Select Board Minutes 05.10.11

MAY 10, 2011

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Call to Order and Roll Call:

Harry Wright, Chair called the meeting to order at 5:32pm with Barry Wheeler, Cheryl Behr, Administrator, Marilyn Gordon, Treasurer and Marge Cilley, Secretary present. Jack Meaney arrived at 5:55pm.


Laura Hallahan conveyed the appreciation of a person with a Tax Issue to the Select Board for their consideration. She was unable to attend this evening’s meeting.

Regular Business:

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised tax bills are going out today.

Accounts payable manifest and payroll manifests were reviewed and signed.

Signatures for revised sidewalk contract were done:

This is due to the engineer presenting the sidewalk Right of Way under a category which had been split out. It is the same money, just formerly re-assigning it. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the TE Grant is different than other Grants with a lot more paper work. Progress reports and billing monthly is required. The surveyors will be out this week and they will be putting together their base plans and will be having public input. This will be well advertised per Cheryl Behr, Administrator. Borings have been done, and on the side of the street where the problem was, (by Plottner property) it still has high testing results. On the sidewalk side of the street, there is no issue reported.

Dates and Times of the Selectmen’s meetings – budget impact:

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the biggest budget impact with meeting weekly there would be no secretarial funds available. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised she is already consistently working over 40 hours a week now, and does not have the time to do it. One solution would be to close the Selectmen’s office on Friday and she would have time to do it.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised between three and five thousand dollars is needed to finish out the year for secretarial services.

Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief suggested if the calculations of Jeff Remillard, Road Agent are found to be correct, there will be some funds left from the Fire Pond dredging which could be available.

Harry Wright, Chair suggested that a member of different boards could take the minutes of their meetings. Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised it is very difficult to take the minutes and participate at the same time.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the secretary not only takes the Selectmen’s minutes, but there is a Safe Route to School meeting this Thursday which is very important for minutes to be taken. Minutes of these meetings covered by Grants must be very well documented, as that is part of the requirement.

Marcia Keller, Planning Board Chair advised the purpose of the minutes legally is really to record decisions that are made. This means that as detailed as the minutes can be, and there is some merit historically in having them there, they really can be much briefer than they are from all the boards. If there is no vote, then recording is not necessary.

Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief advised the minutes are more important than just decisions. Right now I am in the process of a legal litigation that I need good documentation for.

Discussion ensured regarding other financial expenses of running the Selectmen’s office.

Currently, the Selectmen’s meeting hours will remain the same, Tuesday’s at 5:30pm the first and third of each month. This will be discussed and decision will be upcoming at their May 24th meeting.

Dave Pickman advised the time is not necessarily important, but the topic could be.

Jeff Remillard, Road Agent:

Jeff Remillard, Road Agent had presented a letter to the Selectmen with a comparison sheet which was discussed at length for different jobs. One question was the Fire Pond dredging, and there would be no permits required from the State per Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief.

Rental of excavator comparison between Jeff Remillard, Road Agent and other renters was examined and discussed at length as to how it impacts the town. Harry Wright, Chair advised the two major ditching efforts to be done are: Deer Valley Road, Rowe Mountain Road and Forest Street. Also, crushing and screening of gravel at the dump, the Davis Road culvert that needs to be replaced as well as several other things such as miscellaneous stumps and large rocks to be picked up. Those specific jobs, not doing the crushing and screening but buying the gravel and doing the Fire Pond for $7500.00, did not rent the equipment with the man hours, that group of projects would cost $93,500.00.

If we rented the excavator at the rate of $960.00 per day, with operator, that same group of projects would cost $100,220.00. If the town uses Jeff Remillard’s, Road Agent, equipment at $15,000.00 for the season the cost would be $59,750.00.

Dave Pickman disagreed as he stated the Road Agent has a conflict of interest. He has talked with two Road Agents who advised they do no ditching with an excavator, as they do not have excavators in their town. There are an occasional time when an excavator would be used, and that is the time you hire it out. Last year $15,000.00 was spent and asking to spend another $15,000.00 this year. Put this money aside and go out and buy a used piece of equipment the town could use. Much discussion ensued.

Motion was made by Harry Wright to rent Jeff Remillard’s excavator at Fifteen thousand ($15,000.00) dollars from now through the end of the season, with the same terms as last year, effectively a three month rental. Seconded by Jack Meaney.

Barry Wheeler voted Nay. Motion carried 2-1.

Conversation included Jeff Remillard will use his truck and trailer to move the equipment.

Dick Keller questioned if any of the roads that are to be worked on for improvement were ones that were turned down at town meeting. Reply from Harry Wright, Chair was the improvements were for beyond the normal budget items of shimming, paving that were warrant articles. These projects are within the normal scope of the job of maintaining.

Davis Road Slip Lining Culvert:

The Slip Lining of Davis Road culvert was turned down at town meeting. The alternative for the Road Crew was to replace the culvert. Jeff Remillard, Road Agent advised the price to do the slip line was to do the 6 foot culvert and the 4 foot culvert. It was more money to do the slip line, however it did not involve any permits to slip line, and the road would have no closure what so ever. Now, there is a hole in the culvert and it is starting to be a safety concern. A steel plate was considered, but that would cost over $3,000.00 to buy a temporary plate, and what would happen when it was plowed this winter? A price was obtained for a 48” culvert, (the one that is failing) and that is $1,600.00, so that new culvert was purchased by the Road Agent. Now permits are being waited for. Jeff Remillard, Road Agent advised he did call DES to state this is now an emergency repair, but has not heard back from them. It was stated that Davis Road is a dead end road with expensive property located there, probably owned by summer people who could not attend these meetings.

Reimbursement for West Road Bridge has been mailed.

Cheryl Behr will draft a letter explaining what needs to be done at the Bement Covered Bridge and will be ready for next Tuesday’s meeting to make a decision and will be hand carried to DOT.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised LGC brought out some samples for the Parks and Recreation to review for the French’s Park sign.

Also, Cheryl advised she would like the Selectmen’s approval to set up a Public Hearing time for the Boat Launch sign as requested by Dave Currier, Massasecum Lake Association. There would be no cost to the town for this sign.

BACC progress report:

It was stated that Jim Valiquet, Police Chief is the new Chair.

There are several items needing attention: Deck requires repair, trim needs painting. Question was if the roof has been checked in the last year. Ellen Bronson has resigned from the BACC.

It was requested that the Farmer’s Market be held on Saturday, July 2. Marlene Freyler advised she was planning on having one at the previous Merrimack Farm Store.

Ambulance coverage:

Mark Goldberg, Fire Chief advised Henniker has agreed to cover Bradford for now. No other information is available at this time, hopefully in the fall.

Fire Chief, Mark Goldberg advised Valley Fire Equipment is holding an “Open House” on May 14th from 10:00am to 2:00pm. and the Board and associated people are welcome to come. Many trucks will be on show.

It is also “Open House for the Historical Society” per Harry Wright, Chair.

Cheryl Behr, Administrator advised the School Bill has been received, and Bradford’s share is $2,847,000.00.

Question to Jeff Remillard regarding paving. Is that going to be a rental or contracting? Jeff replied that it is unknown right now, as he has rented the equipment out to another town. If it is available, then he will offer rent to the town at the same rate as last year. This would be to do West Road, Fairgrounds Road and a couple of small streets.

Laura Hallahan reiterated that it should be considered for smaller jobs if there is any chance to use local people. In this economy, it could be very helpful, and that is what small towns do, take care of their own.

Motion made, seconded and carried to adjourn to Non Public Session per RSA 91:A:3IIa at 6:55pm.

Non Public Session commenced at 7:00pm. Per RSA 91:A:3IIa

Decision made in non-public session was for the Chief of Police to continue with his efforts on a project.

Motion to close non-public session at 7:30pm.

Motion made, seconded and carried to adjourn 7:31pm.

Respectfully submitted

Marjorie R. Cilley