Selectmen’s Agenda 01.24.22

Zoom instructions can be found here

Roll Call:

Review Minutes of the January 10th and January 13th meetings


  1. Sheriff Croft
  2. Eric Gregoire – Steam Wing
  3. Fire Department – Warrant Article
  4. Energy Committee – Warrant Article
  5. Steve Hall – Highway
  6. Lois Kilnapp – Transfer Station
  7. Laurie Buchar – Center Meetinghouse

Public Input:

Regular and Old Business:

  1. Accounts Payable and Payroll Manifest for review and signature
  2. COVID Protocol update
  3. Budget/Expenses
  4. Warrant Articles
  5. TIF update
  6. Town Meeting
  7. Town Hall Update

New Business:

  1. Land Acknowledgement Statement for Town Report
  2. Finalize 2020 Audit
  3. Sign Naughton Annual Post Closure Report
  4. Sign Equalization Assessment Data Certificate
  5. Sign Borrowing Resolution for Town Credit Card

Non-Public Session      per RSA 91-A:3II  (b) & (c)

Upcoming meetings:     February 14, 2022

February 28, 2022