follow through with this as the town attorney has outlined.

It was discussed and decided to divide Warrant Article number 1 into two years, making it $49,418.00 each year for two years for the Main Street sidewalk Article.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised they are in the process of applying for a Grant for a heating system in the Town Hall, and it needs to be submitted by the 15th of February. This will be awarded by March 10, and there is no match of funds on this.

Marlene Freyler invited everyone to come to the Budget Hearing being held on February 9, 2010.

Peter Fenton advised he would like to see the Skid Steer Article come in by petition.

The Article #16 for Recertification of property assessments will be left as a Warrant Article.

Review and Consideration of January 5, 2010 minutes:

Motion was made by Jack Meany to approve the January 5, 2010 minutes.

Page 5, Debbie Masters name should be: Diamond.

Page 6, Road Committee member omitted: Charles Meany.

Peter Fenton seconded the motion. Motion carried with edits. 2-0.

Ken Anderson advised he does not want to open the transfer station any earlier than their present hours. He also said that they are there earlier in order to get ready to open for the public at their scheduled time per Cheryl Behr, Administrator.

Motion was made, seconded and carried to close the public session and go back into Non Public at 7:10pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley